
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Customer chatbots built on top of general purpose gen-AI engines are proliferating. They are easy to develop but hard to secure.



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More from the article...

... In January 2024, Ashley Beauchamp tricked' DPD's chatbot into behaving unconventionally. The chatbot told him how bad DPD's service is, swore, and even composed a disparaging haiku about its owner:

- - - DPD is a useless
- - - Chatbot that can't help you.
- - - Don't bother calling them.

DPD shut down the chatbot and blamed an error following an update (fuller story from Ivona Gudelj on LinkedIn). Others were not so sure " the output bears all the hallmarks of jailbreaking', or breaching AI's guardrails through prompt engineering. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-28 01:29 AM | Reply

fwiw, DPD looks to be similar to the DHL or UPS.

We foster better business to deliver progress for commerce

Leader in parcel delivery, Geopost (formerly DPDgroup) is further growing the development of out-of-home and 2C delivery services whilst expanding solutions for food and healthcare business,. We embrace new e-commerce territories and endeavor to make commerce more convenient, profitable and sustainable for our customers and communities. ...

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-28 01:32 AM | Reply

And... if I may.

I called my ISP's customer service line.

I was greeted by a bot.

Everything after that cheerful welcome, well let me just say, it did not go uphill from there.

But that seems to be Comcast.

imo, Profits instead of customer service.

Golden Earring - Twilight Zone (1982)

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-28 01:39 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1 new Comcast Xfinity
High speed internet through their
'Gateway' device. Crap. Supposed to
be up to 1 gig per sec download, mine
tops out at 800 mbps on my phone, 380 mbps
in my bedroom on the tablet. Also, Bot help.
No real life help. And worst of all,
STILL limited to 80 mbps download via my
tv, but that fault is Roku and their extremely
limited speeds on their Roku devices. Looking
at upgrading to the Amazon Firestick (I think it is
called). About 3xs faster.

#4 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-05-28 03:06 PM | Reply

Look, AIs are pretty impressive in some areas but in others just scary bad or worse plain old scary. This is a gold rush. People are lining up to dump money on AI because "AI". The LLM AIs are truly not proven IMHO. I can get on Google, ChatGPT and other and just simply get bad data, literal word for word data without being attributed to the author, etc. I honestly kind of hope some lawsuits putt these companies in their place. They are just loading unattributed and unvetted data wholesale it seems. I just seen one today for Google's AI that it quoted a Reddit user from 10 years ago almost perfectly word for word on what was assuredly a snarky comment about using edible glue to get Cheese to stick better to pizza.

That said they seem to do amazing at some things BUT I don't know that I would say I feel like they are trustable, I have a constant nagging at the back of my head. I think you are going to start seeing lawsuits along those lines in the future. I do mean something like "chart this data for me in this manner for presentation to a bank for financing" type stuff.

I know developers using it and some think it is the best ever but the more experienced ones I know say "hold on..." and go on to show just how bad what the AI purposed was. We just had one of those a couple weeks ago. All I could do not to laugh at my guy for throwing a query up purposed as optimized by an AI in a chat. He took an optimized statement and told us we were doing it wrong. It was so bad my jaw dropped and I am not a guru. I wanted to ask him if he even knew how to write SQL for our engine but our Web Architect beat me to it.

#5 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-05-28 05:50 PM | Reply

It's still the early days, there is a lot of development and research still to do. Google actually pays Reddit for that access. That is a fundamental flaw in LLM training data sets. They're not curating and context tagging things, they can't, it's too big of a task.. so you have to use LLMs doing sentimement analysis to figure it out and they're not perfect either. If people treat a post like truth, the context will be determined to be true, so you get "hallucinations". All that's going on really is pattern matching, the input is tokenized and turned into 300 dimension vectors. Row operations on the matrix reduce it and let the model figure out the patterns. That's a really shortened version of what's happening but they pay $300k+ a year, with 7 digit compensation packages, if you're good at it. Cruise is paying $600k/yr for machine vision experts.

#6 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-05-29 08:51 AM | Reply

Github Copilot... it's pretty okay. It can do some things quickly for you, but it's a trap for new devs. It doesn't necessarily adhere to style guidelines and code architecture in the same project. It will give you mongoose schema solutions that don't work with the schema, putting in whatever.find instead of whatever.findbyid()

#7 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-05-29 08:54 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort