
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, March 15, 2025

European Parliament member Li Andersson: A little more than a week ago, we witnessed a significant shift in world politics and international relations when Trump and JD Vance humiliated Ukrainian President Zelenskyy during his visit to the White House. Although great powers such as the US throughout history have exploited smaller states, it is exceptional to see it being done this openly.


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Faced with US disengagement from Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron wants to open the debate on extending France's nuclear umbrella to its EU partners. #EuropeNews

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-- Euronews ( March 10, 2025 at 6:37 PM

As armed forces across Europe remain stretched and defence budgets constrained, could European nations reinstate compulsory military service? NATO allies are considering conscription. #EuropeNews

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-- Euronews ( March 11, 2025 at 4:46 AM


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Europe, like the United States, before Pres Putin's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country, had been working towards increasing ties with Russia and trying to lower the temperature.

The investment of Western corporations in Russia's economy was a big part of that. But also, the lowering of Europe's thought processes that more defense was needed against Russia.

Pres Putin's invasion changed all that.

Western corporations have been pulling out (many already have pulled out) of Russia.

And now Europe is upping its defensive military expenditures.

So, what has changed?

In a phrase, Pres Trump appears to have flipped sides, now aligning more with Pres Putin than our decades-long allies in Europe.

With Pres Trump, the United States no longer seems to stand for freedom, but for dictatorships and autocracy.

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-15 07:07 PM | Reply

Has anyone else noticed EVERY act this administration promotes benefits Russia both openly and/or indirectly? Kompromat, baby!

#2 | Posted by dutch46 at 2025-03-15 07:25 PM | Reply

@#2 ... Has anyone else noticed EVERY act this administration promotes benefits Russia both openly and/or indirectly? ...

My current view is that many Republican members of Congress have noticed that.

But my question is ... why haven't they exercised their Constitutional responsibility for Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers?

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-15 08:37 PM | Reply

"when Trump and JD Vance humiliated Ukrainian President Zelenskyy during his visit to the White House"

GTFOH... The little douche humiliated himself by making demands and behaving like the dementia addled, place holder was still in office. Z got what he deserved.

#4 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-03-15 09:16 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#4 ... The little douche humiliated himself ...

My view is that Pres Zelenskyy stood up for his efforts to protect the freedom and Democracy in his country.

That meeting looked more like an ambush orchestrated by Pres Trump and VP Vance to please Pres Putin.

When else in Oval Office history has a Leader of State been treated so badly for upholding freedom and Democracy in their country?

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-15 09:31 PM | Reply

Putin says his demented orange --- dumpster is his soulmate.

#6 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-15 09:50 PM | Reply

I can't imagine what information Putin could have against any US official that would

* Be meaningful to the usual 30 percent of hardcore idiots

* Be shocking at this point to another 60 percent of the populace

The P tape? So what?

The NRA was a Ruskie front for decades? And?

It's all chump change now.

#7 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-15 11:34 PM | Reply

China, Iran, and Russia have a long-standing strategic alliance. Putin is only interested in making the US isolate itself from its alliances... including our neighbors.

Trumpanzee was the perfect shill to bring this about.

#8 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2025-03-16 07:29 AM | Reply

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