Thursday, September 19, 2024

Iran's President Insists Tehran Wants to Negotiate over Nukes

Iran's new reformist president insisted Monday that Tehran didn't want to enrich uranium at near-weapons grade levels but had been forced to by the U.S. withdrawal from its nuclear deal with world powers.



More from the article...

... The comments by President Masoud Pezeshkian, in response to a question by The Associated Press at his first news conference, underlines a campaign promise he made to try to see international sanctions on the Islamic Republic lifted. However, it remains unclear just how much room for negotiation Pezeshkian will have " and just who will be in the White House come next year.

"I think, we said many times, we don't want to do this at all. We want to solve our technical and scientific needs, we are not looking for nuclear weapons," Pezeshkian said. "We adhered to the framework written in the (nuclear deal). We are still looking to maintain those frameworks. They tore them, they forced us to do something."

He added: "If they don't continue, we will not continue,"

Pezeshkian's comments came as Iran enriches uranium up to 60% purity, which is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. Iran long has insisted its nuclear program is peaceful, but Western nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency say Iran had a military nuclear program up until 2003. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-18 12:18 AM

Why is Iran an enemy? We have mutual interests and could be allies.

Why is Israel calling the tune on this?

Who cares what the Israeli's want?

Iran is the most advanced country in the ME. The most Democratic, believe it or not.

War with Iran to satisfy Israel is Stupid. But that's where we're headed.

All to help Bigots slaughter and steal.

Iran is safer for Jews than any other country in the ME.

They actually have civil rights. Unlike the Palestinians in Israel.

Israel fears Iran because they are competitive with them on every level.

But have about half a million more square miles of territory to draw resources from.


#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-18 05:05 PM

"... but had been forced to by the U.S. withdrawal from its nuclear deal with world powers."

"At 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.[31]

He called the agreement "a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made"[31] and added, "[i]t didn't bring calm, it didn't bring peace, and it never will."[31]

Secretary-General Antnio Guterres said he is "deeply concerned by [the] announcement that the United States will be withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and will begin reinstating US sanctions".[49]

United States:
The Democratic Party criticized Trump's decision to withdraw.[44]
Former president Barack Obama said "the deal was working and it was in US interests."[2][50]
Former secretary of state John Kerry said that the US should have preserved the deal.[2]
Former national security advisor Susan Rice said it was a "foolish decision".[51]

under 'Opposition'

The Israelis, Saudis, Nicci Haley, John Bolton, and Dick Cheney loved it.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-18 05:20 PM

Why is Iran an enemy?

War is a good racket. There's a reason we don't go to war with Iran. They're doing exactly what's expected of them.

Also. The only reason the mullahs want to negotiate is to get more money for themselves while ignoring the misery the Islamic regime has caused the citizens of Iran.

#4 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-18 05:33 PM

When Obama/Biden/Harris send pallets-o-cash to Iran, do they use regular pallets or are there special purpose pallets-o-cash pallets?

#5 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-09-19 10:40 AM

are there special purpose pallets-o-cash pallets?

They used the same pallets Dubya used to send cash to the Mahdi Army in Iraq.

#6 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-09-19 10:46 AM

Pallets? Who needs stinking pallets when you have bitcoin, crypto, camel caravans, lights over Area 51, odd parts retrieved from Roswell, John the Baptist's rabbit's foot, a pair of Trump's diapers, three feet of copper wire, and a 9-volt battery?

#7 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-19 11:05 AM

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