Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Southern Border Migrant Crossings Hit Biden-Record Low

The number of migrants crossing into the U.S. illegally at the southern border reached the lowest point of President Biden's administration in September. U.S. Border Patrol agents recorded nearly 54,000 apprehensions of migrants who crossed into the country between legal entry points along the border with Mexico, a smaller figure than the previous Biden-era low in July, when Border Patrol processed roughly 56,000 migrants who crossed the border without authorization.



Border Patrol's tally of migrant apprehensions in September is the lowest number recorded by the agency since August 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions countries enacted in response to it led to a sharp decrease in migration to the U.S. southern border. It's also a 78% drop from a record high in December, when illegal border crossings soared to 250,000.

U.S. immigration officials processed another 48,000 migrants in September at legal border entry points, known as ports of entry, according to the internal federal data. Most of them secured appointments to enter the U.S. via a phone app the Biden administration has transformed into the main gateway into the American asylum system.

It's not luck or happenstance that both the issues Trump was assured would lead him back to the White House have morphed into strengths for both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden who've quietly achieved what Republicans say was impossible: Better secured our southern border while driving down the numbers of people trying to cross between POEs and managed the economic transition from Covid lows with spiking unemployment and inflation to record highs in the markets, while maintaining 4% unemployment and lowering inflation close to the Fed's 2% target, all without triggering a recession.

Since good news travels far more slowly than Trump lies do, the emerging polling showing Americans now trust Harris more than Trump to deal with the issues they feel most important to them should only continue to widen, as the now demonstrated ability of the Biden/Harris Administration to positively address these concerns with tangible results will hopefully carry more weight with voters than Trump's fantastical prognostications and self-serving boasts - almost all of which have been proven wrong or only towards his own benefit, not the nation's.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 10:22 AM

This is a joke

#2 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-10-08 02:11 PM

This is a joke

No, the joke is you and others who choose to ignore the same bureaucratically-produced numbers you've touted for years when they were high - never doubting their veracity.

I know why these numbers are down and there are multiple factors as to why. Try reading objective sources sometimes and you might learn what happens here on Earth 1 when competent officials put in the international work to correct immigration issues instead of simply running before tv cameras and demagoguing them.

#3 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 03:47 PM

Tangentially related...

U.S. border cities' homicide rates stay lower than nation's

... The homicide rates of several U.S. communities on the border with Mexico remained well below the national average in 2023, according to an Axios analysis of the latest FBI crime data.

Why it matters: Former President Trump and many Republicans have repeatedly claimed that U.S. border communities have turned into chaotic, lawless areas with high crime because of a rise in migrants seeking asylum -- but Axios found that the data doesn't match those claims.

- - - The average homicide rate of 11 border cities was lower than the national average, per the FBI's most recent data, released in September. ...


#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 03:49 PM

No, the joke is you and others who choose to ignore the same bureaucratically-produced numbers you've touted for years when they were high - never doubting their veracity.

#3 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 03:47 PM | Reply | Flag

The only reason this is even a discussion is because it was a sore spot with voters. Neither her or Joe ever wanted to do anything to curb the influx of illegal immigrants until housing started getting scarce and people began to notice the change in the demographics in the cities. And the deal they wanted Republicans to support continued to allow 3 million more to pour in every year.

#5 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-10-08 05:21 PM

Neither her or Joe ever wanted to do anything to curb the influx of illegal immigrants until housing started getting scarce and people began to notice the change in the demographics in the cities.

Imbecile says what?

Know Why Border Migration Has Slowed? the LA Declaration

The Biden-Harris administration, working closely with partners across the Americas, has taken multiple steps over the past few years to address the historic levels of irregular migration in the Western Hemisphere. These layered efforts to mitigate, manage, and order migration have, in recent months, led to fewer encounters between ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border than there were in 2019 during the comparable time period.

From 2014 to 2020, increases in irregular migration to the United States were driven primarily by displacement from the Northern Triangle countries; migration was again on the rise in early 2021 as countries came out of peak pandemic shutdowns. As a result, the Biden-Harris administration focused its initial efforts there. Saddled with deeply unreliable partner governments in all three countries, Vice President Harris chose to emphasize cooperation with civil society and the private sector through the creation of the Partnership for Central America (PCA).

To repeat:
Try reading objective sources sometimes and you might learn what happens here on Earth 1 when competent officials put in the international work to correct immigration issues instead of simply running before tv cameras and demagoguing them.

#6 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 05:38 PM

@#5 ... And the deal they wanted Republicans to support ...

You mean the bipartisan deal that was written mainly by a very conservative Republican from the GOP wishlist, and that the Republicans supported until fmr Pres Trump them not to because he wanted a border problem and not border security?

That deal?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 05:42 PM

#6 continued

Under the LA declaration, the Biden-Harris administration has secured unprecedented cooperation to curb irregular migration. Today, for example, Mexico is doing more to stem irregular migration to the United States than it has ever done before. The administration also created alternatives to irregular migration so that individuals fleeing Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela - the primary sources of instability in the hemisphere - could come to the United States in a sponsored, orderly fashion and be able to legally work shortly after arrival so as to contribute to U.S. prosperity and enhance stability in their home countries without delay.

Critically, the LA declaration built on successful migrant integration efforts in Latin America and spurred multiple countries to create new temporary legal status programs for migrants in order to stabilize these populations and to provide an alternative to migrating further. In May 2024, countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, and Costa Rica at the third ministerial meeting on the LA declaration announced regularization programs for various irregular migrant populations - building on the nearly 2 million Venezuelans who had already been provided status in Colombia alone. Today, more than 80 percent of those displaced in Latin America and the Caribbean have found a home in the region and have not proceeded to the U.S.-Mexico border.


This is what happens when adults and not partisan bomb throwers put the work in to change the complete dynamics of hemispheric migration through multi-national cooperation, NOT wasting money on physical border barriers that can be quickly overcome unless they have continual monitoring by hundreds, if not thousands, of personnel.

#8 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 05:53 PM

LOL Biden-Low isn't exactly the win you think it is.

FFS people don't you know propaganda when you see it?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter

1"Codify Catch/Release
2"Let in 1.8M Illegals
3"Fund Sanctuary Cities
4"Fund NGOs Moving Illegals
5"Lawyers to Illegals
6"Work Permits to Illegals
7"Nothing to Deport Illegals
8"No Immediate Wall Funds
9"Weak Asylum Screening
10"$60B to Ukraine

That "deal"?

#9 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-08 05:55 PM

@#5 ... The only reason this is even a discussion is because it was a sore spot with voters. Neither her or Joe ever wanted to do anything to curb the influx of illegal immigrants until housing started getting scarce and people began to notice the change in the demographics in the cities. ...

While I would say that the reasons your current alias cites are likely not the reasons for the Democractic pvot regarding immigration, I will say ....

I will say that, as the quoted part of the comment seems to imply, the Biden administration and the Harris campaign both saw that Americans wanted to tighten up the immigration laws. So they reacted.

That reaction is A Good Thing in politicians. Yes?

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 05:56 PM

The administration also created alternatives to irregular migration so that individuals fleeing Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela - the primary sources of instability in the hemisphere - could come to the United States in a sponsored, orderly fashion

As part of the Parole program....

But will they leave?

U.S. won't extend legal status for 530,000 migrants who arrived under Biden program

No they probably won't.

This is what happens when adults and not partisan bomb throwers put the work in to change the complete dynamics of hemispheric migration through multi-national cooperation, NOT wasting money on physical border barriers that can be quickly overcome unless they have continual monitoring by hundreds, if not thousands, of personnel.

This is nothing more than South and Central America holding the US hostage.

The cost will keep going up, as a threat to unleash more migrants.

Its funny Lumpers live off the grift, but can't recognize it when it happens to them.

#11 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-08 06:00 PM

I will say that, as the quoted part of the comment seems to imply, the Biden administration and the Harris campaign both saw that Americans wanted to tighten up the immigration laws. So they reacted.

LOL You mean the administration didn't care about American borders until people complained? The President is nothing but a reactionary?

Seems outrageous to a thinking individual.

The whole point of being President is to do things that help the Citizens. In this case the President had no idea unfettered unvetted immigration was hurting citizens until it was too late.

#12 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-08 06:03 PM

LOL You mean the administration didn't care about American borders until people complained? The President is nothing but a reactionary?

The process started in 2021, not 2024. You'd know this if you actually lived in America.

#13 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 06:09 PM

@#9 ... That "deal"? ...


This one...

Senate Republicans knife bipartisan border security bill, declaring it dead (February 2024)

... After a Senate Republican meeting, McConnell told reporters it's clear "we have no real chance here to make a law" on border security. The move jeopardizes Ukraine and Israel aid. ...

Republican senators made it clear Tuesday that they will kill the border security bill their party negotiated with Democrats, a stunning turnaround less than 48 hours after it was released by Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., and blessed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. ...

He said he is outraged by Republicans who pulled a 180 on the bill.

"We crafted a bill that was too effective. We reached a compromise that would actually fix the problem. As it turns out, Republicans don't want to fix the problem. They want to leave the issue of immigration open as a political agenda item to exploit," Murphy told reporters. "It's also dispiriting because there used to be a difference between the Senate Republican caucus and the House Republican caucus. There is no difference. They are just as dysfunctional. They are just as tied to President Trump." ...

Fmr Pres Trump, ~blame me, I killed the bill.~

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 06:09 PM

There's still a southern boarder?

I was told by republicans that immigrants had invaded and taken over our southern states.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!

#15 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-08 06:10 PM

@#12 ... You mean the administration didn't care about American borders until people complained? ...

The Biden admin cared.

Indeed, that is why VP Harris was sent to the sources of the immigrants to help those countries prevent immigrants from reaching the US.

#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 06:11 PM

@#12 ... The whole point of being President is to do things that help the Citizens ...

Is your current alias sure it wants to bring up this topic when the candidate it seems to be in favor of is fmr Pres Trump?

Maybe start a new thread on that topic...

#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 06:14 PM

@#15 ... I was told by republicans that immigrants had invaded and taken over our southern states. ...

An Interview with J.D. Vance (February 2024)

... The Americans who fought in World War II were incredibly brave and incredibly competent. The reason America won World War II is because we were the arsenal of democracy. Our industrial economy was booming, and we were able to send troops all over the world, armed with the best equipment and the best weapons, and still have a functioning economy at home. I am not an isolationist. America should have a leading role in the world. We really are the indispensable power. But to be the indispensable power, we actually have to be powerful. To be powerful, we have to take care of our problems at home"and right now, America has some extraordinarily pressing problems. ...

We have a terrible migration crisis in the United States. Probably ten percent of our population is illegal aliens, and another 15 percent are in an irregular situation with the law, in one form or another. It takes a lot of work to assimilate such a large number of people into your society, and to do it carefully, to ensure that it doesn't disrupt health services, education services, and so forth. ...

OK, Sen Vance thinks that 25% of the population is illegal?

That's like more than 80 million people.

#18 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 06:32 PM

One of Biden's first actions that wasn't COVID related was to propose immigration reform.

He's done so every year of his presidency. When the bipartisan bill was finally agreed on, supported by Dems and Repubs alike, Trump killed it to use it as an election issue instead of backing a much needed fix, and scaredy-cat Republicans folded.

#19 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-10-08 06:35 PM

The United States has needed comprehensive immigration reform for decades now and each time a bipartisan bill has reached the floors of Congress, the Republicans have defeated them - even when they were the ones who wrote said bills.

No President can fix the immigration problem with executive orders - they can only address specific problems under scrutiny at the time, analogous to the squeaky wheel getting the grease while the entire transmission needs overhauling.

As I stated earlier - and as Trump himself has demonstrated over and over - the GOP is not interested in dealing with immigration because their hardliners don't want any legal immigration from countries they incessantly smear and demagogue. Their complaints drip with insincerity because they are insincere. Only one party has ever wanted to deal with comprehensive immigration reform and that party remains the only one who's ever undertaken any tangible steps to ameliorate the problem outside of relying on draconian crackdowns and building expensive barriers that can be overcome with inexpensive tools from Home Depot or the local hardware stores.

#20 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-08 06:37 PM

Sen Vance thinks

Must be giving him a headache.

#21 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-08 08:10 PM

@#21 ... Must be giving him a headache. ...


In retrospect, I could have chosen a better wording. ...


#22 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-08 08:18 PM

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