Monday, October 14, 2024

Many Trump Voters Don't Actually Believe Trump's Own Words

One of the more peculiar aspects of Donald J. Trump's political appeal is this: A lot of people are happy to vote for him because they simply do not believe he will do many of the things he says he will.



When the former president endorses violence and proposes using the government to attack his enemies, many of his supporters assume it's just an act.

The former president has talked about weaponizing the Justice Department and jailing political opponents. He has said he would purge the government of non-loyalists and that he would have trouble hiring anyone who admits that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. He proposed "one really violent day" in which police officers could get "extraordinarily rough" with impunity. He has promised mass deportations and predicted it would be "a bloody story."

Last Thursday, inside a small music venue in downtown Detroit during the middle of the day, you could see this phenomenon playing out quite clearly. Mr. Trump was there to address the Detroit Economic Club. Presidents Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama had all, in their respective days, come to Michigan to talk to this club, too.

Mary Burney, a 49-year-old woman from Grosse Pointe, Mich., who works in sales for a radio station, described herself as an independent-turned-Trump-voter. She did not believe the former president would really persecute his political opponents, even though he has mused about appointing a special prosecutor to "go after" President Biden and members of his family. "I don't think that's on his list of things to do," she said. "No, no."

Tom Pierce, a 67-year-old from Northville, Mich., did not truly believe that Mr. Trump would round up enough immigrants to carry out "the largest mass deportation operation in history." Even though that is pretty much the central promise of his campaign. "He may say things, and then it gets people all upset," said Mr. Pierce, "but then he turns around and he says, No, I'm not doing that.' It's a negotiation. But people don't understand that."

Did Mr. Pierce, a former chief financial officer, believe Mr. Trump would actually levy a 200 percent tariff against certain companies? "No," he said. "That's the other thing. You've got to sometimes scare these other countries." (Indeed. In an interview on Fox News on Sunday, Mr. Trump said, "I'm using that just as a figure. I'll say 100, 200, I'll say 500, I don't care.")

Mr. Pierce added, "He's not perfect. And I don't necessarily care for his personality, but I do like how we had peace and prosperity."

That dynamic is one that Mr. Trump has had with voters ever since he stormed onto the political scene nine years ago, and it endures, even as his language has grown darker. In the latest New York Times/Siena College poll, 41 percent of likely voters agreed with the assessment that "people who are offended by Donald Trump take his words too seriously."

And so, the fate of American democracy and Rule of Law lies in the hands of people just like these who all believe that Trump is only exaggerating and can't possibly be serious about undertaking the heinous actions already documented as policy in Project 2025.

I guess this is precisely how Germany fell into the thrall of another deranged conman nearly a century ago. The parallels fit like a comfortable pair of fur-lined gloves.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-14 11:50 AM

Thank you for posting this article, TonyRoma.

#2 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-14 12:06 PM

Tom Pierce, a 67-year-old from Northville, Mich., did not truly believe that Mr. Trump would round up enough immigrants to carry out "the largest mass deportation operation in history." Even though that is pretty much the central promise of his campaign. "He may say things, and then it gets people all upset," said Mr. Pierce, "but then he turns around and he says, No, I'm not doing that.' It's a negotiation. But people don't understand that."
See also:
The Overton Window

#3 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-14 12:09 PM

One thing for certain you can't believe anything from the laughing joyful bouncing lying Kamala and Tim Walz, to the point that even SNL has had enough of them. At least with Trump we had 4 years of him and damn if it didn't turn out pretty good for most Americans, at least compared to the Joe and Kamala nightmare.

#4 | Posted by Robson at 2024-10-14 03:25 PM

At least with Trump we had 4 years of him and damn if it didn't turn out pretty good for most Americans, at least compared to the Joe and Kamala nightmare.


When all you have left are lies you know you are in trouble.

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-14 03:39 PM

At least with Trump we had 4 years of him and damn if it didn't turn out pretty good for most Americans, at least compared to the Joe and Kamala nightmare.

#4 | Posted by Robson

Yeah minus that whole part where he blew up the debt to give tax cuts to the rich, killed a half million americans with covid incompetence, and then ended the peaceful transition of power.

That's not as bad as kamala...laughing weird.

#6 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-10-14 03:51 PM

The -------- is threatening to use the US military against the "enemy within". That is so ------ up it isn't funny, but it doesn't even rate a blip on the zeitgeist.

#7 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-10-14 03:59 PM

" At least with Trump we had 4 years of him and damn if it didn't turn out pretty good for most Americans, at least compared to the Joe and Kamala nightmare."

#4 | Posted by Robson


#8 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-10-14 04:34 PM

Robson drank the orange koolaid, and now lives in Bizzaro World.

Nothing he says is factual, and everything he says is provably nonsense.

#9 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 04:38 PM

I guess this is precisely how Germany fell into the thrall of another deranged conman nearly a century ago. The parallels fit like a comfortable pair of fur-lined gloves.

You guess right.

#10 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-14 05:30 PM

The buses will be here soon to return you to the parking lots...
--Latest Trump lie

#11 | Posted by catdog at 2024-10-15 09:27 AM

Not just Trump voters. Watch this total denial in the face of reality from the Republican Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin:

His deflection fails miserably.

#12 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-15 10:03 AM

Trump is the court jester that wants to be king. Sometimes it seems as if is trying to perform a standup comedy act. He says some pretty awful things and the rally goers laugh. It's my belief that Trump throws a bunch of stuff out there and looks for any push back. Seeing none, he knows that he's got the green light to do as he pleases.

America doesn't need a standup comic pretending to be president.

#13 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-10-15 05:44 PM

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