
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Communities in Florida were hit with heavy rainfall and intense flooding on the same day Governor Ron DeSantis cut budgets for multiple water projects.



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Reality and Republicans... two ships passing in the night.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-16 11:02 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 5

pearl clutching finger pointing BS. yeah, he did it but so what? if he'd not done what he did do you think it would've made a difference.
Climate Change is real but the suggested remedies are not well thought out.

1. electric vehicles are good city/suburban...otherwise, pretty much useless. AND...think infrastructure busses..many government vehicles...over-the-road semis, ALL NATURAL GAS.

3.MASSIVE RESIDENTIAL INSULATION PROGRAM licensing/tax tied to vehicles gross weight

as opposed to what, not only we, but what the rest of the world is doing


#2 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-16 11:24 AM | Reply | Funny: 1


1. Electric vehicles are good. No qualifiers needed.

2. All new city buses here are electric. Fossil gas is still a pollutant.

3. Good idea.

4. Not a bad idea at all. The VAST majority of road damage is caused by 80,000 pound semis, not 6,000 pound EVs. Also, nationalize the rails, regulate the freight railroads to end the ridiculously long trains that won't fit on sidings so Amtrak can be on time, and so smaller freight rail loads make sense again. Get a lot of trucks off the roads and on rails, it's idiotic to send coast to coast loads on trucks. Electrify ALL the rails, stop burning diesel for trains.

#3 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-06-16 11:48 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 5


Frankly, that just started this past year.

Instead of the energy credit being capped at $500 for a lifetime, the new program allows up to a $1200 credit, EACH YEAR.

The credit has caps for individual projects (doors, windows) to get you to the full credit, but "building envelope" (which includes insulation) allows for the full tax credit itself.

The credit is 30%. For example, if someone spends $4K on insulation, they get the max $1,200 credit for the year. And folks can repeat every year.

And if a project will more than max out your credit (say, new windows), consider doing the project in December and January.

#4 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-06-16 12:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


1.qualifiers definitely needed....agree too disagree

2.Kansas city uses natural gas last time I heard ... very much non polluting and uses proven tech, but I could make a case for the electric(city)bus too

3. thank you

4. you're correct pertaining to road damage BUT lighter autos are much more fuel efficient....think about the
6500 # pick-up used as the daily grocery-getter

#5 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-16 12:12 PM | Reply

Insulation and energy efficient devices are good things.

A lot of the energy issues could be resolved by simply not wasting so much of it.

#6 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-06-16 12:16 PM | Reply

Desane claims it's not rain but trans tears.

#7 | Posted by northguy3 at 2024-06-16 07:28 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

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Drudge Retort