
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, August 02, 2024

A potentially deadly heat wave is expanding from the Central U.S. to both coasts, with nearly 150 million people under heat warnings and advisories on Thursday morning.



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More from the article...

... Why it matters: The extreme heat poses an acute public health risk, particularly since it will last more than a week in some places.

- - - It will also cause an uptick in fire risks in the West, where large, fast-moving and deadly blazes are already burning.

Zoom in: As a strong area of high pressure aloft, or heat dome, intensifies and stretches its influence across the Lower 48 states, cities from Washington to Sacramento could near or surpass 100F as early as Thursday.

- - - The heat is forecast to persist the longest in the West, where the National Weather Service shows at least some risk of extreme heat through Aug. 10.

- - - The heat index is likely to max out in the humid Mississippi River Valley during this event at around 115F, according to the NWS.

- - - "The combination of hot temperatures/high heat indices, as well as very warm morning lows only dropping into the mid- to upper 70s, will be dangerous to anyone without access to adequate air conditioning," the NWS warned in a Thursday morning forecast discussion.

- - - The West will also face hazardous air quality due to ongoing fires, the NWS warns....

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-01 12:47 PM | Reply

Here in CT, June was the warmest June ever on record (records dating back to 1905). Five degrees warmer than the norm.

July also was the warmest July on record.

And, I'm thinking of trying to find a buyer for my snow thrower because I do not seem to need it anymore.

No more 10 inch snow storms two or three times a year. Just some occasional slush on the driveway.

Is Connecticut turning into Florida, weather-wise?

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-01 10:03 PM | Reply

Pretty mild summer here in Houston, relatively. Consistent high 90s instead of mid 100s.

#3 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-02 10:48 AM | Reply

Still here to repeat, the hottest 20 years on record have all
been within the last 20 years...

That's not a glitch. That's not a blip on the radar.
That is an alarming and steady trend...

Combined land-surface air and sea-surface water temperature anomalies (data from NASA)
Years Temperature anomaly, C (F) from 1951 to 1980 mean Change from previous decade, C (F)
1880"1889 '0.274 C ('0.493 F) N/A
1890"1899 '0.254 C ('0.457 F) +0.020 C (0.036 F)
1900"1909 '0.259 C ('0.466 F) '0.005 C ('0.009 F)
1910"1919 '0.276 C ('0.497 F) '0.017 C ('0.031 F)
1920"1929 '0.175 C ('0.315 F) +0.101 C (0.182 F)
1930"1939 '0.043 C ('0.077 F) +0.132 C (0.238 F)
1940"1949 0.035 C (0.063 F) +0.078 C (0.140 F)
1950"1959 '0.02 C ('0.036 F) '0.055 C ('0.099 F)
1960"1969 '0.014 C ('0.025 F) +0.006 C (0.011 F)
1970"1979 '0.001 C ('0.002 F) +0.013 C (0.023 F)
1980"1989 0.176 C (0.317 F) +0.177 C (0.319 F)
1990"1999 0.313 C (0.563 F) +0.137 C (0.247 F)
2000"2009 0.513 C (0.923 F) +0.200 C (0.360 F)
2010"2019 0.753 C (1.355 F) +0.240 C (0.432 F)
2020"2029 (incomplete) 0.9575 C (1.72 F) +0.2045 C (0.37 F)

Now cue Sitz or some other right winger or Fossil Fuel zealot to compare
Environmental Trends with random everyday weather.

Weather does not = Climate Trend...

#4 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-02 10:56 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 3

#3 | Posted by sitzkrieg

Sure. Because what you observe in Houston is the only information that matters. Idiot.

#5 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-08-02 11:09 AM | Reply

- - - The West will also face hazardous air quality due to ongoing fires, the NWS warns....

It's fine here on the west coast but the further east you go the worse it gets.

Yesterday was really bad.

You could see the smoke from the fires covering several western states from space.

I like to use this website:

#6 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-02 11:26 AM | Reply


Antarctic temperatures rise 10C above average in near record heatwave

... Ground temperatures across great swathes of the ice sheets of Antarctica have soared an average of 10C above normal over the past month, in what has been described as a near record heatwave.

While temperatures remain below zero on the polar land mass, which is shrouded in darkness at this time of year, the depths of southern hemisphere winter, temperatures have reportedly reached 28C above expectations on some days.

The globe has experienced 12 months of record warmth, with temperatures consistently exceeding the 1.5C rise above preindustrial levels that has been touted as the limit to avoiding the worst of climate breakdown. ...

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-02 12:56 PM | Reply

I like to use this website:

Interesting storm brewing up over Cuba.

#8 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-02 01:01 PM | Reply

It is YouTube lately?

Type 'Chinese floods' in your search...
followed by 'Toronto floods',
followed by 'Japanese floods',
followed by 'Taiwan floods',
there was also a recent flood somewhere
in the Middle East, and somewhere in Europe,
but the place names escape me.

For those who haven't figured it out yet.
The Earth is a sphere.
It is an enclosed sphere wrapped in atmosphere.
It is what is known as a 'largely closed system'.

Most of heat that doesn't initially reflect,
becomes trapped in the atmosphere and on the surface.
The more heat you add, the more Carbon trapping chemicals
you add to the atmosphere, the hotter it gets.
The hotter it gets, the more moisture is held in the
atmosphere, the more humid it gets, the bigger and longer
lasting the rainstorms, the droughts, the blizzards,
the tornados, the hurricanes.

We are just at the beginning of what we will likely see...

#9 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-02 01:28 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Florida is reportedly getting ready for up to 12" of rain. DeathSantis has warned of flooding because of ground already saturated.

#10 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-08-02 02:07 PM | Reply

10C = 50 degrees Farenheit

#11 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-08-02 02:10 PM | Reply

Re 10

Makes one wonder how long before Florida creates a Department of Seawater Mitigation to decide who to save and who to leave to Mother Nature.

#12 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-02 02:56 PM | Reply

Now cue Sitz or some other right winger or Fossil Fuel zealot to compare

#4 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-02 10:56 AM | Reply | Flag:

More like Armed Democrat Centrist, but after multiple extremely hot summers, this one has been pretty nice.

The fact that gets people pissed off and starts making get upset as if it's some dismissal of global warming, that's not me, that's you, you're nuts.

#13 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-03 04:06 PM | Reply

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