
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, May 24, 2024

Microsoft's Windows Recall feature is attracting controversy before even venturing out of preview.



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More from the article...

... The principle is simple. As noted earlier, Windows takes a snapshot of a user's active screen every few seconds and dumps it to disk. The user can then scroll through the archive of snapshots to find what were doing some time back, or query an AI system to recall past screenshots by text.

The Windows 11 feature is supposed to eventually expand to allow users to pull up anything that happened recently on their Copilot+ PC and interact with or use it again, as the system logs all app activity, communications, and so on, as well as by-the-second screenshots, to local storage for search and retrieval.

Microsoft, which was just scolded by the US government for lax security, said: "Recall will also enable you to open the snapshot in the original application in which it was created, and, as Recall is refined over time, it will open the actual source document, website, or email in a screenshot. This functionality will be improved during Recall's preview phase."

Improvements will certainly be needed, particularly in how the function deals with privacy. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-24 12:40 AM | Reply

I have so many questions about this new "feature."

But my first and foremost question is...

With whom is this information shared, and do I have control over how/where it is stored?

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-24 12:41 AM | Reply

The usual, ~suck up to Microsoft~ website (imo), says...

Windows Recall lets you rewind actions on a PC

One of several AI features designed run on new high-powered Copilot+ PCs, Recall is like giving users a photographic memory,' says Microsoft.

Microsoft is bringing a new AI-powered search function to Windows 11 that lets users find and retrieve information across any app they've accessed.

The new feature, Windows Recall, essentially records all user actions on a PC, taking snapshots of the screen at 5 second intervals. This allows Recall to generate a searchable timeline of everything they've interacted with, whether that's an application, website, document, image, or anything else. It could mean searching for anything from references to a work-related topic across different documents, or a conversation with a friend on a chat app, whether on a desktop app or via a web browser.

"We set out to solve one of the most frustrating problems we encounter daily " finding something we know we have seen before on our PC," Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's executive vice president and consumer chief marketing officer, said Monday in a blog post. "Today, we must remember what file folder it was stored in, what website it was on, or scroll through hundreds of emails trying to find it.

"Now with Recall, you can access virtually what you have seen or done on your PC in a way that feels like having photographic memory." ...

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-24 12:44 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Still, I ask...

With whom is this information shared?

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-24 12:45 AM | Reply

Everyone entrusting their personalities and personal $#!+ to some greedy fn(ks

#5 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-05-24 06:52 AM | Reply

Liberals love it when big brother lives up their b*** so they can get free stuff.

Take it....beeaauuuuch.

You think they'll really give a crap about this?

Just promise more free stuff.

#6 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-05-24 02:00 PM | Reply


Did an AI write that nonsense of a post?

#7 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-05-24 05:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

With whom is this information shared, and do I have control over how/where it is stored?

Those questions are answered in the linked article.

#8 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-05-24 05:52 PM | Reply

All "sharing" features should be opt out by default. Require users who want these features to opt in ... ..
Then they can see how few of us want these features.

When I read 1984, everyone feared the government was going to be watching our every move. Little did we know it was going to be the private sector ... ..which will completely buy the government eventually. Zuckerberg and Bezos already have more power than any of the 3 branches of government.

#9 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-05-24 06:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It's bad enough that web browsers have a 'history' feature ;-)


#10 | Posted by OCUser at 2024-05-24 06:41 PM | Reply


"everyone feared the government was going to be watching our every move."

Aren't people today a little more gullible or at least willing to be complient compared to the story 1984?

Just look how people got in line during COVID everything they were told to do by the government that really mostly turned out to be a waste of time and had little impact on the spreading.

#11 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-05-24 07:48 PM | Reply

This is really because the OS couldn't enforce a form of single database for all things.

So now it will do random screen grabs.

Why not just record the data going through the graphics adapter?

Call it TwitchOS.

#12 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-05-24 07:59 PM | Reply

" Aren't people today a little more gullible or at least willing to be complient compared to the story 1984?"


Just look at the folks who still believe the 2020 election contained sizable fraud.

#13 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-24 08:24 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


You're a sad little clown.

#14 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-24 10:01 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I replaced Win-10 with Linux on my 2 year old computer in 2019. For the first time, I have actually owned my computer, for years running now. Never, ever again MS.

#15 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2024-05-25 01:47 PM | Reply

5 years running...

#16 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2024-05-25 01:47 PM | Reply


"Just look at the folks who still believe the 2020 election contained sizable fraud."

I've never said there was sizable fraud nor that Trump was the true winner.

My opinion is unsolicited ballots sent out simply are not a good idea for America and in-person early voting is the best solution to increase access to voting and maintain the highest integrity of voting results and public confidence.

#17 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-05-25 02:09 PM | Reply

I've never said there was sizable fraud nor that Trump was the true winner.
My opinion is unsolicited ballots sent out simply are not a good idea for America and in-person early voting is the best solution to increase access to voting and maintain the highest integrity of voting results and public confidence.

You like a rug BillJohnson.

#18 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-05-25 02:18 PM | Reply


#19 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-05-25 02:21 PM | Reply

"My opinion is unsolicited ballots sent out simply are not a good idea for America..."

History, via Oregon, another dozen states, and the military, have all proven you wrong.

"...and in-person early voting is the best solution to increase access to voting"

Well that's a damnable lie. Forcing in-person voting discriminates against those who don't have the same ability as others, from scheduling to mobility to battling long lines.

"...and maintain the highest integrity of voting results..."

No, math has proven you wrong about that claim.

"... and public confidence."

Only you and your moron friends have tried to pretend the 2020 Presidential election wasn't aboveboard. Including your idiotic theory Republican voters had their mailed ballots SWIPED from them by nefarious Dom voters...a theory which has been corroborated by...(checks notes)...ZERO people coming forward.

Tell us Bill: when are the thousands and thousands of Republican voters who were victims of Dem thieves be coming forward? Will that be before the November election, or after?

#20 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-26 01:51 AM | Reply


You can not say my opinion is a lie.

It is an opinion.

You might say it's "wrong" but you can't say it's a lie.

I believe a better overall solution that encourages voter confidence, has a higher degree of integity, a lower margin of error, less labor intensive (less people handling uncounted ballots before they get counted) is early in-person voting.

If someone is out of the country or incapable of getting to the polls due to physical limitations (lazy doesn't count), they can apply for an absentee ballot.

Our voting rights come with personal responsibilities.

You're responsible for obeying the laws and voting within those guidelines.

If you have a couple of weeks or so to arrange to get to the polls, that's plenty enough time.

or don't vote.

#21 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-05-26 11:47 AM | Reply


I we are nearly 4 years after an election people still questioning the results of the 2020 election.

That should never be the case.

Recounting ballots is futile if the entire method of collecting them in the first place is the problem.

I don't care how many "experts" have come on board claiming mail-in ballots are just as dependable and trustworthy as in-person voting, I will say they are the ones who are lying.

#22 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-05-26 11:54 AM | Reply

" You can not say my opinion is a lie."

Your opinion comes with a theory. That theory has been proven wrong over the last several years, simply by the fact not a single person has come forward with your story.

Other claims you made have been proven wrong by math. For example, hand counting is not as accurate as machine counting. And the problems you pretend exist, would have reared their ugly head in the last 150 years of military voting, or at the very least the last 30 years in Oregon. The absence of any proof, any proof of sizable, systematic fraud proves your "opinion" is based on lies and purposeful bullschittt.

The real truth, as you've admitted several times, is you don't want "certain" people to vote. Most telling, you don't want them to be able to vote as easily as you can.

#23 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-26 11:55 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

here we are nearly 4 years after an election people still questioning the results of the 2020 election.

Here we are in 2024, and people still think the Earth is flat and the origin of man is a drawing in the sand.

#24 | Posted by horstngraben at 2024-05-26 11:58 AM | Reply

" I don't care how many "experts" have come on board claiming mail-in ballots are just as dependable and trustworthy as in-person voting, I will say they are the ones who are lying."

Of course you will. Without a single piece of evidence.

Meanwhile, not one person has come forward corroborating your theory. Not one, in almost 4 years.

#25 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-26 12:01 PM | Reply

Oh STFU BillJohnson. You're a liar through and through. Hell you even said that you didn't care how someone voted when Trump's poll numbers were up. You are a fraudster and huckster and you know it too.

#26 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-05-26 12:03 PM | Reply

You're a liar through and through.

I don't think bill is a liar. He's just really really dumb.

#27 | Posted by horstngraben at 2024-05-26 12:10 PM | Reply

" here we are nearly 4 years after an election people still questioning the results of the 2020 election."

Only morons.

You fell for a lot of horse manure. I get that it's embarrassing, but even more embarrassing is pretending you don't know who won the presidential election, fair and square.

Please tell us: why did all the Republicans down ballot who won, not jump up and down and claim they won fraudulently?

Did you catch that? Down-ballot Republicans got more votes than Trump did. That's not a weird election, that's a weird candidate.

#28 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-26 12:12 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

" I don't care how many "experts" have come on board"

Of course you don't.

Facing facts has never been your strong suit.

#29 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-26 12:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Most are in no hurry to get a new car or upgrade to new Win OS. Mostly because customers are stuck paying for too much embedded spyware that is out of user control.

#30 | Posted by Robson at 2024-05-26 07:20 PM | Reply

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