
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, February 23, 2025

A small town in Oswego County has found itself stuck under more than 100 inches of snow, trapping some people in their homes as everyone tries to dig out. In the town of Palermo, the latest heavy snow started to fall this past Friday morning and it didn't let up until Thursday. This month so far, the town has gotten 118.8 inches of snow, according to the National Weather Service. That includes 79.1 inches since Friday.



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Senior citizens, in particular, have been hit hard, with some unable to get out of their homes, said Palermo Church pastor Tammie Nipper on Wednesday night.

Roofs are creaking under the weight of snow.

Neighbors are helping neighbors and, in some cases, people are coming from neighboring towns, she said.

Palermo Town Supervisor Patricia Redhead said the amount of snow is unprecedented.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-02-23 05:51 PM | Reply

Oooooo been there done that. Open the front door to a wall of snow. lol.

#2 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2025-02-24 08:52 AM | Reply

Yep--bigtime lake effect snow in that part of northern New York. Ask anyone who wintered at Ft. Drum, and they will tell you. I once visited Massena, further north, and they would typically get more than 10' of snow in a winter. Cleared roads and parking lots with a road grader and front end loader. Snow piles would remain until Memorial Day. Beautiful country in the Summer. February--not so much...

#3 | Posted by catdog at 2025-02-24 09:48 AM | Reply

A friend in Johnstown said the snowmobilers were worried about no snow then later said it snowed so much he couldn't get his truck out of the driveway.


#4 | Posted by HanoverFist at 2025-02-24 11:00 AM | Reply

#3 | Posted by catdog

I totally get it I used to live in the Keweenaw area when I went to college.

The Keweenaw Snow Gauge

The total is currently at 239.25" so far this winter. (They only adjust it once a year for the previous winter total.)

#5 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2025-02-24 02:47 PM | Reply

To be clear, that is in Michigan's UP...

#6 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2025-02-24 02:48 PM | Reply

@#3 ... bigtime lake effect snow in that part of northern New York. ...


That is what happens in that area of NY.

Back when I worked in the "Capital District" of NY (in my case, Schenectady, near Albany, hence the name), one week we had on Monday a foot of lake effect snow that made it across the state.

Then on Wednesday, another foot of snow from the same source.

Then on Friday, another foot of snow from that same source.

Interesting thing was, each day that week, everyone (including me) showed up for work on time for the routine work day.

Another interesting thing I noticed, because the temps did not go above freezing, or even near freezing, the roads were plowed down to two or three inches of snow, and then coal ashes from the local coal electric-generator plant were spread on that two or three inches of snow for traction.

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-24 07:32 PM | Reply

Global warming is really digging in, as residents dig out.

#8 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-24 09:39 PM | Reply

---- off FAGAT

#9 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-24 10:24 PM | Reply

---- off FAGAT

#9 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-24 10:24 PM | FLAG PPPFFFFTTTTT

Yep... that's what a snow blower sounds like the first start-up of the season...

First pull...
---- off FAGAT

second pull
---- off FAGAT-T-T-T

third pull
---- off FAGAT-T-T-Tttttttttt ding ding click

fourth pull
---- off FAGAT-T-T-Ttttttttt tteeteeteeTATATATATATATAT vrooom VROOOOMmmmm rrrrrr VROOOOOOOOOOOM!!

#10 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2025-02-25 03:53 AM | Reply

I like snow, but that's too much. Even here in Kentucky it's been an unusually snowy winter.

#11 | Posted by cbob at 2025-02-25 05:51 AM | Reply

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