Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A woman shot her four young daughters and then herself inside a home in northern Wyoming. The mother Tranyelle Harshman (32) and one daughter (7) survived, but their condition was unknown. The husband is devastated and a GoFundMe page was established to help pay for the exorbitant funeral costs.


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In an average year, 139 people die and 141 are wounded by guns in Wyoming, which has the 16th-highest rate of gun violence in the US. The "Cowboy State" reported 142,247 firearms licenses in 2021 and an estimated 66.2% of adults live in homes with guns. In Wyoming, 86% of gun deaths are suicides and 10% are homicides. This is compared to 56% and 40% nationwide, respectively.


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Initial reports suggest the mother suffered from PPD. Suicide rates in Wyoming are double the national rate. In the US it's easier to access a firearm than a psychologist. Per the CDC, in 2022 there were more than 48,000 firearm-related deaths in the US. These are wartime casualty figures without a foreign invader. See data:
link text

#1 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-02-11 09:44 PM | Reply

"PPD" is paranoid personality disorder, which is a very high level of suspicion and distrust.

Which is possible, I guess, but this sounds more like schizophrenia in which one is hearing voices... not in the head, but auditorily with the ears, that might be responsible.

Unless someone meant Postpartum depression, which is a mood disorder that would rarely be associated with this kind of result.

"... the 16th-highest rate of gun violence in the US."

Not bad for the least populated state in the union. A few more and DJT will give them a medal.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-11 10:04 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Hi Corky: Here's the source for the stats: link text

And the average cost of a funeral in Wyoming ranges between $5,000 to $7,000. You wonder how much the offending firearm cost. I know three healthy couples who couldn't conceive children, so two of them adopted. This tragedy must have broken all of their hearts.

#3 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-02-11 11:15 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Another responsible gun owner.

Thanks NRA.

#4 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 09:22 AM | Reply

"PPD" is paranoid personality disorder,

Something something shall not be infringed.

#5 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 09:25 AM | Reply

"... the 16th-highest rate of gun violence in the US."

Not bad for the least populated state in the union. A few more and DJT will give them a medal.

Its actually excellent, given they have the most guns per capita.

In Wyoming, 86% of gun deaths are suicides and 10% are homicides. This is compared to 56% and 40% nationwide, respectively.

Interesting Corky left this out of her equation. Are suicides considered "gun violence"? Seems like Wyoming is a pretty peaceful state.
Where I live its, 49%, 40%, also in California women living with handgun owners are more likely to die by suicide.

You wonder how much the offending firearm cost.

Why don't you worry about the median income? Seems more relevant.

#6 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-12 11:16 AM | Reply

Firearms Remain Leading Cause of Death for Children and Teens
This is the stat MAGAts like IAMRUNT are most proud of.

#7 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 11:19 AM | Reply

Its actually excellent, given they have the most guns per capita.


#8 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-12 11:26 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The radical hatefilled perversion aka "the left" has made everyone angry and crazy. They are crazy perverts as Congress or as angry sheep.

#9 | Posted by Robson at 2025-02-12 07:24 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

You are angry and crazy because those you vote for and support without questioning need you that way. They lie to you. You are being used by demagogues. You still haven't figured it out. That's why I want you and those like you to pay dearly for it, to suffer. I don't see any other way for you to finally figure it out.

#10 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-12 10:07 PM | Reply

Unless they've changed something, the CDC counts "children" in their "death by gun" stats until they're 21 years of age. It gives it the shock factor they're looking for. In reality, it hides the amount of young adults engaged in gangbanger activity, turf wars and drug sales.

#11 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-13 03:03 PM | Reply


---- off stupid ----.

#12 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-13 04:03 PM | Reply

-------- the MAGAT FAGAT continues to stun with his ineptitude.

#13 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-13 04:04 PM | Reply

-------- the MAGAT FAGAT continues to stun with his ineptitude.

#14 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-13 04:04 PM | Reply


Stealing Special Ed's thunder one post at a time.

#15 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-13 04:26 PM | Reply

Unless they've changed something, the CDC counts "children" in their "death by gun" stats

Children: 0-17, not 21.
They do have an additional category, "adolescents" that is 15-19, for specific statistical analysis.

"CDC analyzed unintentional firearm injury deaths among infants, children, adolescents aged 0"17 years (referred to as children in this report) in the United States to examine their characteristics."


There has been no change. This is the way it's been for years.

#16 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-13 05:57 PM | Reply

Where'd ya go?

#17 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-14 02:06 PM | Reply

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