
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, November 21, 2024

Weeks after ProPublica reported on the deaths of two pregnant women whose miscarriages went untreated in Texas, state lawmakers have filed bills that would create new exceptions to the state's strict abortion laws, broadening doctors' ability to intervene when their patients face health risks. The legislation comes after the lawmaker who wrote one of Texas' recent abortion bans wrote an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle defending the current exceptions as "plenty clear."



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This is lawmakers admitting to being culpable in the deaths of these women.

So, what are the consequences for that?

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-21 06:28 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

Life in Abbottistan.
Hope the women's families sue the piss out of the state.

#2 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-11-21 09:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"The anti-abortion project is the core engine of a brazen attempt by one religious clique that constitutes about a third of the population to impose their hardline faith-based beliefs on everyone else. Outside of the religious right who opposes abortion rights? Nontheists against women's full reproductive rights are as scarce as hen's teeth."

Gregory S. Paul

#3 | Posted by SomebodyElse at 2024-11-22 10:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3


It's true that most of us atheists are very much in favor of access to healthcare, but even most religionists aren't anti-choice.

#4 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-11-22 03:50 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Right? I mean, nobody could have possibly seen these deaths coming!

#5 | Posted by horstngraben at 2024-11-22 07:18 PM | Reply

"Religious clique" is just a polite way of saying --------- cult

#6 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-11-22 08:36 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Religious clique" is just a polite way of saying --------- cult

#6 | Posted by hamburglar

aaaah hahhaahhahaa....still puking out the "C" word....thats adorable...

a cult doesn't have 76.8 million people in it.

a cult has a few thousand people with blue hair / pronons

and shave their heads to look like skinheads to protests "nazis"

oh and....a cult is a collection of people all wrting the same "Stuff" over and over

on a yellow background...

#7 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-11-24 05:33 PM | Reply

Cult members wears diapers to show their allegiance to a morbidly obese orange pedo.

#8 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-11-24 05:37 PM | Reply


You're in a cult.

The fact you voted for a rapist and a criminal and are elated he's above the law proves just how much of a brainwashed cultist you are.

You stupid ------- ------.

#9 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-24 06:08 PM | Reply

one religious clique that constitutes about a third of the population to impose their hardline faith-based beliefs on everyone else.

This is very common to how countries like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia function.

#10 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-24 06:09 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort