
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Just a couple of weeks beyond the election, some Republicans suddenly think the economy isn't so bad. Looking at the data, it seems that the Republicans feelings about their personal finances are far more politically driven than those of Democrats. It was certainly an unsuccessful battle by Democrats to convince voters that the economy was actually pretty good over the last couple of years. And the Dems got practically NO help from corporate media, determined up until the election to parrot Republican feelings instead of reporting actual economic data.



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Not to worry.

Trump and our Republican Congress will break it again.

Just give the wealthy another trillion dollar tax break and slap tariffs on everything.

Mission Accomplished!

#1 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-22 07:13 PM | Reply

Yea, give it a year, their lies will come true and the economy will take a dump.

#2 | Posted by bat4255 at 2024-11-23 05:17 PM | Reply


told to you by the same people who printed up trillions of dollars out of thin air

and you go.....this won't have any effect on the economy in the near future.........

puuuulease read a book.

#3 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-11-23 05:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#3 Ah, a DR COVID classic. Left wingnut poster, I am an essential employee! I am on unemployment. When asked why? He said and I quote "Why turn down free money"?

#4 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2024-11-23 06:12 PM | Reply

Dobald Trump needs to do the biggest things and his economic catastrophe will make George Bush look like a Piker! He'll make Herbert Hoover look like an effective leader during an economic crisis and Republicans will be the Party of depression and isolation for the nexy 50 years as they were starting in 1932. Now, a little more than 100 years later history repeats itself but my prediction: there will still be idiots looking for a hater like Trump then and probably they will find one. There is now, and always will be I think, a visceral need in some communities to have a minority to blame for the feelings of those who feel they weren't given a fair chance of success and evil politicians who know how to capitaize on hatred and resentment just like Donald Trump did.

#5 | Posted by danni at 2024-11-23 06:12 PM | Reply

l all be buying new hats that say Make America Broke Again!

#6 | Posted by danni at 2024-11-23 07:02 PM | Reply


Trump grew the debt way more than Biden. But you'd hate to have such pesky facts get in the way of your lies.


What did that gibberish even mean? Sober up.

#7 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-24 05:09 PM | Reply

Talking about "the economy" being good is counterproductive, and Biden never learned that. Because it doesn't matter how good "the economy" is on paper, if the billionaires have the vast majority of the money the rest of us are fighting over scraps.

We all know where the blame belongs for that: Manchin and Sinema. If things like wealth and windfall profit taxes could have been passed, if the child tax credit hadn't ended, if price gouging could have been banned, if a national abortion rights law could have been passed, if the court could have been packed, if the fed could have been coerced into not screwing with interest rates, if "return to office" policies could have been banned, if a national "housing first" for homeless people could have been made law....

And of course if Biden could have stopped supporting genocide, Kamala would have gotten the votes anyway.

But the reality is that the economy stinks. Not because it doesn't look great on paper, but because of how few people actually benefit from it. Wages stagnated again, union membership stagnated again, and campaigning by trying to blow sunshine up our butts was a stupid idea. It's obviously broken, it obviously needs to be fixed, and if your campaign is telling everybody that it's great, you're screwing up.

It's going to get worse now, of course. Because as bad as the center-right Biden and Harris are, the right wing extremists are far, far worse. You're definitely going to be worse off in four years if you're not already insanely rich.

#8 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-11-24 06:23 PM | Reply

A little late for you now! Strap in Eustice,
strap in Jeb, you elected this!

#9 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-11-24 06:44 PM | Reply

It was certainly an unsuccessful battle by Democrats to convince voters that the economy was actually pretty good over the last couple of years.

Dems got practically NO help from corporate media, determined up until the election to parrot Republican feelings instead of reporting actual economic data.

This is exactly backwards and explains a total divorce by Dems "elite" from economic and other realities of people and everyday life of what they think as "deplorables" if they

I don't know what you've heard or read from "corporate media" (?) but it was ad nauseum all about trying to convince people how the "economy and inflation direction is actually good, based on actual economic data" and only at the end some started talking a little about people not feeling the NUMBERS of the "economy" provided by the Fed, BLS, Treasury etc.

The problem, as I have posted a few times here (not "corporate media" but ignored anyway) is that reducing the "economy" to one compound / average number doesn't take into account the "people" and their "feelings" about their current economic circumstances and future prospect and ability to pay the bills. As it stands, at least 2/3 of the people, mostly in lower economic quintiles, have financial troubles and thought that the country and the economy is "on the wrong track" - IOW, "their economy" was very different from Janet Yellen's economy, the corporate economy etc.

Try this: watch "The Big Short" but this time pay attention to how some/few sharp individuals decided that many triple/double-A mortgage-backed loans portfolios (MBS) were rotten inside and what financial instruments they chose before they bet on their collapse in 2007-2008 - it didn't suddenly blow up with the demise of Lehman Bros. on Sept 15. - that should give you an idea of how something looking so good on the outside, based on single number/letter/rating can be so deceiving.

Trying to convince them that what they are "feeling" (in their "pockets" / bank accounts, credit cards) about the "economy" and telling them that going after "gouging" is going to improve their finances and that raising minimum/"living" wage will set them on a "path to generational wealth" was condescending and ineffective, at best, and offensive and insulting, at worst.

What was needed instead was telling them "I feel your pain and here's what we can do / are doing to improve your economic picture," not "would change nothing."

Re "corporate media," what would you call NYT, WaPo, LAT and bunch of other "celebrated" media outlets? NYT has about 11 million subscriptions, even assuming WP (2.5M) and others are not overlapping - that gives you ~15M "elite," mostly liberal subscribers who can afford and are willing to read the "elite" news. If they wanted to reach a wider, less affluent audience, they would "tear down their paywalls."

As it is, most people get their news from "free" social media where they commiserate with those with similar circumstances, and get their views shaped accordingly - real info or not.

Kamala's digital campaign was abysmal - repeating TikTok-style videos about abortion and name-calling: - The Manosphere Won - Bait-and-switch ad campaign carefully planned to trigger potential Harris voters - Election leaves U.S. consumer sentiment frozen. Republicans are excited, Democrats dispirited.

#10 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-11-26 04:01 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort