Sunday, August 18, 2024

How Trump's Intimidation Tactics Have Reshaped the GOP

As Trump enters the final stretch of the presidential campaign, he's purged his Republican Party of lawmakers and officials deemed as disloyal. But his obsession with loyalty may cost him critical voters in a tight race.



More from the investigative report...

... When U.S. congressman Tom Rice voted to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol in January 2021, it was the beginning of the end of his political career.

Angry calls and emails " including three death threats " flooded the South Carolina Republican's office. The next year, as Rice ran for a sixth term, a sheriff's deputy often guarded him at public events. Trump backed Rice's foe in the party's primary election. At a rally, the ex-president warned voters that the congressman "partnered with the Democrats to stab the Republican Party and, frankly, to stab our country in the back."

Rice got crushed in the primary. Today, the one-time conservative darling, a small-government fiscal hawk, is shunned by former allies and some old friends, he told Reuters. He feels betrayed by fellow Republicans who, "rather than upholding their oath and defending the Constitution, decided their position and their power was worth more." ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 01:44 PM

All forms of Mafia gangsterism are loyalty based.

It's democracies that are based on:

Individual autonomy
People should be able to control their own lives.

Everyone should have the same opportunity to influence decisions that affect them.

Rule of law
Citizens elect their own leaders, and the government is bound by the law, while also helping to ensure that the law is respected among the citizens.

Human rights
Democracy is the only form of government that is consistent with human rights, such as freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, freedom of expression, and protection of minorities

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-18 01:48 PM

All Republicants are gutless -------.

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-18 03:28 PM

@#3 ... All Republicants are gutless -------. ..

Well, as the article seems to show, fmr Pres Trump has eliminated most, if not all, of those from the GOP who don't place loyalty to fmr Pres Trump above loyalty to the Constitution via threats of death and violence from his supporters.

So, this is the Country fmr Pres Trump wants?

Mob rule. Obey or be hurt or even killed.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 06:53 PM

He didn't reshape the GOP alone. They encouraged it to happen so . . . you reap what you sow. They groomed him, they built him, they looked the other way. They identified their goals with his goals, they succumbed to greed and authoritarianism. They linked themselves to America's enemies abroad. They took their money and made promises. They never made a single effort to stop what they saw happening.

Now they're crying crocodile tears? Give me a break.

And the weird thing is, they haven't learned a thing. They'll be back in 2028 with a roar. Count on it.

#5 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-18 08:36 PM

Matthew McCaffery

Last night, my family was swatted in what Upper Merion Police are classifying as a politically motivated crime. This happened after I appeared on @CNN, where I discussed my decision not to support Donald Trump.

I want to be clear: these types of attacks are exactly why I'm speaking out against the MAGA wing of my party and why I'm proudly voting for Kamala Harris.

10:12 AM Aug 17, 2024

#6 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-18 08:46 PM

@#5 ... He didn't reshape the GOP alone. They encouraged it to happen so . . . you reap what you sow. ...


Then the question seems to become...

Why did the GOP seem to encourage an apparent malignant narcissist to take over their party?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 08:50 PM

Like I already said, LAMP

They had matching goals. Trump didn't just fall off a turnip truck. The GOP was training and grooming a man they knew was already crazed for power. If they lost control of their creation, they can blame it on the Frankenstein effect.

#8 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-18 09:50 PM

Donald Trump's No Good, Very Bad Campaign (Part XXXIV)

To my Democratic friends, some thoughts:

This fight is far from over and the ugliness ahead will be hard to comprehend. The further Trump's prospects fall, the more dangerous and odious his words will become.

Take nothing for granted, not for the next 80 days, not on Election Day, and not afterward.

We've seen this play before, don't be surprised. Open up your imagination and climb outside the politics you've known your entire careers.

Show imminent respect to those Republicans who've come out in public support of Vice President Harris. They've put everything, everything, on the line for this. Many of them live under constant threat; violent, legal, and professional. We know what happens if Trump wins and have prepared ourselves for that eventuality. Appreciate the effort and the perseverance to do what's best for the country, despite the peril.

#9 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-18 10:28 PM

@#5 ... He didn't reshape the GOP alone. They encouraged it to happen so . . . ...


But, if I may add...

Not just encouraged it to happen, actively worked for it to happen.

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 10:33 PM

They want it all,total fealty to Trump by the public at large and all our public institutions ,but freedom of action for Themselves.

Alito shows this most clearly.

It's magical thinking, almost szechophrenic.

It won't end well for anyone.

Trump is hopefully old and infirm enough to not take it Too Far.

But the damage will be incalculable no matter what if he wins.

#11 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-19 12:09 AM

I hold all Republicans who 'said they were against tRUMP' but who are
now 'returning to the fold to vote for him' as equally guilty, and

If you know the 'man has more than a few screws loose', and you
'know that he is evil, vindictive, self-obsessed, and terrible for America'
and then you vote for him anyways, you are just as bad...

#12 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-19 06:28 AM

The reason The GOP went wild-eye right is two fold: First they realize they have no policies popular with a majority of American people at the national level, and they have accepted that they can never legitimately win enough elections, under the system of government in place in America today...Therefore... they want to destroy that system.

The second is a product of the massive Russian corruption of the GOP.

When Russia hacked the DNC in 2016, they also hacked the GOP, and now hold serious compromat on all the GOP's very, very, dirty laundry.
We all witnessed the Never-Trumpers turn into Trumphumpers soon there after.

The vile Facistas who suckled at the teet of right-wing radio ala Rush Limbaugh and all the Rush wannabees who speak for White Nationalists, (many, since they were kids) came along for the bullying fun; while the Christian Evangelicals, KKKers,and Nazis all came along for the BarB-Q, violence and bigotry available under the guise of main-stream politics.

#13 | Posted by Wardog at 2024-08-19 12:48 PM

But the damage will be incalculable no matter what if he wins.


Never forget that there is also likely (let history be our guide here) to be "damage" if he loses, too.

Because Trumpy and his trumpets are all about revenge and retribution.

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-19 01:03 PM

Rupert Murdoch shaped the GOP more than trump did.

Trump sewed the crops that murdoch planted.

#15 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-19 05:51 PM

Rupert Murdoch is the Emperor Palpatine himself.
Even looks like him...

#16 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-19 06:21 PM

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