Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Even Will Rogers might be hard pressed to come up with an appropriately harsh jibe about the current state of the Democrats. "I am not a member of any organized political party," the 20th-century humorist famously said. "I am a Democrat." The Democrats shouldn't be shocked that after insisting that Joe Biden was hale and hearty and fit to serve as commander-in-chief until January, 2029, the public has a dim view of their party. The Democrats attempted to perpetrate one of the worst frauds on the American public in recent history, and then followed it up with another lie " that Biden's overmatched emergency replacement, Kamala Harris, was joyful and impressive. Now, the problem isn't a lack of organization per se, but the hangover of their dogged, dishonest support for a comprehensively failed presidency, joined to an irrational commitment to outlandish positions on cultural issues. |
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