
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, September 22, 2024

In June 2015, former President Donald Trump infamously came down a golden escalator and declared himself the man who couldn't be bought. Now, almost a decade later, he is running as a candidate who is openly for sale. He has said he'll offer plum jobs to major donors like Elon Musk, promised favors to oil executives, bragged to the wealthy about the tax cuts he can deliver and has even taken time away from his campaign to pitch a cryptocurrency project for his sons.



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"He just thinks he operates in his own world," Fred Wertheimer, a veteran of decades of fights over campaign finance and government ethics, told HuffPost. "What he's doing is incredibly brazen in both asking for large amounts of money and telling people what he's going to do for them in return."

"Bottom line, I've never seen anyone do what he's doing," Wertheimer said.

"He has and always will be a con man who's really only looking out for himself and whatever helps him to obtain power," said Tiffany Mueller, the president of the Democratic campaign finance group End Citizens United. "All his promises went out the window. Instead of draining the swamp, he brought the swamp to him and his properties and cashed in."

Elon Musk and other wealthy conservatives are funding America PAC, which is focused on turning out GOP voters in swing states. Trump's official super PAC, MAGA, Inc. is airing attack ads targeting Harris with more than $100 million from Timothy Mellon, a somewhat reclusive banking heir with far-right politics. And Miriam Adelson, the widow of gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson, is pouring tens of millions into Preserve America, another super PAC targeting Harris with attack ads.

[I]n public, Harris has not been nearly as obsequious to large donors, save for a decision to trim back a Biden proposal to increase taxes on capital gains. Donors, for instance, have openly pushed for Harris to fire Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan if she's elected president. But Democrats close to Harris have suggested such a push has only made it less likely that Harris will oust Khan, a progressive who has chilled mergers and acquisitions with an aggressive approach to antitrust.

Trump is simply being what he's always been: A life-long grifter moving from one con and mark to the next in the never-ending quest to keep the illusion of him as a successful businessman from crashing under the weight of the oppressive debt he has to manipulate in order to keep the fantasy alive.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-22 09:38 AM | Reply

NOW openly up for sale? Only now?

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-22 10:48 AM | Reply

This should surprise no one.

Whore's gonna whore.

#3 | Posted by RevDarko at 2024-09-22 10:51 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"What he's (Trump) doing is incredibly brazen in both asking for large amounts of money and telling people what he's going to do for them in return."

Well, he's mentally ill and he's greedy. He thinks that the world exists for him and what you have is rightfully his.

Buy those silver coins, ROBSON!

#4 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-22 10:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

He has said he'll offer plum jobs to major donors like Elon Musk, promised favors to oil executives, bragged to the wealthy about the tax cuts he can deliver

So Trump is blatantly offering "free stuff" to those already wealthy if they promise to give his PACs lots of money to benefit him directly.

May I ask where is all the outrage from the righties that call championing policies which offer benefits to those at the lowest rungs of our society as nothing more than the attempt of advocates to "buy their votes"?

Just how are hundreds of millions of dollars spent on negative campaign ads to influence the votes of these same people not the same thing, only worse since this attempt comes with a promised reward of government access/influence and largess from lowered taxation should their President and GOP-controlled Congress become re-elected?

#5 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-22 11:08 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

You mean he wasn't before? LOL

#6 | Posted by Ronnie68 at 2024-09-22 04:46 PM | Reply

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