Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, March 09, 2025

The United States has not just abandoned Ukraine, the United States is now actively helping Vladimir Putin and the Russian state kill Ukrainians to try and force Ukraine to accept a bad peace deal that very well might spell the end of their country. At the same time, the USA is now bending over backwards to help protect the Russian military. The United States is now an active enemy of democracy not just in Ukraine, but in all of Europe. That it would, somewhat gleefully in the case of the president, help Russia kill what were recently some of the most pro-American people in the world, a people desperate to be US allies, tells you everywhere about the dark period we are now in.


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The USA has stopped the delivery of all military supplies to Ukraine. The Trump administration had actually been slowing the supply of remaining Biden era supplies for a while. However now even Biden appropriations are not being delivered. The USA has stopped allowing Ukraine to attack Russian forces with certain high-value US systems such as HIMARS. The USA, in a particularly twisted move, has made it far more difficult for Ukraine to defend against Russian missile attacks. What the USA has done is no longer provide Ukraine with warning of such attacks"which will make them far more deadly and effective. The USA is actually stopping non-military supplies such as medical equipment, which is vital to keep wounded Ukrainians alive. This had started with the USAID cut"but has now reached an extreme level with no medical supplies to treat Ukrainian soldiers. The USA is also forbidding the Ukrainians from having access to Maxar commercial satellite data"which has been widely available to them (and many civilian agencies) throughout the conflict. The USA is signalling strong support to Putin that they want to see his strategic priorities met in the short term.


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That it would, somewhat gleefully in the case of the president, help Russia kill what were recently some of the most pro-American people in the world, a people desperate to be US allies, tells you everywhere about the dark period we are now in.

Krasnov is thrilled to add to his already massive body count for his masters in Moscow.

#1 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-09 07:04 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


American volunteer soldiers fighting in Ukraine say that they feel "betrayed" by their own country after the US halted military aid and stopped sharing intelligence with Kyiv in early March. "Never have I ever thought that I would be listening to any US public figure " let alone the president " openly declare support for an aggressor," said Goldfish, a 33-year-old Alaskan currently serving with the 25th Airborne Brigade.

"If we stand here now on the side of the oppressor, literally telling Ukraine, either submit or cease to exist, that's not peace, that's subjugation."

While the exact number of US volunteer soldiers fighting in various units in Ukraine is unknown to the public, at least 50, including about 40 US military veterans, were killed in action as of Feb 2024, according to "Task and Purpose." A 2025 CNN investigation revealed that more than 20 are missing in action on the front line.

Link: https://www.rsn.org/001/he-betrayed-every-one-of-us-us-soldiers-in-ukraine-speak-out-after-trumps-

#2 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-09 07:24 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."

#3 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-03-09 08:25 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

So neither Trump nor MAGA have any interest in seeing the war in Ukraine end for the sake of humanity.

Well, so sane person ever thought they did.

What Trump and MAGA want is for Russia to win the war.

In the case of Trump, because he's a fascist in the mold of Putin; has been promised something by Putin, and because Joe Biden supported Ukraine.

In the case of MAGA, because they are a collection of lying, vicious bastards and their identification with Trump/Putin is natural and solid.

#4 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-09 09:40 AM | Reply

Krasnov Fats is a cheeseburger-eating surrender monkey.


#5 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-09 12:08 PM | Reply

In addition, Trumpf wants to deport the 240,000 Ukrainian refugees living in the US. Besides (white) Democrats, the Ukrainians are the first white people that Republicans hate. Remarkable.

#6 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-10 02:35 AM | Reply


#7 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2025-03-10 05:39 PM | Reply


#8 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 09:58 AM | Reply

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