Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that election officials must count provisional ballots cast by voters whose mail-in ballots are rejected.



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More from the article...

... The ruling upholds a lower court decision in September and is a blow to the Republican National Committee (RNC), which argued in court alongside the Butler County Board of Elections that the state Election Code does not allow a voter's provisional ballot to be counted if their mail-in ballot is returned on time"even if a voter suspects or is told that their mail-in ballot was rejected.

The lawsuit was first filed by Butler County voters Faith Genser and Frank Matis, who both cast a vote in person during the 2024 primary election after they were notified that their mail-in ballots were rejected because they failed to enclose their ballots in a secrecy envelope before returning them. Genser and Matis were later notified that their provisional ballots were also not counted. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-24 02:04 AM | Reply

OK, what are these "provisional ballots that seem to be in question?

I'm gonna explore, while I do, enjoy...

Good Rats - City Liners (1979)


#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-24 02:07 AM | Reply

OK, found this...

Voting by Provisional Ballot

... If you are a registered voter but your eligibility to vote at your polling place is uncertain, you have the right to vote a provisional ballot.

What is a provisional ballot?

Sometimes county elections officials need more time to determine a voter's eligibility to vote. Election officials may ask that voter to vote a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted.

You may be issued a provisional ballot for the reasons below:

- - - Your name was not in the poll book or supplemental poll book.
- - - - - - For example, you reported to the wrong precinct; or
- - - - - - You did not report a recent change in residence to the county election office.

- - - You are required to show ID, but cannot show ID.

- - - Your eligibility was challenged by an election official.

- - - You were issued an absentee or mail-in ballot but believe you did not successfully vote that ballot, and you do not surrender your ballot and outer return envelope at the polling place to be spoiled.

- - - You returned a completed absentee or mailin ballot that was rejected, or you believe will be rejected, by the county board of elections and you believe you are eligible to vote.

- - - There is a special court order with respect to your registration status.

- - - There is a special court order related to extending the hours of voting.

- - - You believe that you are registered in a political party, but your voter record indicates otherwise (for primary elections only).

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-24 02:17 AM | Reply

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