Thursday, October 24, 2024

“Goldwater Rule” Doc Recommends Dementia Tests For Trump

A psychiatrist who helped craft the 1973 "Goldwater rule" that has kept many mental health professionals from opining on Donald Trump for nearly a decade said that it was not intended as a hard-and-fast prohibition, and that if he were Trump's doctor, he would order a full battery of tests to determine the cause of what he believes could be the former president's dementia. "He seems to be progressively cognitively impaired," said Allen Dyer, a retired George Washington University psychiatry professor.


Trump has refused to release any medical records heading into next month's election, even though he would be, were he to win, the oldest president to take the oath of office. On Sunday, at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, he denied being close to 80 years old or having any cognitive issues.

"I'm not 80, and I'm not that close to 80," said Trump, who is 20 months away from turning 80. "I've done cognitive tests. I've done them twice, and I aced both of them, and the doctor in one case said, I've never seen anybody ace them.'"

Dyer and other psychiatrists, though, said that test, often used as an initial screening tool which Trump took nearly seven years ago, is not helpful in assessing his current condition.

"That assessment is given to potential nursing home patients to decide which wing to assign them to, not to someone you want to hire, let alone be president," said Andrew Smolar, a Pennsylvania psychiatrist who has had numerous patients of Trump's age and apparent condition.


"[Dyer] added that if Trump has not yet gotten professional help for whatever is causing these and other behaviors, he should, for his own sake, so that an appropriate treatment could be started."

"I would want to do lab studies, imaging studies, and a battery of psychological tests," Dyer said. "One would want to know if this is dementia and decreased cognitive function."

Smoler said it would be important to figure out if Trump's problems are organic, based in brain chemistry or other physical factors, or psychological, such as anxiety and stress. "The first thing to do is to understand the problem," he said. "Then you try to figure out if there's a treatment."

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-24 09:49 AM

"I've done cognitive tests. I've done them twice, and I aced both of them, and the doctor in one case said, I've never seen anybody ace them.'"

What doctor?

Get them on air to testify to that.

Better still, lets have them both do the test given by an independent doctor right now.

#2 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-10-24 11:59 AM

Putin's mush-brained bitch doesn't even know how old he is. What a dotard.

#3 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-10-24 12:15 PM

LMAO You just had to off your President on Twitter a few months back because he couldn't make a complete sentence. You have no credibility.

#4 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-10-25 08:36 AM

Have him come take another test have it checked by the doctor and show the Actual test to the American public immediately.

#5 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-10-25 07:36 PM

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