Saturday, August 17, 2024

'No Crying': Lincoln Project Mocks Cease-and-desist Letter

A new ad running on Fox News in Mar-a-Lago from a group of anti-Trump Republicans prompted a cease-and-desist letter.



I watched the ad. It's targeting Trump's paranoia.

#1 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-17 09:10 AM


Your AI sucks, pal.

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-17 12:04 PM

Re 2


Trump paranoia like paranoid that he will end up in an orange jumpsuit and spend the rest of his miserable (*PAB) life in and out of court and rotting in a prison cell.


#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-17 12:07 PM

Well, I sure hope they do not cease and desist-that clip is the bomb!

#5 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2024-08-17 01:10 PM

What happens to a bully when others stand up to him, call his bluff, don't back down and keep coming at him? We're seeing it now. Der Dotard suddenly appears old, tired, far out of sorts, with no campaign strategy other than insults and grifting. A poor performance in the September 10 debate will have most GOP candidates ducking and diving, too busy to appear' with this train wreck of a candidate wearing a slipcover for a loveseat.

All I can advise VP Harris to do is to keep it up and kick the fat orange criminal insurrectionist and golf cheat harder ...

#6 | Posted by catdog at 2024-08-17 01:32 PM

We're seeing it now. Der Dotard suddenly appears old, tired, far out of sorts, with no campaign strategy other than insults and grifting.

#7 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-17 01:57 PM

I'm trying to unpack "wearing a slipcover for a loveseat."

#8 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-08-17 03:44 PM


"I'm trying to unpack "wearing a slipcover for a loveseat."

A suit too sizes too big so he doesn't look fat and a jacket that doesn't flat up and down in the back when he walks, 'cause he has a bubblebutt.

And a long tie that hides his jellybelly. And he never buttons his jacket because keeping it open makes him look like he has an hourglass figure. And a rug to cover up his male pattern baldness. He also wears glasses but not in public because he thinks they makes him look weak. And shoe lifts to look as tall as Obama. And spray-on tan so he looks young and healthy, but it doesn't blend well with his ------- orangy completion. And Plexaderm to reduce the size of the cholesterol bags under his eyes.

Donald is pretty much a fake from top to bottom.

Now, aren't you glad you asked?

#9 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-17 04:25 PM

DT is the biggest phony in the USA. A traitor to this country. A liar of epic proportions. People are sick of him and his full loads of BS. He's old, tired and already defeated. He will soon be a horrible memory.

#10 | Posted by NOTGOINGBACK at 2024-08-17 04:30 PM

Trumpanzee's appeal was sticking it to the libruls. He could say and do things from his safe lofty perch the cl0wns on the ground couldn't say... they loved it and felt like he was "representin' with all his tough guy blather.

Did cl0wns really think we were to put up with that chit forever? smh...

Interesting... that he defeated Clinton ... which in the scheme of things isn't that big a deal... every man who ran for the office had that potential and the rare occasions that a woman tossed her hat into the ring... was defeated before she ever made it to the gate... so he wasn't the first... or "the only one who could do it".

The ----- prize (pun intended) is his braggadocio resulted in normalizing a woman as a presidential contender. Hillary Clinton faced steeper odds and less acceptance than Kamala Harris is receiving. Still... she garnered more votes than him. Trumpanzee's railing on and on about his victory... only elevated her status... while insisting that "keeping the status quo" is a big deal.

Kamala Harris is less a surprise to the political arena than Hillary Clinton... She owes that part of her rise to Trumpanzee.

WTG self-owning cl0wns

#11 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-17 05:01 PM

You know that this has gotta touched a nerve with Trump personally. He, and he alone, could order/authorize such a C&D letter. Insecure little -------. Classic case of he can dish it but cannot take it.

#12 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-08-17 08:58 PM

People were hoping for a miracle that would save them from a dictatorship. And along came Kamala Harris. Thank you, God.

It's turning out that Trump wasn't a gift from the Almighty after all. He's more like "Beware of False Prophets" the Bible warns us about.

#13 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-17 11:59 PM

It's turning out that Trump wasn't a gift from the Almighty after all. He's more like "Beware of False Prophets" the Bible warns us about.

False profits as well

#14 | Posted by MBlue at 2024-08-18 09:40 AM

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