#5 When it becomes the law what will prevent that from happening? How could we know how often it happens where it's legal? Medical records are private and the kind of people that would abort a viable child aren't likely to advertise it.
#9 | Posted by visitor
So, let's take your argument on it's face. Our government is passing laws that will negatively impact women based on no information? On the thought that it might happen?
But, then again, you are wrong.
All sorts of groups study why, when, who, where, how women get abortions.
All of these studies show that women get late term abortions for one of 2 reasons-fetal viability and health of the mother. Full Stop.
If you had ever met a pregnant woman or ---- a woman, you will know that they do not go through 9 months of pregnancy to decide, f' it lets abort this ----.
But you want the government in that room interfering with a woman making the most profound, impactful, life altering, often hazardous decision of their lives.
I say stay the ---- out, it is none of your business