Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I don't believe in peace now

An Israeli peace activist who was seized from her home on 7 October and held hostage for 53 days in Gaza has told the BBC how her ordeal destroyed her belief that peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis. In her first UK interview since being freed in November, Ada Sagi, 75, also told Emma Barnett on Radio 4's Today programme how she was held in an apartment by paid guards, that Hamas kept her in a hospital before her release - and that she now believes the world hates Jews.


Ms Sagi describes how, when she was first taken into Gaza, she and some other hostages were hidden in a family home with children, but the following day taken to an apartment in the southern city of Khan Younis because it was "dangerous". The apartment owner, Ms Sagi said, told them his wife and children had been sent to stay with his in-laws. The man, she added, was a nurse. She said students were being paid to watch over them. "I heard them say... 70 shekels [14.82; $18.83] for a day," she said. "It's a lot of money in Gaza because they have no work. And if you have work not with Hamas, it's no more than 20 shekels for a day," she said.


When you need that juicy quote from a primary source, it doesn't get much better than that.

#1 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-06-19 04:23 PM

"I don't believe in peace, no. I don't believe, sorry," the Arabic and Hebrew teacher said. "I understand Hamas don't want it."

She's almost got it. Not Hamas, it should be "I understand [the Palestinians] don't want it."

"Poll: Palestinains Support Hamas and War"

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-19 04:36 PM

The Nazis held the same beliefs as the Israelis.

Namely that peace could only be achieved through extermination of people who have committed no crime.

#3 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-19 04:52 PM

Colonialism failing? Blame the native inhabitants and then kill them all!

#4 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-19 04:52 PM

Blaming Palestinians for the actions of Hamas is like blaming Americans for the actions of Deplorable Trumping MAGAt Domestic Terrorists.

#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-19 04:54 PM

Considering your actions since the beginning, no ----.

#6 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-06-19 04:56 PM

Considering your actions since the beginning, no ----.
#6 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-06-19 04:56 PM

You mean, since the beginning of Judaism? You may not realize this, but Jews have been around for a really long time. Like ten or twenty years. Maybe more; even predating Muslim colonization.

#7 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-19 05:34 PM

Jews were around before Muslims?

Breaking news, Copernicus.

Next you'll tell us Judaism predates Christianity!!!

#8 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-19 05:41 PM

Oh cool.

A genocidal ---------- baby murdering dick hole made a thread about how cool butchering women and children is.


#9 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-19 06:30 PM

I hope the retarded ---- comes back and cites ole Pharaoh's tablet to justify war crimes.

#10 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-19 06:33 PM

"An Israeli peace activist who was seized from her home on 7 October and held hostage for 53 days in Gaza has told the BBC how her ordeal destroyed her belief that peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis."

That's Zionism for ya!

#11 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-19 06:43 PM

We are in the end times for Isn'treal.

I realize you Nazi ----- figured they'd just be over there in the desert doing their magical stuffs with money until you got to go live with the baby jeebis and they all got cast into hell where they belong.

Well,,,, the browner ones, anyway.

It's all going to end well before that, though.

#12 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-19 08:33 PM

NOW she believes the world hates Jews?

#13 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-19 08:52 PM

"and that she now believes the world hates Jews."

Because they killed 30,000 civilians, or...

#14 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-19 08:55 PM

Because they killed 30,000 civilians, or...


I honestly don't think #13 really wants to spray white phosphorus directly into the mouths of Palestinian babies who are crying because their mothers and sisters were just raped and butchered by "the most moral military in the world."

I think he just wants me to --- in his mouth so bad that he says whatever crazy ---- he can to get my attention.

#15 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-19 10:20 PM

Go suck off your mom.

#16 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-19 10:44 PM

"I don't believe in peace, no. I don't believe, sorry." the Arabic and Hebrew teacher said. "I understand Hamas don't want it."
... She said students were being paid to watch over them. "I heard them say... 70 shekels for a day," she said. "It's a lot of money in Gaza because they have no work. And if you have work not with Hamas, it's no more than 20 shekels for a day," she said.

From Financial Times: - Armed gangs stage bank heists in Gaza
Lenders robbed at gunpoint lose $120mn as Palestinians queue for days to rescue their own cash
- FT, 2024 June 19

|------- Armed gangs, including Hamas-backed groups, have plundered at least $120mn from banks in northern Gaza in just the past two months, according to UN estimates, as the war-ravaged strip suffers from a severe cash crunch.

The thefts amounted to at least a third of the cash stored in stranded vaults, according to mid-May estimates seen by the Financial Times. About $240mn more is sealed in bank vaults in northern Gaza, some entombed in concrete to try to prevent looting ...

... The most dramatic bank robberies took place on April 17 and 18, shortly after the Bank of Palestine ... opted to pour concrete around the vault of its branch in the once-upmarket district of Rimal.

The emergency measure made no difference. An explosion rang out at the branch on April 17... Thieves absconded with an estimated $31mn in various currencies, according to an internal document sent to the bank's shareholders and seen by the FT.

The next day, the bank told customers and merchants to come to the remaining branch so they could withdraw their deposits before more cash was stolen. Instead, when they opened the doors, they found "armed groups already inside the branch." ...

The bank estimated that $36mn was taken in this second heist, "confiscated on orders ... from the highest authority in Gaza", a veiled reference to Hamas...

While the robberies threatened the Bank of Palestine's employees, the more than $70mn stolen does not threaten its stability given its overall $5.41bn in customer deposits, most of which - along with the lion's share of its business - is in the West Bank. At the start of the war its liquidity coverage ratio, a common metric for short-term financial health, was more than 740%, compared with less than 200 per cent for US and UK banks...

Banking officials are careful not to directly blame Hamas, but this amount of money in the hands of the "highest authority" is likely to fuel an already evolving insurgency against the Israeli military, said two Israeli officials.

The two large-scale robberies capped a theft spree that had begun earlier on a more modest scale: by April, about $7mn had already been stolen from Bank of Palestine branches, mostly from the ATM cassettes, by armed gangs that "drilled into" the buildings ...

The thefts came as Gazans, most of whom live in poverty, struggle to find banknotes to buy essential supplies as inflation spirals following eight months of war ...

Further worsening cash shortages, wealthy Palestinians have sent tens of millions to an Egyptian tour operator, which demands $5,000 a person in crisp new $100 bills ... to enable them to flee Gaza.

Before the war, Gaza had more than 90 cash machines and 56 branches of banks... All dealt mostly in Israeli shekels after the 1990s Oslo agreements reinforced their position as the de facto currency...

Cash was moved in armoured cars, with Israel's facilitation from Gaza... to West Bank where the banks and Palestine Monetary Authority are based. The Bank of Israel would trade soiled banknotes for new, or allow fresh injections of currency, sometimes in Brinks trucks, during periods of calm. ...

#17 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-06-20 04:25 AM

Of course she doesn't, she seen the evil that is Hamas. However it is not much different from the evil that is Israel's government.

#18 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-06-20 10:39 AM

she now believes the world hates Jews.

This is why religion is disgusting and keeps humanity from achieving great things.

So much is spent on hatred of another person who worships a book of myths that are ALL based on every other book of myths written by evil men to control others and enrich themselves that their is no hope for this world.

One day when the earth is a smoldering wasteland only then will people see the folly of it all.

Then the sun will expand and engulf the earth erasing almost every bit of our existence from the universe.

Killing in the name of peace is the ultimate conjob.

#19 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-20 10:57 AM

Because they killed 30,000 civilians, or...

#14 | Posted by snoofy

While I disagree with how Israel is waging this war and killing and wounding civilians - that number is bunk. It comes from Hamas. It's like taking Russia's word on casualties in Ukraine. Figure 1/4 to 1/3. We have seen them caught multiple times lying about casualties in a huge fashion.

#20 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-06-20 05:09 PM

IDF says two civilians for every Hamas militant.
IDF says they've killed 12,000 Hamas fighters.
So you might talk me down to 24,000.

#21 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-20 05:15 PM

30,000 is under reporting the death count.

Especially since Israel is specifically targeting high density areas and areas where Palestinians are being told to go for their safety.

Our corporate media has you all blinded to the reality of the genocide being carried out by Israel.

Joseph Goebbels couldn't have dreamt of such a successful propaganda campaign.

#22 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-20 05:25 PM

Joseph Goebbels didn't have the full Weight of Uncle Sam helping to hide the true Carnage.

While also providing the means to kill.

Also,Vetoing UN resolutions, sometimes almost alone, to protect Israel from accountability with the ICC and international law.

Israel and the US are Rogue nations, accountable to only their own warped inner Compass.

#23 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-06-20 06:46 PM

#19 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-20 10:57 AM
she now believes the world hates Jews.
- - - - This is why religion is disgusting and keeps humanity from achieving great things.

Some of the greatest art ever was made to celebrate or demonize gods, religions and/or religious subjects, including ideological or territorial "religious / Holy" wars. Some of the greatest achievements in modern science were discovered or developed trying to prove or disprove religion-related beliefs, concepts or phenomena.

Hoard of Silver and Bronze Coins from Gallus Revolt Found in Israel | The Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus, also known as the Gallus Revolt, erupted during the Roman civil war of 351-354 CE and was the last Jewish revolt against the Romans. - June 19, 2024

This is why religion is disgusting and keeps humanity from achieving great things.

When she said "Jews" she obviously didn't mean "religion"... at least not any "religion" that apparently can be identified by DNA - see the "raging debates" here about the apparent importance of DNA in distinguishing "where the majority of Israeli Jews came from" (Ashkenazi vs Sephardic) - and which ones are "real" Jews/Zionists that kind of possibly might "belong" in "Palestine" / Israel, and which ones have to "go where they came from" or "go back to their country," most often conveniently located somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Shi'a Muslims and Sunni Muslims have been at war with each other since 7th century CE (still going strong after 1300+ years) - that predates the Islamic / Arabian conquests of many "Christian" lands, including the province that Romans initially named "Syria Judaea" (and later "Syria Palaestina" and eventually "Palestine territory") and about half of Europe.

Queen Isabella of Spain in 1492 approved Christopher Columbus voyage to "India" (actually financed by loans from two "Converso" Jews) but also didn't care if the 300,000 Jews expelled from Spain same year were "religious" or secular (Alhambra Decree), after King Ferdinand victory over last Muslim stronghold in Granada. - The 1492 Jewish Expulsion from Spain: How Identity Politics and Economics Converged

|------- The Spanish kingdoms had been anti-Jewish for centuries, forcing the creation of ghettos, the use of identifying clothing, etc. Those who... converted, were the subject of further prejudice stemming from a belief that Jewish blood was tainted and that conversions were undertaken for financial gain. The ... banishment seemed more appropriate toward the non-conformist Muslim community, rather than the Jewish community. The economic reasons behind why the Jews were targeted were the following: first, medieval Spanish Jews emphasized education, which led to better paying professional occupations. Second, Jews held positions in banking and were subject to fewer regulations involving loans. ...

German Nazis in 1942 didn't distinguish between "religious" and secular Jews when they were sending them from everywhere to concentration/extermination camps and gas chambers - they were doing it in the name of "racial purity" of Aryan race, not religion.

Majority of the Jews - in Israel and the USA - are secular, not religious. Majority of "hate crimes" or [attempted] genocides in the world are not due to religion, but either racial, ethnic or [non-religion] ideological.

Religion is not a prerequisite for humans engaging in "disgusting" behavior, nor is it the [only] thing that necessarily always keeps humanity from achieving great things. It really doesn't matter if these are done in the name of / for "King/Queen and Country." "God," Stalin, Mao, Putin or personal pride / ego.

#24 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-06-21 09:13 AM

Dude,you're boring,and overly verbose. Any point you try to make is lost in the verbiage and irrelevant details.

Besides being factually questionable.

#25 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-06-21 11:23 AM

#25 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-06-21 11:23 AM
Dude,you're boring,and overly verbose. Any point you try to make is lost in the verbiage and irrelevant details. Besides being factually questionable.

Yeah, "dude," we lost count of you copy-paste-s**tposting this EXACT quote every time when you have nothing else to say and need to change subject and derail thread by attacking the messenger.

And we "discussed" this already - my posts are not for the level of understanding of the average low-level Russian troll-bot, which is what you are, as your every post, thankfully, reminds us.

Verbose enough for you?

Thanks again for s**tposting your pablum to remind us who you are and what you do.

Good night.


#26 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-06-21 05:36 PM

@#25 ... Dude,you're boring,and overly verbose. ...

'Tis a shame your alias seems to lack the attention span to read anything longer than a list of talking points that my be issued to you by Pres Putin.


#27 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-21 06:43 PM

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