
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Hilariously, the supposedly new program called "Tucker" is just days-old episodes of his show with a Russian voiceover.



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I think they are using AI Boris Badenov for the voice...

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-21 01:11 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Republicans still won't be able to connect the dots.

#2 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-05-21 01:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

This is what the folks at Truth Social mean when they talk about live-streaming media--Tucker Carlson starring in "The Useful Idiot--Live!"

#3 | Posted by catdog at 2024-05-21 01:18 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Should send them the translation of Stewart / Tucker pitch slap that sent him into this spiral of crazy desperation and the seeking of unfortunate relevance. Seriously... give them the backstory of how he killed a popular CNN nightly broadcast acting as a conservative pundit... while trying to be cool.

#4 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-05-21 01:27 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

There's pics:

#5 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-21 01:41 PM | Reply

Can you imagine the exploding heads at fixed news if Rachel Maddow was being broadcast on Russian (or Iranian or North Korean) TV/media to support a foreign agenda?

It would be a bloodbath!

#6 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-21 01:46 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Told you he was a Russian stooge.

#7 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-21 04:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

When does Tulsi get a show on Russian TV?

#8 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-05-21 05:16 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

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Drudge Retort