
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, September 22, 2024

David French - While I'm interested in Mark Robinson's potential impact on the presidential race in North Carolina, I'm also concerned with the ongoing impact of MAGA on the heart of the Republican Party. In nine years, countless Republican primary voters have moved from voting for Trump in spite of his transgressions to rejecting anyone who doesn't transgress. If you're not transgressive, you're suspicious. Decency is countercultural in the Republican Party.



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This has changed the composition of the party. While many decent people remain - and represent the hope for future reform - Trump's Republican Party has become a magnet for eccentrics and conspiracy theorists of all stripes.

Indeed, Trump in his diabolical shrewdness knows how to build and maintain his own base. He's shed the Republican Party's traditional commitment to life. He'll sprint away from any policy or principle that he believes might cost him power. At the same time, he watches his crowd roar when he demonizes immigrants (MAGA's true north star) and he sees "red-pilled" young men rally to his side when he punches hard and never backs down.

Leaders don't simply enact policies; they dictate the cultures of the institutions they lead. We've all experienced this phenomenon in our workplaces, churches and schools. I've compared the cultural power of a leader to setting the course of a river. Defying or contradicting the leader's ethos is like swimming against the current - yes, you can do that for a time, but eventually you get exhausted and either have to swim to the bank and leave, or you're swept downstream, just like everyone else.

Trump has set the course of the Republican Party's cultural river for more than nine years. Fewer and fewer resisters remain, and they're growing increasingly exhausted and besieged.

My only question is why haven't more non-irrational, non-conspiracy-aligned Republicans not stopped supporting Trump? Are they really completely blind to who he is, was, and always will be - which is someone antithetical to traditional Republican values, especially respect and fealty to the Rule of Law as they support a felon openly subverting said laws solely for his own personal benefit, never for anything having to do with bettering the country?

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-22 01:03 PM | Reply

My only question is why haven't more non-irrational, non-conspiracy-aligned Republicans not stopped supporting Trump?

#1 | Posted by tonyroma

They have a yellow streak.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-22 02:00 PM | Reply

My only question is why haven't more...Republicans...stopped supporting Trump?
#1 | Posted by tonyroma

Mainly to blame is the 2 party system. Their only option is to support (gasp) Democrats.

#3 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-09-22 05:27 PM | Reply

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