Sunday, March 09, 2025

South Carolina Executes Death Row Inmate by Firing Squad

South Carolina has executed a man convicted of double murder by firing squad, the first time the state has ever used the method to carry out the death penalty.


'Etched in my mind': witness to South Carolina firing squad execution describes killing

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-- The Guardian ( March 8, 2025 at 8:59 AM


Americans should expect more executions in our new State of Gilead.

#1 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-07 07:52 PM


#2 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-03-07 07:59 PM

A whole squad?

Just need one guy.

That is a waste of government resources.

#3 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-07 08:04 PM

Hi Snoofy. In the firing squad one of the marksmen is given a powerful blank cartridge allowing him to think he wasn't the one who killed the convict. Men with consciences all walk away from the execution saying: "I had the blank" to avoid guilty pangs. The Russian system was one bullet to the back of the head or neck, but that executioner must have no conscience.

#4 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-07 08:21 PM

A whole squad?

Just need one guy.

That is a waste of government resources.

Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-07 08:04 PM | Reply

The reason is is so no one knows who fired the fatal shot.

#5 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-03-07 08:22 PM

What world do you live in? I find it more likely that each one brags they have the live round! In fact, why not give them all live rounds, if the point is to make sure the convict actually dies?

I believe the rules you describe are from when soldiers have to shoot their own for heinous crimes like desertion.

I heard the same thing as a child, growing up in the wake of Vietnam and the ebb tide of WWII.

So I'm not disagreeing with what you said. I am contextualizing it.

Also it was a joke about DOGE.

Speaking of which, as a liberal, I can only support execution by solar powered electric chair.

#6 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-07 08:27 PM

Just need one guy.
- snoofy

Does it even need to be a person?

#7 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-07 08:29 PM

Don't let facts stop you, but, all the guards had live rounds for the firing squad when executing Brad Keith Sigmon in South Carolina. The firing squad team consisted of three voluntary corrections staff members, and they pointed rifles at Sigmon's chest and fired live rounds.

#8 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2025-03-07 08:57 PM

Ghoulamazed is positively giddy.

#9 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-03-07 09:05 PM

And just in case, he wore a target with a red bullseye over his chest. Ballistics will tell bullet killed him.

#10 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2025-03-07 09:05 PM

#9 Just reporting the facts for the ill-informed.

#11 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2025-03-07 09:09 PM

Ezekiel 23:20

#12 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-03-07 09:15 PM

As a military veteran, I wrote about the old method used by firing squads which is what I hope is the SOP today in our prisons. Some people do have consciences after pulling the trigger.

#13 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-07 09:43 PM

Just reporting the facts for the ill-informed.

Sweet! Got any more deets? Rifle type? Caliber? FMJs or hollow points? Range? Do they clean up the mess with mops or sawdust?

#14 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-03-07 09:47 PM

Should have been beaten to death with a baseball bat.

#15 | Posted by fortfisher at 2025-03-07 11:55 PM

Ezekiel 23:20

#12 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-03-07 09:15 PM | Reply | Flag:

The Bible also says don't be a ------, but it hasn't stopped you.

#16 | Posted by fortfisher at 2025-03-07 11:59 PM

#15, 16
Seek help from a mental health professional
You need it.

#17 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-03-08 06:50 AM

They could use a mortar or anti-aircraft gun like the Nor Kors did,
Or the more civilized British form of "Blowing from a gun."

#18 | Posted by Charliecharles at 2025-03-08 07:42 AM

"The firing squad team consisted of three voluntary corrections staff members"

See what I mean?

They love to kill.

#19 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-08 10:04 AM

Hey stupid, the one who "loved to kill" was the one executed.

#20 | Posted by fortfisher at 2025-03-08 10:11 AM

Every shooter loved the kill, or they wouldn't volunteer to shoot a defenseless person.

People like you are sad that people like you don't get to volunteer to join the firing squad.

#21 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-08 10:14 AM

Hey stupid, the one who "loved to kill" was the one executed.

#20 | Posted by fortfisher

And whoever stepped up to shoot him.

#22 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-08 10:24 AM

#13 That is not what you said in #4. Laura could not wait to offer her expertise (S/) on the matter followed by Snoopy. A former Veteran? Welcome to the DR, you now rank as a moocher.

#23 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2025-03-08 10:25 AM


I see that the Thread Monitor position has been filled... all that Hall Monitor experience prolly helped.

#24 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-08 10:33 AM

Corky, you don't take misinformation serious enough. You should be banned.

#25 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2025-03-08 10:50 AM

- misinformation

Hilarious coming from a disciple of the Lyin' King.

#26 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-08 11:32 AM

Oh noes!

Corky done got a demerit from the hall monitor.

Stop running in the halls corky!

And stay off the grass!

Seriously Corky you gotta cut down on the grass. You are having way too much fun around here.

#27 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-08 11:38 AM

Uh oh the hall monitor is out and about. Tis time to skedaddle. She might wanna spank you on the hiney.

#28 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-03-08 11:41 AM

- stay off the grass!

Not happening!

#29 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-08 12:15 PM

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