
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, June 13, 2024

"GREEN: Well, the law restructures Florida's energy policy so that climate change and addressing planet-warming pollution no longer are priorities, and instead, the priorities now are reducing reliance on foreign energy sources and strengthening the energy infrastructure here against, as the measure says, natural and manmade threats."



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Climate change doesn't care.

How soon until Miami resurfaces?

#1 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-13 07:43 AM | Reply

Idiot Desantis seems to think that if we don't say the words it will prevent it from happening. zvery bad timing on that bill sigbing; we're rxperiencing serious flooding all over South Florida and we're predicted to get 8 more inches of rain this afterboon. Prthaps our governor who spends so much time and effort on drag qteens and trans kids and is now trying to shove Christian indoctrination into our public schools should stop tryibg to pray the gay away and spend nore time praying the rain away! What a total douche bag he is! We had russian war ships within a few miles of the Florida coast just a few days ago but he's still more worried about "gebder affirning healthcare" being available to minors even with the consent of the young person's doctor and parents. Meanwhile natural forces we aren't supposed to talk about are flooding Florida's largest city and destroying millions of dpllars worth of property. It truly is time for Desantis to get his head out of his ass and deal with the real problems Floridians are dealing with every day!

#2 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-13 07:56 AM | Reply

Needs to be repeated until he's no longer in a position of power: Desantis is a POS whose positions ultimately only favor the absolute richest of the rich (he'll ban Playboy and interracial/gay marriage or whatever to appease the mouthbreathing masses without whose votes he'd not be in his position)

#3 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-06-13 08:19 AM | Reply

whose positions ultimately only favor the absolute richest of the rich

Florida is now the most expensive state in the US to live due to the cost of rent.

But that is the point of republican policies, to make it so unaffordable, the icky lower middle class won't infest the gated communities.

The wealth discrepancy in the US is why the nation is in the s**t state it is today. The wealthy have corrupted the tax laws to allow them to amass 95% of the wealth in the top 1% of people in the US. That is why the average americans cannot afford college, rent, food, clothing, etc.

That is not a bug in the american system. It's a feature. Keep the population just poor enough to stoke anger, but not so poor as to overturn the apple cart.

The GQP use social issues to stoke fear to keep them in power. This is one of the issues.

"The average personal income in the United States is about $54,000. But that number is significantly bumped up by the small number of people who make significantly more. The median personal income, on the other hand, is just under $36,000. This means that more than half of people in the US make less than $36,000, a significant drop from the $54,000 average. This difference is even more pronounced when you look at wealth. The median net worth of US households is $121,700, yet the average net worth is a whopping $748,800. "

#4 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-13 09:04 AM | Reply

"How soon until Miami resurfaces?"
Not today!

#5 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-13 10:17 AM | Reply

Rhonda Santurd is a menace.

"Two Orlando-area Senators want Gov. Ron DeSantis to spare stormwater projects when he takes his veto pen to the budget.

Democratic Sens. Linda Stewart of Orlando and Victor Torres of Kissimmee cited recent floods and the decision by the Orlando City Council last week to hike stormwater fees in calling on DeSantis to keep their stormwater projects."


"DeSantis cuts water projects, opioid funding as he signs budget"

#6 | Posted by 726 at 2024-06-13 01:41 PM | Reply

No worries. DeSantis can just continue to rely on declaring a state of emergency 3 or 4 times a year and use Federal tax dollars while keeping his state budget low.

In other words, the rest of us can just pay for it.

#7 | Posted by horstngraben at 2024-06-13 02:11 PM | Reply

Tiny D declares emergency over floods after cutting stormwater funds

Bootsy is a complete failure.

#8 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-13 09:52 PM | Reply

Well, he definitely doesn't want to discuss the nightmare that is home owners insurance in Florida right now.

#9 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-14 10:38 AM | Reply


your articles are a little dated

but let's ignore that.

"Florida is now the most expensive state in the US to live due to the cost of rent."

That is incorrect. It's not the most expensive state. It's least affordable. Not the same thing

You think rent in Florida is more expensive than in New York? LA?

Incomes in Florida are low which is why the rent is the least affordable.

get it?

I'm not calling you a liar because I doubt you meant to do that....but rather you don't understand those terms and what they mean.

So keep that in mind the next time you accuse someone of being a liar for getting something wrong.

#10 | Posted by eberly at 2024-06-14 11:03 AM | Reply

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