Monday, February 19, 2024

How Trump Is Killing Off the 'Reagan Republican' in Congress

Less than a decade ago, all but a few Republicans in Congress would have taken the title of "Reagan Republican" as a badge of honor.



Like him or not, Ronald Reagan and his acolytes had a code by which they conducted themselves--tough on Russia, eager to shrink the size of government, grudgingly accepting of taxes to pay for roads and the military, strong supporters of NATO and 'our friends' around the world. Reagan communicated his particular vision for a better America. The corpulent orange insurrectionist has no vising beyond his own nose, and cares only for those who will do his bidding.

It is too bad that Barry Goldwater is dead and gone--he of all the Republicans in the past 100 years would have lit up Trump fearlessly, and none would have back-talked or disagreed with his words...

#1 | Posted by catdog at 2024-02-19 04:12 PM

It's really just horrible karma that the people who wanted to rid their Party of Est Republicans, a laudable goal, chose such a damaged vessel to carry their water.

And that they played to the Base's meaner instincts; demagoguing on women, weapons, --------, and anyone else who didn't look or act or believe like them.

They may eventually get the comeuppance they deserve, but unfortunately many of their innocent targets will also have been damaged in their learning curve... if such exits.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-02-19 04:22 PM

Trump's gutted the GOP. They stand for nothing. Absolutely nothing.

- Said they stand for "border security" and then refuse to vote on a bipartisan bill that has everything they want.

- DIDN'T stand up for freaking American democracy when they had a chance to send Trump packing after Jan 6.

- WON'T say they oppose Putin and his murderous regime. Won't even fund soldiers fighting his illegal invasion.

The GOP us vacuous. Emptied to nothing but a shell Trump's created to line his own pockets and prop up his ego.

Oh, and avoid prison if he can.

#3 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-02-19 05:51 PM

It is a cult that serves and protects fmr Pres Trump's ego, using violence at times. It does little else more than that.

Cults do not allow dissent or disagreement with what the cult leader dictates.

That is why the cult is taking over the Republican Party, pushing out those who disagree with th cult leader.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-02-19 06:35 PM

The flipflops Republicans are making are emblematic of the fact that they have no backbones, they have no spines, they are Trump hand puppets now

Before ascending to the speakership, Johnson was sympathetic to Ukraine's struggle against Russia. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, he seemed to understand that Ukraine aid was a pennies-on-the-dollar strategy for constraining Vladimir Putin's global ambitions. But now, as speaker, Johnson appears acutely aware that even allowing the House to work its will on Ukraine could cost him his job.

The role of the speaker used to be putting bills on the floor that could pass; it's now the speaker's job, under this new GOP world order, to make sure that you don't put bills on the floor that could pass"at least not the ones where the right Republicans (or, perhaps, the wrong ones) are opposed.

#5 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-02-19 06:45 PM

It remains to be seen if ETTD applies to the Republican Party and the RNC:

Ron Filipkowski

List of Some of Trump's Failed Businesses:

Trump Steaks
Trump Vodka
Trump Board Game
Trump University
Trump Mattresses
Trump Ice
Trump Shuttle
Trump Vitamins & Urine Test Kits
Tour de Trump
New Jersey Generals
Trump Modeling
Trump Princess
Trump Mortgages
Trump Success Cologne
Trump Magazine
Trump Style
Trump Taj Mahal
Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino
Trump Castle
Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts
Trump Entertainment
Trump Marina
Trump Casino Indiana
Trump Travel Agency
Trumpnet Telecom
Trump Tower Tampa
Trump Empire Cologne
Paris is Out Musical

#6 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-02-19 06:58 PM

Why respectable Republicans don't stand up to this con artist is beyond me:

Ron Filipkowski

Montage of clips of Trump selling his various products and scams over the years: Trump University, Trump Steaks, Vodka, Board Game, Mattresses, Water, Airline, Vitamins, Ties and more.

#7 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-02-19 07:01 PM

Respectable Republicans? Do those exist?

#8 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-02-19 07:21 PM

Soon to be added to the list of business failures, Trump Tennis Shoes, being sold at $399.

#9 | Posted by BBQ at 2024-02-19 08:04 PM

Hell Yeah!

#10 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-02-19 08:55 PM

lol. Yeah. Trump replaced simple Corporate Sellout Republicans (those 'decent ones')
with just Stupid ones...

The underbelly of the GOP (yer red hat wearing Maga) still doesn't realize it is the
Corporate Sellout Republicans (the 'respectable ones!!') that are the very people that
have put the screws to them their entire lives.

Maybe 1 in 100 will finally come to the realization that they've been had and that they
should have been democrats all along. Maybe... But given their track record for stupidity,
I somehow doubt it...

#11 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-02-20 06:50 AM

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