
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, November 04, 2024

In the final sprint toward Election Day, Donald Trump has mused about former congresswoman Liz Cheney as well as journalists covering his rallies getting gunned down, confirmed that he will put an anti-vax conspiracy theorist in charge of the government's health care apparatus and explained that talking about a fictional serial killer proves his genius. And that was all before he declared at a rally Sunday that he should have just stayed in office despite his 2020 election loss and failed coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021.



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Trump's critics cite Trump's advancing years - he is now 78 - and apparent mental decline as the cause for his inability to deliver a succinct closing message as to why voters should, despite everything, return him to office.

"Age and cognitive decline?" offered one veteran Republican consultant on condition of anonymity.

"Psychological decompensation," said George Conway, whose former wife, Kellyanne Conway, ran Trump's 2016 campaign in its final months. George Conway supported Trump that election before quickly concluding he had made a terrible mistake.

Trump's increasingly erratic campaign rhetoric in the finals of his 2024 campaign stands in stark contrast to his performance eight years ago, when he robotically stuck to reading poll-tested themes from his teleprompter multiple times a day. Eight years later, Trump instead spends most of his hour-and-a-half speeches on ... side tracks.

One of the greatest all time mysteries will be how so many Americans simply could not see the pathological psychopathy that Trump has never tried to hide. This article's title actually begs the question, when has Trump ever not been an unfocused mess?

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-11-03 09:57 PM | Reply

"Put me in Coach..."


#2 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-11-03 10:14 PM | Reply

Dementia Don's cocktail of illicit drugs is wearing off

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-11-03 11:08 PM | Reply

So be it and be it so:

Kamala's Wins

BREAKING: Stunning reporting from CNN reveals sources within the Trump campaign believe the bottom has fallen out from underneath Donald Trump. There is a sense of panic within the Trump campaign. This is huge.

#4 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-11-04 11:00 PM | Reply

He's sinking fast. I'm not sure he even knows what he's doing or why he's doing it. He's just reaching into his memory bank and dwells on whatever hateful thing pops out.

I'm sure his staff has been pulling their hair out for months, hoping Trump could squeak through until after the election.

He didn't make it.

And by the time his trials get underway, he might even be too loopy to be prosecuted.

#5 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-11-04 11:46 PM | Reply

@#5 ... He's sinking fast. ...

I'm not yet convinced of that.

Sinking seems to imply that he is losing his base.

I don't see that.

On the other hand, if by sinking you mean, melting down ...

That I can agree with.

Back in 2020, I said he was melting around the edges.

Now, it seems, he is melting to the core.

That aside, the part that really concerns me is the lack of any objection within his party.

So, the GOP seems to be quite OK with him.

Or are they too cowardice to gainsay what they see?

So, along those lines, I have to ask ...

Do we want to elect representatives to Congress who espouse our views, or who seem to be dedicated to the views of the MAGA cult?

Hitler Oath

... The Hitler Oath (German: Fhrereid or Fhrer Oath)"also referred in English as the Soldier's Oath[1] --refers to the oaths of allegiance sworn by officers and soldiers of the Wehrmacht and civil servants of Nazi Germany between the years 1934 and 1945.

The oath pledged personal loyalty to Adolf Hitler rather than loyalty to the constitution of the country. ...

[emphasis mine]

#6 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 02:16 AM | Reply

Well, if he loses, sooner or later, odds are, those with badges and gun will be coming for him, but not to escort him to another rally, but instead, to a courtroom, and if his billions don't buy him perverted justice, then to a jail, so sure, he is blowing, if you will, every dog whistle he can.
He and I are the same age, and I can barely summon enough energy for three or four hours of focused engagement know, reality. He should never sit in the White House as President, he is not up to the job.

#7 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-11-05 07:44 AM | Reply

See--this is what happens when he cannot get his gawlf fix at least twice weekly...

#8 | Posted by catdog at 2024-11-05 09:23 AM | Reply

If you think he is going off the rails now, just wait until he gets humiliated with another electoral loss, but now to a black woman. He will come completely unglued in the coming weeks. I would not be surprised if the sentencing judge in New York orders a mental health evaluation.

#9 | Posted by bus_driver at 2024-11-05 12:00 PM | Reply

Anyone that thinks Donnie Felon will come through on ANY of his promises is smoking crack.

He passed one major piece of legislation last time...the tax scam that shifted the tax burden on the middle class from the 1%.

That is all he is planning to do this time..extend TCJA and make the deficit 10x worse.

#10 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-11-05 01:59 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort