
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, September 06, 2024

don't forget every time trump lies he insults you and your adherence to reality and he doesn't care how many his lies kill.


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On February 10, when there were 12 known cases, he said that he thought the virus would "go away" by April, "with the heat." On February 25, when there were 53 known cases, he said, "I think that's a problem that's going to go away." On February 27, when there were 60 cases, he said, famously, "We have done an incredible job. We're going to continue. It's going to disappear. One day"it's like a miracle"it will disappear." On March 6, when there were 278 cases and 14 deaths, again he said, "It'll go away." On March 10, when there were 959 cases and 28 deaths, he said, "We're prepared, and we're doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away." On March 12, with 1,663 cases and 40 deaths recorded, he said, "It's going to go away." On March 30, with 161,807 cases and 2,978 deaths, he was still saying, "It will go away. You know it"you know it is going away, and it will go away. And we're going to have a great victory." On April 3, with 275,586 cases and 7,087 deaths, he again said, "It is going to go away." He continued, repeating himself: "It is going away. ... I said it's going away, and it is going away." In remarks on June 23, when the United States had 126,060 deaths and roughly 2.5 million cases, he said, "We did so well before the plague, and we're doing so well after the plague. It's going away." Such statements continued as both the cases and the deaths kept rising. Neither the virus nor Trump's statements went away."


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I don't think there's been enough discussion about Trump's lies. There might be one or two people somewhere who still haven't heard about this. Maybe if we put them on megaphones while driving around various neighborhoods, more people might be aware of this issue. We need to make it loud and clear that if you support Trump then you support lies, and if you don't support Trump then you support OCD.

#1 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-09-08 09:32 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Maybe if the media would call him out on it the same way they swarmed Biden's age...

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-08 09:56 AM | Reply

I don't think there's been enough discussion about Trump's lies. There might be one or two people somewhere who still haven't heard about this. Maybe if we put them on megaphones while driving around various neighborhoods, more people might be aware of this issue. We need to make it loud and clear that if you support Trump then you support lies, and if you don't support Trump then you support OCD.
#1 | Posted by sentinel

Trump operates on the premise that if you repeat something often enough people will believe it. Why would not continuinng to point out Trump's lies be a useful method of responding to them? It wouldn't. Ignoring Trump's lies because he has told 10,000 of thousands of them would be doing exactly what Trump wants: ceding the rhetorical field to him.

#3 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-09-08 10:28 AM | Reply

I don't think there's been enough discussion about Trump's lies.

It's the gish gallop technique and it's very effective. Trump simply floods the zone with so many lies and half truths that no human alive can actively respond to all of them with effective rebuttals without finding themselves solely trying to counter the flood and never articulating the things they want the public to know.

So you skip over most of the lies and counter an egregious few. But the ones left unrebutted end up becoming truths for many prone to believe whatever Trump says.

#4 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-08 10:37 AM | Reply

#3 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday

#4 | Posted by tonyroma

SSentinel knows these things.

SSentinel is a textbook gaslighter.

#5 | Posted by Angrydad at 2024-09-08 03:55 PM | Reply

But the ones left unrebutted end up becoming truths for many prone to believe whatever Trump says

It doesn't matter. Fat Nixon could be on video murdering someone and his supporters will still vote for him.

Their brainwashing is complete.

Noted POS Nick Fuentes is furious that Fat Nixon knew he lost 2020 and lied to them about the results and caused 1600 people to lose their freedom because they were dumb enough to believe a compulsive liar.

Harris needs to emphasize her plans and project 2025. Dotard has none. She needs to present hope and unity and highlight the bandwagon of conservaitves that have now endorsed her. She needs to attack him on his killing of the border security bill. She needs to attack the GOP on killing expansion of mental health services in schools and tie it back into the GA shooting. Trying to respond to all his lies is a non-starter.

#6 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-09 07:46 AM | Reply

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