
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, August 03, 2024

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin abruptly revoked a plea deal for the alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and his co-conspirators, and he relieved the overseer in charge after years of effort to reach an agreement to bring the cases to a close.



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This is odd.

What's up?

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-03 07:40 PM | Reply

This is odd.
What's up?
#1 | Posted by LampLighter

What is "this".

The fact that there was a plea deal for terrorist not to get the death penalty,
or the revoking of the plea deal after the outrage it caused?

#2 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-03 07:49 PM | Reply

@#2 ... What is "this". ...

I disagree with the either-or choice your current alias provides.

For me the "this" is ...

The reneging upon an apparent plea deal.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-03 08:06 PM | Reply

I gave this article a quick read and determined that Sec. of Defense, Lloyd Austin, didn't like the Pentagon accepting a plea deal that 1) took the death penalty off the table in exchange for a guilty plea; and 2) he, Austin, is the only one authorized to sign off on ANY deal, considering all the outside forces in play such as input from victims' families, etc.

In short, The Secretary of Defense thinks the Pentagon people overseeing the prosecution overstepped their bounds so he pulled the plug.

#4 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-03 08:55 PM | Reply

Austin did the right thing. Good on him. Terrorist should be put to death within the year. Never forget 9/11.

#5 | Posted by NewOrleans at 2024-08-03 10:01 PM | Reply

Austin did the right thing. Good on him. Terrorist should be put to death within the year. Never forget 9/11.

#6 | Posted by NewOrleans at 2024-08-03 10:01 PM | Reply

Sorry for double post.

#7 | Posted by NewOrleans at 2024-08-03 10:01 PM | Reply

@#4 ... In short, The Secretary of Defense thinks the Pentagon people overseeing the prosecution overstepped their bounds so he pulled the plug. ...

I do not disagree.

#8 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-03 10:10 PM | Reply

I knew something was up during the freed Russian prisoners press conference. Reporters asked Karine about the plea deal and she deflected and repeated WAY too many times that the Biden administration had no involvement whatsoever in that decision. Aaa matter of fact, they just found out. Hmmmm, Got my antennas up.

You'd think a historic National Security deal like that would get discussed in the White House (then again there hasn't been a full cabinet meeting since October). No better cover than plausible deniability.

So next up at bat, Secretary of Defense, LLoyd Austin, whose job includes keeping the President informed on this type of matter. Well, he didn't know about it either, because Susan Escallier, the designated scapegoat he personally appointed, allegedly inked this historic deal without discussing it with her boss.

Sure Jan. Sounds like someone didn't read the room, and ---- rolls downhill. The cleanup is underway.

#9 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-08-03 10:25 PM | Reply

Another 20 years in limbo ought to do it.

#10 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-08-03 10:59 PM | Reply

Said in ONE press conference:

MR. SULLIVAN: As we said last night, the White House received word that the convening authority had entered these pretrial agreements that had been negotiated by military prosecutors with KSM and some of the other 9/11 defendants.

And we had no role in that process. The president had no role. The vice president had no role. I had no role. The White House had no role. And we were informed yesterday " the same day that they went out publicly that this pretrial agreement had been accepted by the convening authority.

What the president did upon learning of that was direct his team to consult as appropriate with officials and lawyers at the Department of Defense on this matter. Those consultations are ongoing, and I have nothing more to add at this time.

Q And does he have a message to some of the 9/11 families who wanted to see a full trial, who wanted to see this kind of come to a fuller process?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, look, this is basically what Jake said, this is something that we had no involvement in. He didn't have any involvement in. And so, the pl- " the White House played no role in this process. And the president directed his " his team to consult as appropriate with officials and lawyers and Department of Defense, obviously.

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: We didn't have a role in this. This was not something that we were involved in. And so, we are determined to make sure that they get justice " these families get justice.

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: This is something that " that we learned about yesterday. This is something that the Convening Authority for Military Commissions made " an independent decision.

MS. JEAN -PIERRE: They made an independent decision. We were not involved.

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I " I don't want to get into " into, like, specifics on this because we're just not involved at all in this process. And so, I'll just be " be careful here and just leave it there.

#11 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-08-03 11:05 PM | Reply

Ordinarily I'd think tlea deal should have been honored but the 9-11 attacks were not ordibary crimes and the number of deaths demands the death penalty, IMHO,

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-03 11:06 PM | Reply

How Russia swap happened: Secret talks, a hitman and Biden's fateful call

... The White House had worked desperately " and largely out of public view " to free Wall Street Journal reporter Gershkovich, former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reporter Alsu Kurmasheva and U.S. green card holder Vladimir Kara-Murza, an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Kurmasheva is a Prague-based editor on the Tatar-Bashkir Service of VOA sister outlet Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

This meant high-level talks with Russia at a time when East-West relations are in open conflict over the Ukraine war.

But it also meant, say U.S. officials, leaning hard on European allies reluctant to give in to Moscow's demands for getting back a string of Russian citizens imprisoned in the West for serious crimes.

In the end, Biden secured the key piece of the puzzle on July 21 -- the very day that the 81-year-old Democrat stunned the world by announcing that he would no longer stand in November's election. ...

So... while Pres Biden had on his mind the upcoming announcement that he would step down, this hostage release negotiations were also occurring?

#13 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-03 11:13 PM | Reply

#13 if, as you suggest, th delicate negotiations was the reason for Biden's delay in suspending his candidacy, it is an honorable one. That is a much better look than the others explanations that have been offered up.

I got hammered for not agreeing with the ridiculous theory that Joe timed his announcement after the RNC as a brilliant strategic move to force Trump to make a bad VP decision with Vance.

Biden himself insisted the stakes were so high he HAD to stay in the race. The attitude that he was the ONLY candidate who could save democracy projected a lack of confidence in VP Harris. Fortunately for her he has flipped that script.

#14 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-08-04 12:46 AM | Reply

So... while Pres Biden had on his mind the upcoming announcement that he would step down, this hostage release negotiations were also occurring?

He didn't know about the hostages, just like he didn't know about this plea deal.

I got hammered for not agreeing with the ridiculous theory that Joe timed his announcement after the RNC as a brilliant strategic move to force Trump to make a bad VP decision with Vance.

That's silly.

My take is something happened to Biden in Vegas, the wheeled him home

Same week Pelosi said "we can do this the easy way or the hard way".
As evidence, Pelosi on a talk show kept saying "It's Bidens choice to make". Even though he had clearly come out and said he was running and not dropping out.

The attitude that he was the ONLY candidate who could save democracy projected a lack of confidence in VP Harris. Fortunately for her he has flipped that script.

Strange that the campaign has dropped the whole "save democracy" talk. Fortunately for him she has flipped the script.

I will say since he's dropped out, he has zoned out, that is a burden on Harris eventually she has to 25th amendment him its getting so bad.

#15 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-04 12:59 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

@#15 ... He didn't know about the hostages, just like he didn't know about this plea deal. ...

Yeah, go with that.

What else yer current alias got?

#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-04 01:13 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

He didn't know about the hostages, just like he didn't know about this plea deal.


Nice try, ---------.

#17 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-04 01:13 AM | Reply

Strange that the campaign has dropped the whole "save democracy" talk.

Strange how one can be so out of touch with reality.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-05 11:05 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The president is non compos mentis so the entire federal government is being run department heads with no coordination. If it looks and acts like a clown show it's because it's a clowns show.

#19 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-05 11:28 AM | Reply

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