... The Supreme Court seemed receptive to a woman's argument Wednesday she was discriminated against at work because she is heterosexual. ...
In my view, there should be no discrimination based upon whether one is a heterosexual or a homosexual, or the color of the skin.
When I was a hiring manager, I had a set of questions I asked of applicants. The same set of questions was asks of all applicants.
The responses to those questions determined whether or not the applicant would go on to further interviews with the senior technical team members in the department. Nothing else. Just the answers to the questions.
As a result of that policy of mine, I have hired quite an assortment of people to work on the team.
But each was qualified for their position, and grew into higher positions.
So, yeah, I am not a fan of the White Christian Male movement of late.
Back in the day when I was a hiring manager, I just wanted people who would do the tasks and grow within the company, one of whom would eventually replace me in my position.
Yeah, back in the day, when General Electric was an admired company, I was in the GE Management Training Program. It was a respected program back then. Since Mr Jack Welch, not so much, it seems, but I digress.
One of the things that was taught to me on that program was that a goal as a manager was to grow the people who worked on my team.
And to grow them to the point that they can replace me in my position.
Because of the simple corporate fact, you will not be promoted if there is no one who can step up and do your job after you are promoted.
That simple fact of management has stayed with me for decades after it was explained to me, and was one of my goals as a manger ... grow the people who work on the team.
When I check the people I had hired just out of college, I see they are doing quite well in their careers. I can only hope that my influence and guidance has helped them in attaining their goals.