
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, March 15, 2025

On January 31, 2025, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ordered agency scientists to retract or pause the publication of research manuscripts that include certain "forbidden terms" specified by the Trump administration relating to gender and sexuality.


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The list of forbidden terms includes "gender, transgender, pregnant person, pregnant people, LGBT, transsexual, non-binary, nonbinary, assigned male at birth, assigned female at birth, biologically male, biologically female," many of which appear in the basic demographic information gathered about study participants. The list of terms is meant to guide the removal of materials from the CDC website in compliance with President Trump's January 20 executive order declaring that the federal government will only recognize two sexes, male and female.

This my dear fellow Americans is politics censoring the sciences.

We now live in a theocracy.


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Black. Freedom. Mexican. Liberty. Democracy.

To name a few.

#1 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-12 09:24 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Stupid Trump/MAGA BS that will end up killing people.

I think that you MAGA fold must had broken every mirror in your homes because you can't look at yourselves.

At leaat, I hope that you have that much humanity left.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-15 11:19 AM | Reply

I bet DingaLing is very upset about all this government censorship.

He will be along shortly to give Trumpy a piece of his mind. (There ain't much left so he better hurry)

Any second now..

#3 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-15 01:33 PM | Reply

"Stupid Trump/MAGA BS that will end up killing people."

Trump and the MAGAmorons think they will chahge America back to the hateful, bigoted, hell=hole that it used to be but when Trump leaves life will return to normal and all of their efforts will just be laughed at just as many of us already do. No lasting cultural changes will occur because of Trump except, of course, the MAGAidiots will be reminded of their stupidity by the rest of at every opportunity because they deserve, at least, ridicule but probably actual harrassment for the harm they have brought to this country with their idiotic "know it all" mentality. I hope that when Trump leaves in disgrace it will shut the MAGAidiots up forever.

#4 | Posted by danni at 2025-03-15 03:11 PM | Reply

At least this isn't censorship, otherwise I'm sure we'd hear outrage from our very own free speech warrior, BullBringer.


#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-15 03:38 PM | Reply

Bikl Maher had an excellent segment about free speech last night on his show. He said that in the future historians likely won't pay much attention to the camps people currently divide themselves into, but will note that this waa a time when free speech was regularly under attack. And yes, it is from Both Sides(tm), no matter how much your side pretends to champion free speech and liberty.

#6 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-03-15 04:02 PM | Reply

"Bikl Maher"

BILL Maher.

Goddam autocorrect never works when you need it. Always folks with you when you don't.

#7 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-03-15 04:06 PM | Reply

Wow. I'm shocked Jeffy hasn't showed up to express his indignation over this blatant suppression of free speech yet ...

#8 | Posted by jpw at 2025-03-16 04:06 AM | Reply

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