
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, June 30, 2024

The crazy comes out clearly in his incredibly idiotic rant against windmills. The view is important if you own beachfront properyy in Palm Beach I guess His crazy complaints that wind mills are so ugly demonstrate how unhinged he really is.



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He's an obese chancer who is afraid of his own shadow and wears suits three sizes too large for him and ties he almost trips over because his hairdresser told him otherwise he might "look a tad ... big-boned." Of course he's afraid of windmills.

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-30 06:36 AM | Reply


It's called Tilting"

"attacking imaginary enemies or evils

"Tilting at windmills" in contemporary parlance is typically understood as "attacking imaginary enemies or evils."

The phrase dates way back (before binoculars and telescopes) when a mounted force at war would see a vague image ahead and tilt their spears forward in "Charge!" formation.

Only to find out it was a windmill.

Very embarrassing even in this day and age.

#2 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-30 07:22 AM | Reply


Trump is so paranoid he'll tilt (Charge!) at every perceived enemy he can imagine.

#3 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-30 07:35 AM | Reply

Right, TWINPAC, which means anything and everything that scares, confuses, unnerves, or angers the manbaby. Which is everything that doesn't go precisely his way. Such a beacon for the kids!

#4 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-30 07:42 AM | Reply

As I said, DOC

Trump is a raging paranoid with is finger on the nuclear button and no truth-to-power to stop him.

Truth-to-power in a Trump administration will be shot as a traitor.

If anybody thinks he's nuckin' futs now, wait until all the guardrails are down.

Then we'll see what America has done to itself.

#5 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-30 08:05 AM | Reply

All they know is electric. They want electric army tanks. They want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn't shining while you're up in the air?" asked the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, apparently referring to solar-powered aircraft.

Putin's demented DNA receptacle is a lost cause.

#6 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-30 10:48 AM | Reply

How is this not the craziest thing Trump has done in the last 7 days?

#7 | Posted by Tor at 2024-06-30 05:39 PM | Reply

no no putz's have it all wrong.

he's auditioning for the Don Quixote part at the community playhouse.

#8 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-30 05:54 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort