"@#17 ... I never said it was 'too expensive' moron. ...
But your current alias did seem to complain ..."
Gee, I am complaining because I have to shell out an extra $20k per kid for a service I am already paying for? Damn right.
"So, I'll ask, how does that comment, i.e., talking about the cost of private schools, relate to what the workers of the Country face in their day-to-day bill paying?"
Because in your Democrat paradise (which California is the logical end state), the problem only gets worse, not better. You can apply this to any sort of cost I pay now that I am already supposed to be receiving - such as the private security for my community despite paying for police already in my taxes.
"I mean, really, talking about $20,000 private schooling costs, and saying that the $20,000 is not too expensive, when people are just trying to put food on the table for their families?"
I value my children. Therefore, it is not TOO EXPENSIVE. I am pissed because it is an EXTRA expense that I should not be having to pay if the government was competent AT ALL. For people that can't out food on their table, probably stop voting for Democrats in CA on the local, state, and national levels as the problems only get worse and as other states start to look like CA.
"Thank-you for your current alias's candid views of the economic problems that face Americans.
#18 | Posted by LampLighter"
This country has horrible problems and YES, it is failing. Forget if we are better now that 4 years ago, are we better now than we were 30 years ago. I think about 90% of people would gladly go back to the Bill Clinton years. Things were affordable, public schools worked for the most part, illegal immigrant was under control, budget and federal debt were manageable, wars were at a low other than covering for BJs in the Oval Office, and race relations were quickly becoming a post-racial nation.
You compare that to now, and yes, the nation is a mess. Working people are getting killed by the 20M+ illegals suppressing wages for unskilled Americans. Public schools are little more than bilingual daycares and prison pipelines. We are on the cusp of WW3 when Iran retaliates in the next few days, budget and deficit are the worst in the country's history, and we are on the cusp of an internal race war.
All of this was brought to you by liberal policies implemented through 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Obama, 4 years of Biden, and 8 years of Neocon W Bush (which is not surprising he and Cheney support Kamala now as they are ideologically aligned).