Florida, maybe even Texas, but I doubt it... may possibly be in play after the major hit Trumpublicans took with swing voters at the Beating last nite.
Floridians are also upset about how the Insurance Industry Owns Florida:
"DeSantis accused of favoring insurance-industry donors at residents' expense
This article is more than 1 year old
Florida governor has lavished the industry with favors and benefits while everyday Floridians suffer', key report says"
Florida's auto insurance rate is 44% higher than the national average.
So, politicians are cheap and easy to buy down here, much like they are in Washington... mostly Republicans, but Dems, too, as they need to play by the same campaign finance rules as everyone else to remain competitive.
Which Rules that if changed to, oh, say,
a system of public financing of elections funded by major corporations in return for all the perks they now get... because they bought politicians... and that would pay for the media time that Big Media is going to 'donate' to the People to buy political ads for Qualified Candidates.
We need to cut out the Media middle man, which has then added benefit of taking big corporate money out of influencing our Elections more than the Will of the People influences them, as the Constitution intended.
Maybe. What do I know? I'm paying FL insurance rates, FFS!
But The Big Dem Dream has been turning Texas blue again, as it was when I grew up there, and FL, too. Perhaps there's a slight chance for FL, at least.