
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, May 13, 2024

A new set of Times/Siena polls, including one with The Philadelphia Inquirer, reveal an erosion of support for the president among young and nonwhite voters upset about the economy and Gaza. Donald J. Trump leads President Biden in five crucial battleground states, a new set of polls shows, as a yearning for change and discontent over the economy and the war in Gaza among young, Black and Hispanic voters threaten to unravel the president's Democratic coalition. The surveys by The New York Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer found that Mr. Trump was ahead among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup against Mr. Biden in five of six key states: Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Mr. Biden led among registered voters in only one battleground state, Wisconsin.



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"erosion of support for the president among young and nonwhite voters upset about the economy and Gaza."

Imagine thinking Trump will be better on either of those things!

I don't hear Deplorables saying Trump will make the economy better. Nobody thinks Trump will stop Israel from doing anything in Gaza; by contrast he tells Netanyahu to finish the job.

That's the part I don't get. Why Trump, if they can't say how Trump will make things better?

#1 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-13 05:45 PM | Reply

Nope! Fake News!

Modern polling can't even get their "margin of error" numbers up n the same way universe as reality anymore.

#2 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-05-13 05:59 PM | Reply

NYT: Trump leads 5 of 6 swing states

We just need to vote for harder for Jill Stein 2024!

#3 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-13 06:45 PM | Reply

"Forget the polls, forget the pundits.

Polls six months, five months, even closer to the election have zero predictive value.

Forget all of the pundits who have said Biden's too old. Democrat's only chance to win is with Biden running for re-election.

One of my keys is incumbency, he obviously wins that. Another key is party contest, he's not been contested. That's two keys off the top that Biden wins. That means six keys out of the remaining 11 would have to fall to predict his defeat.

I've also said while I have no final prediction, a lot would have to go wrong for Biden to lose."

From the guy who successfully picked 9 of the last 10 elections.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-13 06:52 PM | Reply

We are WAY too far removed from the election for current polling to matter.

#5 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-05-13 06:59 PM | Reply

The polls are all over the place. Some have Biden up. Some Trump.

#6 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-05-14 10:28 AM | Reply

@#6 ... The polls are all over the place. Some have Biden up. Some Trump. ...

That's why I prefer to watch the trend at this point.

General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Scroll down for the graph. "Key battle" Swing states are on the right side of the page.

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-14 12:03 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Biden's polling denial: Why he doesn't believe he's behind

#8 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-14 12:04 PM | Reply

Yet the primary elections have Haley getting 20% of the Republican vote even though she dropped out. Thats a fatal blow to Trumps election hopes in the general.

So why aren't the pollster's factoring that on to their numbers?
Because it would blow their dream "horse race scenario" out of the water when they are forced to admit a blue tsunami is coming in Roevember.

#9 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-05-16 05:58 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

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Drudge Retort