
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, January 02, 2025

Rep. Bennie Thompson and former Rep. Liz Cheney will be among the 20 people honored on Thursday with the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Joe Biden, the White House said.



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More from the article...

... Thompson chaired the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack with Cheney serving as the vice chair. Thirty-five Republicans voted in favor of forming the committee, with most voting against it.

Republicans largely ostracized the committee.

Cheney, along with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, were the only two Republicans to serve on the panel. Cheney played a vocal role on the committee, often speaking critically of former President Donald Trump and Republican members of Congress.

Cheney and Kinzinger's participation prompted the Republican National Committee to vote to censure them, and Cheney was also removed from her GOP leadership role in the House. Kinzinger ultimately opted not to seek reelection in 2022, while Cheney lost to a Trump-backed primary challenger.

The committee held hearings in 2021 and 2022, culminating in a report on what led up to the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The Jan. 6, 2021, incident occurred when numerous supporters of Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol during the counting of the Electoral College, interrupting the event and forcing lawmakers to take shelter. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-02 02:20 PM | Reply

They'll deserve more medals in a few years after facing organized MAGA revenge.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2025-01-02 02:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Here's something everyone should hear:

it's short, and the interview begins about a minute in

it's a Police Forum in Connecticut... Trump melted down about it

And it's not about any of her other policies, it's about The J6 Insurrection that 3 different Courts found Trump guilty of leading.

It's about the violence he sent down on the Capitol, violence that a Police Officer who served in the Iraq War said he had never seen that kind of crazed bloodthirsty violence... which we also have all seen from videos.

It wasn't until one of them was shot and Trump was finally shamed into calling off his armed mob of Traitors, of which he was the Leader.

the first Comment @ the vid is: "Pardoning of insurrectionists should be grounds for impeachment!!"

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-02 03:56 PM | Reply

Democracy is dead.

We're living in an oligarchy.

#4 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-02 04:21 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Looks like I posted on the wrong thread.

Oh well.

Spread the word.

#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-02 04:21 PM | Reply

@#4 ... We're living in an oligarchy. ...

Not yet.

But after January 20th?

That seems to be the case.

Just look at all the billionaire Tech Bros making the pilgrinage to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the most ample derriere.

And, for example, a possible result of that pilgrimage?

Meta's Clegg to Exit; Kaplan Promoted to Global Affairs Chief

... Meta Platforms Inc. said Nick Clegg will step down as president of global affairs and named his deputy, Joel Kaplan, as policy chief, elevating a longtime executive with staunch Republican ties ahead of Trump's second inauguration as US president. ...

#6 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-02 08:16 PM | Reply

Once Citizens United was upheld by the Supreme Court, democracy died.

Took just over a decade for the oligarchs to finally win.

We'll see, but I'm expecting the rest of the elections in America to function much like those in Russia.

#7 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-02 08:29 PM | Reply

Steve Bannon and Jim Jordan also got these medals.

Which made them essentially worthless.

#8 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-02 08:43 PM | Reply

@#7 ... Once Citizens United was upheld by the Supreme Court, democracy died.

Took just over a decade for the oligarchs to finally win. ...

Kinda surprising that it took just over a decade for the oligarchs to enact that opportunity.

Or not?

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-02 09:08 PM | Reply

@#8 ... Steve Bannon and Jim Jordan also got these medals. ...

Yeah, Pres-elect Trump seemed to give out Medals haphazardly during his first term.

I mean, the the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rep Nunes?

Trump gives presidential medal of freedom to Republican ally Nunes (January 2021)

... Donald Trump has given the presidential medal of freedom, the highest US civilian honour, to Devin Nunes, a Republican ally in Congress who supported him in the Russia investigation, his impeachment and other Washington scandals.

Jim Jordan of Ohio, an "attack dog" for Trump in such matters, is also expected to be given the award.

The Washington Post first reported that Trump, who will leave office on 20 January, had settled on giving the medal to Nunes, a former chair of the House intelligence committee. The White House later said Trump had presented the medal to Nunes on Monday.

Established by John F Kennedy, the medal is meant to recognise those who have made an "especially meritorious contribution" to national security, world peace or "cultural or other significant public or private endeavours".

Nunes, a former California dairy farmer, was a loyal ally during the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and links between Trump and Moscow.

He rejected intelligence community findings, promoted conspiracy theories and, in March 2017, made what his Democratic counterpart Adam Schiff called an "extraordinary and peculiar midnight run" to the White House to view specially provided intelligence material.

The congressman also famously mounted a lawsuit over the activities of Twitter accounts entitled "Devin Nunes' Mom" and "Devin Nunes' Cow". ...

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-02 09:14 PM | Reply

Kinda surprising that it took just over a decade for the oligarchs to enact that opportunity.

Takes a few tries to rig a national election.

#11 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-02 09:16 PM | Reply

please defend Lush ------ getting the Presidential Medal of ------- Freedom before commenting.

#12 | Posted by e1g1 at 2025-01-02 10:06 PM | Reply

"Trump Was Right About Everything

Today on Truth Social, Trump posted an image stating that he's been right about everything. If you are a hardcore Trump supporter, why doesn't this bother you?"


#13 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-02 10:17 PM | Reply

@#13 ... Trump Insists He Was Right About Everything' After Wrongly Tying New Orleans Attack to Immigration ...

... President-elect Donald Trump claimed he "was right about everything" early Thursday morning, hours after wrongly trying to link the New Orleans attack to migrants. ...

Trump's statement followed an erroneous Fox News report"which the network has since retracted"that claimed the rental truck used by the suspect in the New Year's Day attack crossed into Texas from Mexico two days earlier. ...

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-02 10:43 PM | Reply

" Once Citizens United was upheld by the Supreme Court, democracy died. "

That ruling undid parts of a law that had been on the books for 10 years. Don't be a drama queen.

#15 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-02 11:02 PM | Reply

@#15 ... That ruling undid parts of a law that had been on the books for 10 years....

I do note your current trolling alias seems to ignore what Citizens United did enable.

... Don't be a drama queen. ...

Look in the mirror.


#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-02 11:11 PM | Reply

- ... Don't be a drama queen. ...

At this point, he appears to be unable to be anything else.

CU is a mainstay of Corporate Personhood, which has obviously undermined democracy by giving the Oligarchs who have so much money SO much speech.

More than any other individual who isn't incorporated.

And they have used that speech to write laws to benefit themselves; including getting tax breaks for themselves and have the tax payers subsidize them.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-02 11:18 PM | Reply

re: At this point, you appear to be unable to be anything else.

#18 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-02 11:20 PM | Reply

@#4 ... Democracy is dead. ...

Only if the Country succumbs to Pres-elect Trump.

#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-03 01:46 AM | Reply


"Only if the Country succumbs to Pres-elect Trump."

Short of a mass revolt I'm not sure "the country" has any choice.

I'm thinking more along the lines of if the Congress succumbs to Trump. We'll get a hint today if the Republican Freedom Caucus folds.

Otherwise, what I see is the next four years filled with chaos and non-stop, personal and political power grabs. With everybody out for themselves and not for the country.

On the bright side, that scenario usually leads to self-destruction while allies and foes alike sit on pins and needles waiting for the Grand Finali.

#20 | Posted by Twinpac at 2025-01-03 06:48 AM | Reply

Democracy is dead.
We're living in an oligarchy.
#4 | Posted by ClownShack a

We'll see, but I'm expecting the rest of the elections in America to function much like those in Russia.
#7 | Posted by ClownShack

Takes a few tries to rig a national election.
#11 | Posted by ClownShack

STOP're killing me... lol


#21 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2025-01-04 10:16 AM | Reply

so Liz all measures guilty of perjury and witness tampering......gets a medal....


next thing yo know George Soros will get one too....
heh heh.... heh heh

#22 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2025-01-04 10:18 AM | Reply

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