Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, September 06, 2024

The father of the 14-year-old accused of shooting and killing two teachers and two students was arrested in connection to the deadly Georgia school shooting that rocked the small community, investigators announced Thursday evening.



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Just another ------- responsible gun onwer....RIGHT?


#1 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-06 11:04 AM | Reply

Not excusing the shooter, but I heard an interview with this aunt, and it seems she is very much indicating that her nephew was being raised in a truly toxic environment.

Sounds like the more that comes out on this, the more this "parent" should be taking the heat.

#2 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-09-06 11:33 AM | Reply

The reports I read had the shooter's mother as a meth mess. So there's that into the mix as well.

#3 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-06 02:04 PM | Reply

His lawyer declined bail. He will stay in jail until trial in December.

I think of the two teachers that died all time and how they tried to shield the students with their own bodies.

Did the GQP break out their AR15 lapel pins yet?

#4 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-06 03:42 PM | Reply

When Detective Miller interviewed Colt, he accepted Colt's 'I got muh account hacked', which is the standard go-to excuse of anyone who gets busted. But this cop told Colt in the interview 'I'll take you at your word".

For crying ---- out loud. The statement that brought you there was dismissed with a denial.

"Were you at the murder scene?"
"Nope not me, must have been someone else."
"OK, I guess we're done here."

The father is an irresponsible idiot who decided to 'trust his gut' and get his kid an AR15. But I can't get over how easily this case was closed.

Innocent people paid the price.

#5 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-09-06 08:52 PM | Reply


Read this: www.huffpost.com

I truly am not one who's disinterested in the heartbreaking tragedy of school shootings, especially when we know what keeps them from happening in nearly every other civilized nation on this planet. When we hear a child had access to a weapon originally designed for warfare, it simply makes no sense, and we immediately blame the parent(s) for allowing it to happen.

I wanted to hate Colin Gray, but after only reading a couple paragraphs I came to an unmistakable conclusion: Except for the fact this father didn't make a habit of locking down all his weapons as a matter of practice - especially since his son showed obvious troubling signs - Colin was just a single dad trying to deal with a son challenged by mental health issues. Or in other words, a simple father dealing with all the cards life has dealt him in the best way he knows how.

At least by this rendering, this dad wasn't encouraging his son with their sharing of hunting, he was trying to connect with his son's self esteem, trying to make him more secure when confronting his fears and the bullying he's said to be haunted by.

Let me be clear: Colin Gray deserves to be held responsible for his role in allowing his son access to a weapon he took to school and killed and injured innocent children and teachers who'd never done Colt any harm.

Having said that, I can still see myself in his shoes playing the cards I was dealt, and honestly - knowing how much you want to love and encourage your child when they have mental health struggles - there but for the grace of God,... under similar circumstances, it could have been my child. And that frightens me to my core. Are any of us really any better than Colin? I truly don't know.

#6 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-07 01:10 PM | Reply

I truly don't know.
#6 | Posted by tonyroma

I think you do. Are there any of us really better than Colin? As in, would any of us not have bought an AR15 and given it to a child with mental health issues as a gift?

Come on, man. I really think you do.

#7 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-09-07 05:14 PM | Reply

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