
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A trove of legislative and electoral data reveals that when one party secures control, voters get ignored.



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More from the article...

... The most underappreciated story this election year is happening everywhere and yet is completely overshadowed by the race for the White House.

No matter who wins the presidency, the nation is going in two different directions. That's because more states have fallen under one-party control -- either Republican or Democrat -- than at any time in modern US history. The shifting dynamic is suppressing competition in elections, discouraging voter engagement and, in too many places, enabling the party in power to ignore perspectives outside of their base. In short, political choice is vanishing.

In 40 "trifecta" states -- where both chambers of the legislature and governor's office are controlled by a single party -- compromise has lost its luster, and large groups of voters are being sidelined with little influence over the decisions that affect their lives.1

The result is representative democracy's steady erosion, in which geography determines destiny for 82% of the American population " 41% live under Democratic control in 17 states and 41% under Republicans in 23 states. This divide is clear in a trove of state-level data on elections and legislation that reveals a nation not only splitting along party lines but also over the importance of democratic representation itself.

The impact on policy has been asymmetrical. For the past quarter-century, the public has become more progressive on many social issues, according to Gallup. Blue trifecta states have moved with it, namely on abortion, gender identity, climate change, guns, immigration and voting rights. Red trifectas, meanwhile, have hewed to their base and to policies that receive majority support only half the time -- rejecting Medicaid expansion, relaxing gun laws and cutting unemployment insurance.

To many voters in the 23 Republican trifecta states, representative government is not representing them. ...

[good graph in the article...]

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-22 12:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

More from the OpEd...

... The data shows that blue monopolies channel the goals of their voters, while red monopolies channel the agendas of their legislators (often at the expense of voters). ...

Among the 19 states with at least two-thirds of policies aligning with majority opinion in 2020, all were under Democratic or split control for most of the preceding two decades. New York saw the largest increase in policy responsiveness, going from 46% alignment in 2000 to 83% by 2020. States that spent more years under Republican control ranked lowest, and several of those " including South Dakota, Wyoming, Tennessee and Idaho " became even less aligned with their constituents over the 20-year period. More heavily gerrymandered states " such as Wisconsin and Arkansas " also proved less responsive than their counterparts with better democratic representation. ...

So, the Red states seems to be more authoritarian, more likely to ignore the will of those who voted them into power.

The recent abortion votes in a couple three of the Red states illustrate that.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-23 05:50 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

"So, the Red states seems to be more authoritarian, more likely to ignore the will of those who voted them into power."

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. An actual article put on DR for the DR lib kids to read that mostly offers an actual picture of what partisan politics is doing to our country and kids like you STILL use it as a way to attack another party...thereby providing even more supporting evidence to the article.

"... The data shows that blue monopolies channel the goals of their voters, while red monopolies channel the agendas of their legislators (often at the expense of voters). ..."

Did you even think critically at all about this statement? Legislators are VOTED IN MY VOTERS. So their agendas meet the agendas of their voters. It's so freaking completely crystal clear but written in a biased way that the fact you can't comprehend it means you are even younger than you come across or you actively refuse to think about what is being presented and just accept anything your masters tell you. The alternative to that biased statement doesn't match reality when red voters in red states clearly support their candidates. It's not like they are showing hate against the people they vote in and, in fact, it's clearly the opposite by red voter's inability to accept anyone else (just like blue voters).

Not being able to clearly see biased statements is something that the liberal party falls for way more than cons, which is why

"The recent abortion votes in a couple three of the Red states illustrate that."

But more voters in red states agree with strict abortion controls, so your point is invalid. And when more blue voters care, they actually vote against those laws than the cons who just don't care at all and don't waste time voting on the issue.

So...freaking...crystal...clear bias. And people still have problems seeing it.

#3 | Posted by humtake at 2024-10-24 12:10 PM | Reply

An actual article put on DR for the DR lib kids to read that mostly offers an actual picture of what partisan politics is doing to our country and kids like you STILL use it as a way to attack another party...thereby providing even more supporting evidence to the article.

Kids today!

You can't live with them and you can't eat them in the basement of a pizza parlor!

What's this world coming to?


You can thank the political world of Newt Gingrich for the political world we have today.

Newt Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump's rise.

And we all get to enjoy the fruits of his labors.

And yes Newt Gingrich was/is a rabid republican.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-24 12:27 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

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