
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Hamilton Nolan: For many politically minded people who are not fascists, the weeks since Donald Trump's inauguration have felt like an unstoppable whirlwind of doom.


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This x10000000000 "In other words: We, the opposition, are the majority. Take heart." ...

[image or embed]

-- Chris Hayes ( February 21, 2025 at 2:23 PM


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Good article and so is this one by the same author:

Gangster Party
As gangsterism, it all makes sense.

Much of the ongoing confoundment with Donald Trump's governing style comes down to what metaphor you apply to him. Is he a wannabe strongman? Sure. A fascist? Of course. An autocrat, an authoritarian, an aspiring dictator? Yes, clearly, though there is no guarantee that he knows what those words mean. Leave those terms in the textbooks. There is a much more accurate way to describe who Donald Trump is: He is a gangster. He governs like a gangster. And if you think of him not as any variety of politician but rather as a gangster--who sits atop not a political party, but a gang--his actions make perfect sense.

If Trump was out to Bolster The Republican Party, he would only be slashing budgets in blue states and protecting red ones. Instead he is lashing out at everything, ignoring every rule. The humiliating ritual of forcing Republican allies to come and beg him to restore cuts he has already made is the point. This process reflects the success of the system that Trump wants: All control of all things in his own hands. Rules and laws--even the ones that Republicans traditionally like!--are impediments to his own control of all decisions. Therefore rules and laws must be smashed, discarded at a whim, openly violated, ignored. Do not search for some archaic form of ideological conservatism at work here. The goal of all this is not "remaking the government in a conservative image""it is "if you want anything, you have to ask me for it." The rules that governed how the government works are tossed out and replaced with "Trump's will." That's how mob bosses rule.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-02-22 11:29 PM | Reply

Gangster is Correct. Hitler was one too.

Trump is the very worst aspects of American "Culture" on steroids.

Greed,Racism, Militarism, the Worship of successful violence. Exclusion of people not deemed "Worthy" by narrow Bigots.

Trump is a Symptom. His election proves more about the basic Character of our country than anything else.

America Wanted This.

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-02-23 03:25 AM | Reply

It also shows how absurd a two party "Winner take All" system is.

Eventually, One of those two parties was going become a Vehicle for the destruction of the system itself.

One party rule....Coming Soon?

#3 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-02-23 03:30 AM | Reply

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