
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, July 21, 2024

This isn't about you, Joe.


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Joe Biden and a small group of his protectors want to make this all about them.

They want Biden to be able to exit in a "dignified" way. They are annoyed at the "elites" who underestimated or sidelined him in the past and, as Biden himself said, "think they know so much more." They are mad that he's being "railroaded" by aides to Barack Obama"and maybe Obama himself. They "DETEST" the fact that people are downtalking him to the media.

It's a bunch of self-indulgent malarkey.

All of this stuff might make vaguely interesting fodder for a lightly watched limited Netflix series about the Bidens in 2027 (assuming Obama doesn't undermine that one, too). But it is completely irrelevant to the responsibility with which they have been charged.

This campaign is not about Joe Biden, the man. It is not about Joe Biden's feelings. And it sure as shit is not about Joe Biden's legacy, something nobody in this country gives more than two minutes' thought to besides people with the last name Biden, a coterie of pop historians whose opinion the president cares about, Sam Stein, and a handful of social media influencers that the campaign has paid to care. (And, either way, his legacy is consumed by this humiliating defeat if he doesn't change course.)

This campaign is about whether Biden and his team are able to successfully take on Donald Trump. The ability to do that is what got Biden the presidency. And the inability to do it again is why two-thirds of the Democratic party want him to drop out.


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"We have no obligation to blow up the country to give someone who's "'earned it' one last run around the track," writes Tim Miller. "It is not the Oscars lifetime achievement award. It is not a farewell tour for an aging athlete who shared their talents with a city and deserves some flowers from adoring fans."

We have no obligation to give a president a valedictory moment. That individual's personal journey is irrelevant to the concerns of voters.

We do not owe the president anything. But the president owes their best to us.

Joe Biden accomplished an immensely important, historic task. He beat Donald Trump. He gave us four years without that cancer in the Oval Office and with significant legislative accomplishments as well. But it is clear now he is no longer capable of giving us anything close to his best.

It is well past time for all this to end. The melodrama has gone on far too long.

President Biden should pass the torch, do everything in his power to help his successor finish the job, and worry about his legacy next January when he hands the keys to the White House to a younger successor.

Anyone not dedicating all of his or her efforts to that end is doing a disservice to all of us.

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-21 04:58 AM | Reply

... This campaign is about whether Biden and his team are able to successfully take on Donald Trump. The ability to do that is what got Biden the presidency. And the inability to do it again is why two-thirds of the Democratic party want him to drop out. ...


And, if I may add, the ability of Democrats to keep control of the Senate and possibly take control of the House.

It is starting to look like Pres Biden at the top of the ticket is having a negative effect on the Democrats down-ticket.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-21 11:12 AM | Reply

So far, an alternative viable candidate has yet to emerge.

#3 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-07-21 12:35 PM | Reply

So far, an alternative viable candidate has yet to emerge. #3 | Posted by sentinel

At this point, it's not about viable. It's about more viable than Joe, who is out of it. I wouldn't trust him to drive, let alone "run the world" as he put it in that interview with George Snuffleupagus.

Sadly, even Trump seems more in touch with reality than Joe.

#4 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-21 12:59 PM | Reply

Okay, I'll rephrase- an alternative candidate has yet to emerge who has shown themselves to be more viable than Joe. Right now, the plan seems to be... get rid of Joe the hope such a candidate emerges.

#5 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-07-21 01:46 PM | Reply


#6 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-07-21 01:49 PM | Reply

He's out.

#7 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-21 01:57 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

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