
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, November 04, 2024

Erica L. Green - It was the week before Labor Day in 2003 when Rebecca Prozan got a call from a tenacious 38-year-old lawyer making her first run for elected office. The lawyer had a challenge: She wanted Ms. Prozan to manage the final stretch of her campaign to defeat the sitting San Francisco district attorney. "If you get me to the runoff, I can win." Ms. Harris kept her promise and delivered a stinging upset to the incumbent, becoming the first Black district attorney in California's history.



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Two decades later, as Ms. Harris concludes another barrier-breaking run, Ms. Prozan and other aides who worked on the vice president's first campaign say they see the same underdog grit and discipline she displayed in her inaugural race.

"She is tireless. She's relentless," Ms. Prozan said. "She's a good closer."

The parallels between Ms. Harris's first campaign and her current one are striking, and provide insight into how she has come within touching distance of the presidency. She has employed much of the same playbook she used in her race for district attorney: building a team at a rapid pace. Exceeding fund-raising targets. Trying to appeal to a broad coalition. Energetically reaching out to voters. And, on a personal level, tapping into guidance from her mother, who died in 2009.

"She's been here before," said Andrea Dew Steele, who was an aide on Ms. Harris's first campaign. "People are always underestimating her and her ability to do the hard work, and she always rises to the occasion."

"For starters," Ms. Dew Steele added, "she is not afraid of going against tough men."

And she's been adept at beating them too, individually being 5-0.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-11-04 04:55 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Jim Cramer says Monday's market action suggests some traders anticipate a Harris win

Others are noticing.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-04 10:07 PM | Reply

You misspelled anointment.

#3 | Posted by jpw at 2024-11-05 02:22 AM | Reply

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