
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Heather Cox Richardson: When a Republican in charge of state redistricting constructs a map based on his idea that "electing Republicans is better than electing Democrats," and when a Republican candidate calls for throwing out the votes of 60,000 voters to declare victory in an election he lost, they have abandoned the principles of democracy in favor of a one-party state that will operate in their favor alone.



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Almost ten weeks after the 2024 election, North Carolina remains in turmoil from it. Voters in the state elected Donald Trump to the presidency, but they elected Democrat Josh Stein for governor and former Democratic representative Jeff Jackson as attorney general, and they broke the Republicans' legislative supermajority that permitted them to pass laws over the veto of the former governor, Democrat Roy Cooper. They also reelected Justice Allison Riggs, a Democrat, to the state supreme court.

Republicans refuse to accept the voters' choice.

The ugly truth about the Republican party country-wide:
The Princeton Gerrymandering Project gives North Carolina an "F" for its maps. In states that are severely gerrymandered for the Republicans, politicians worry not about attracting general election voters, but rather about avoiding primaries from their right, pushing the state party to extremes. In December, Molly Hennessy-Fiske of the Washington Post noted that Republican leaders in such states are eager to push right-wing policies, with lawmakers in Oklahoma pushing further restrictions on abortion and requiring public schools to post the Ten Commandments, and those in Arkansas calling for making "vaccine harm" a crime, while Texas is considering a slew of antimigrant laws.

This rightward lurch in Republican-dominated states has national repercussions, as Texas attorney general Ken Paxton in December sued New York doctor Margaret Daly Carpenter for violating Texas law by mailing abortion pills into the state. Law professor Mary Ziegler explains that if the case goes forward, Texas will likely win in its own state courts. Ultimately, the question will almost certainly end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the United States today, a political minority has used the mechanics of government to take power and is now using that power to impose its will on the majority.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-01-13 03:52 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

@#1 ... Republicans refuse to accept the voters' choice. ...

Only when the voters express their rights, and vote against Republicans.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 05:43 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

As I said several times last year, welcome to the New GOP,
the 'cheat to win' party...

#3 | Posted by earthmuse at 2025-01-15 02:18 PM | Reply

Ol' Bozo will be along anytime now to remind y'all to mind your own business.

#4 | Posted by Angrydad at 2025-01-15 06:00 PM | Reply

Time for Democrats, independents and democracy loving Americans in North Carolina to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.

#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 06:05 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#4, #5,

Both of you can go ---- yourselves. NC isn't either of your states, why do you care?

But don't worry, NC residents arent putting up with woke ----. Keep that crap in Cali and NY.

You liberals really want to live in NC, don't you. Why don't you just leave us alone? No one is coming to where you live.

#6 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-16 12:15 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

#4, #5,
Both of you can go ---- yourselves. NC isn't either of your states, why do you care?
But don't worry, NC residents arent putting up with woke ----. Keep that crap in Cali and NY.
You liberals really want to live in NC, don't you. Why don't you just leave us alone? No one is coming to where you live.
#6 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-16 12:15 AM

Corruption is cool, got it.

Don't you just pronounce it 'ruption?

Good to witness a fine military mind serving and protecting.

#7 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-16 02:56 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Boaz hates democracy and America.

#8 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-16 04:01 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#6 | Posted by boaz

Yep...called it.


#9 | Posted by Angrydad at 2025-01-17 02:41 PM | Reply

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