Thursday, July 04, 2024

Heritage Foundation Leader Heralds 2nd American Revolution

The leader of conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation argued the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity will reinforce a "second American Revolution," which he said would "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."




Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts told Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast how the Supreme Court ruling on immunity--which largely shields former presidents from criminal prosecutions for actions in office--should encourage conservatives.

"In spite of all this nonsense from the left, we are going to win. We're in the process of taking this country back. No one in the audience should be despairing," Roberts said, adding, "And in spite of all of the injustice, which, of course, friends and audience of this show, of our friend Steve know, we are going to prevail."

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be," he added later. . . .

Robert's Heritage Foundation is the moving force behind Project 2025, a conservative blueprint for a possible Trump reelection in November. The nearly 1,000-page handbook is aimed at advancing right-wing policies and expanding the powers of the presidency.

Authors describe Project 2025 as a guide of what the next president needs to do to undo the "damage" to America they argue is caused by liberal politicians. Critics of Project 2025 call it authoritarian and "un-American."

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-03 08:43 PM

In 2016 or so, I made a comment like this, and it got deleted:

"Well, I guess we finally know when The Day Of The Rope is. It's Jan 20, 2017."

Who's laughing now?

#2 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-03 08:46 PM

Just a reminder that conservative policies are universally unpopular.

#3 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-03 09:05 PM

Project 2025 is dystopian. These lunatics need to be put back in the time capsule they oozed out from.

#4 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-03 09:18 PM

My now deceased friend said the same thing about Nazi Germany:

Shouan Zhoobin Riahi
One thing that my parents, who lived through the collapse of the Shah's regime, always told me is that they were surprised with the speed and ferocity with which it happened. Things that seemed impossible one day were simply happening the next.

Wake up, America. Project 2025 is not a 5 year plan, or even a one year plan. It is a 180 day plan. Very, very quickly the administrative state as we have come to know it will be deconstructed, and things that are unthinkable now will be happening on a daily basis under the auspices of a corrupt president and with the blessings of a corrupt Supreme Court and a corrupt Congress should Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate:

The Authoritarian Playbook for 2025

How an authoritarian president will dismantle our democracy and what we can do to protect it

This report addresses the following topics on which he has made explicit promises and about which his allies have developed specific plans for federal government action:

Pardons to License Lawbreaking: During Trump's first term, he discovered that he could leverage the pardon power to induce witnesses against him into silence. In a second term, he has indicated he would further abuse pardons to incite political violence, incentivize lawbreaking for his benefit, and render himself above the law.

Directing Investigations Against Critics and Rivals: Retribution is the dominant theme of Trump's 2024 campaign, and his allies are making plans to eliminate the Department of Justice's traditional prosecutorial independence to give Trump greater personal control to direct law enforcement against his perceived opponents and insulate himself from accountability.

Regulatory Retaliation: In addition to steering prosecutorial discretion via the Department of Justice, Trump has vowed to consolidate and wield federal regulatory power to reward political loyalty and punish his critics, particularly those associated with the media. There are numerous reports of this regulatory retaliation happening during Trump's first term, and plans for a second include ways of removing those obstacles that limited opportunities for more.

Federal Law Enforcement Overreach: Trump's declaration that immigration is "poisoning the blood of our country" is a grim foreshadowing of how he will invoke the Alien Enemies Act, a wartime provision dating back to 1798. Once Trump has that power, he has also expressed his will to expand the footprint of federal law enforcement to police cities and shut down lawful protests.

Domestic Deployment of the Military: A central hallmark of American democracy is that the U.S. military not be used against American citizens. But Trump plans to abuse the Insurrection Act to order military force to quash dissent and target vulnerable communities.

If you don't see how recent Supreme Court rulings have been paving the way for a second Trump presidency to carry out Project 2025, then you haven't been paying attention.

#5 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-03 10:13 PM

"President Granted Immunity By Supreme Court"

That is a Banana Republic headline.

Every Republican knows that is a Banana Republic headline.

#6 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-04 12:46 AM

"a "second American Revolution," which he said would "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.""

The Galactic Empire took care of its "Alderaan Problem" in the same "bloodless" manner.
(I.O.W. all blood was immediately vaporized before it even had a chance to escape the victims' disintegrating bodies.)

#7 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-04 04:07 PM

"We are in the process of the Second American Revolution.

And it will remain bloodless if the Left allows it to be."

- Kevin Rogers, President of the Heritage Foundation on tv.

in first 30 seconds

#8 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-04 04:17 PM

... "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." ...


Wasn't it MAGA, i.e., the GOP, that staged the violent J6 assault against Democracy?

Why is the right suddenly the ones who don't threaten violence?

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-04 06:10 PM

"Wasn't it MAGA, i.e., the GOP, that staged the violent J6 assault against Democracy?
Why is the right suddenly the ones who don't threaten violence?

Maybe because he all saw the Democrat 'summer of love' in which people were actually killed and billions of dollars in property damage occurred. I can guarantee blue cities will be in flames when Trump wins the election - it will be ------- -------- burning their own cities but that is par for the course for them - no one ever said they were smart. That will be the last librard temper tantrum that will occur prior to normalcy being restored.

#10 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 08:02 PM

@#10 ... Maybe because he all saw the Democrat 'summer of love' in which people were actually killed and billions of dollars in property damage occurred. ...

A false equivalence.

The BLM protests (which were mostly peaceful, with some unfortunate exceptions) were demonstrating against the injustice given (and still given) to Blacks by the police. That's political.

The J6 protests wanted to overturn a valid election, negating your and my votes. That's Constitutional.

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-04 08:15 PM

"The BLM protests (which were mostly peaceful, with some unfortunate exceptions) were demonstrating against the injustice given (and still given) to Blacks by the police. That's political."

They literally declare an autonomous zone in Seattle and murdered a handful of people trying to breach their borders (I guess borders do matter --------). That is 10 steps beyond anything the J6 people did which was a riot with no real intent to change anything - it was just anger which is common for riots.

"The J6 protests wanted to overturn a valid election, negating your and my votes. That's Constitutional.

Well, then they had a funny way of doing it as they should have brought weapons. The REALITY - is that the greatest threat of political violence in the US in modern times was the whacked out Bernie supporter trying to gun down the GOP at softball practice. That was 100% the result of the ------- messaging and framing the GOP as literally worse than Hitler.

But, all of this pales in comparison to what will happen when Trump wins. -------- blue cities will burn and I think the TDS is so strong now that you will see a huge increase in -------- attacking and killing their opponents.

#12 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 08:37 PM

@#12 ... They literally declare an autonomous zone in Seattle ...

... and how is that even near the same level of trying to overthrow Presidential election results?

Your current alias is grasping at straws, and I suspect it knows that.

... The REALITY - is that the greatest threat of political violence ...

... and your current alias goes on to illustrate my point by citing "political" violence, as opposed the the J6 violence that was not political but purposed to overthrow valid election result, i.e., the Constitution.

Thank-you for showing my point so clearly.

#13 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-04 08:48 PM

"@#12 ... They literally declare an autonomous zone in Seattle ...
... and how is that even near the same level of trying to overthrow Presidential election results?"

What was worse - the South declaring independence and the resulting civil war or Jan 6? Maybe I should not ask you this as you see the type of ------- that will say Jan 6. However, what is the CHOP or CHAZ declaring independence from the US and then killing people they thought were crossing their borders more equivalent to?

"... and your current alias goes on to illustrate my point by citing "political" violence, as opposed the the J6 violence that was not political but purposed to overthrow valid election result, i.e., the Constitution.

First, there was no legitimate attempt to overthrow the US government on Jan 6. I am sorry to hear that MSNBC has convinced you of this lie.

Second, you are trying to draw a distinction between political violence and trying to overthrown an election (even though Jan6 was not) - which would be political violence. I don't know what drum circle you attended that made this distinction meaningful in your mind, but it is not.

#14 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 08:56 PM

@#14 ... First, there was no legitimate attempt to overthrow the US government on Jan 6. ...

Who, besides your current alias, said anything about J6 being "legitimate?"

... Second, you are trying to draw a distinction between political violence and trying to overthrown an election (even though Jan6 was not) - which would be political violence. ...


That is the false equivalence I am calling out in your arguments.

BLM was political.

J6 was Constitutional.

#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-04 09:18 PM

"Who, besides your current alias, said anything about J6 being "legitimate?"

If it was not a legitimate threat to actual achieve the aims you attribute to it, then why do liberals keep fetishizing about it? There were tens of thousands of people there - what % of those people do you believe were willing to overthrow the US government? Surely not tens of thousands - so what is the number? 10? 100? and how many people were just angry and wanted to riot? 1,000? 10,000? and how many were there peacefully? 10,000+?

So, you -------- have your panties in a knot over something like 10 people. Hell, this is minor even compared to the weather underground and Barry's mentor Bill Ayers who actually bombed the capitol.

"BLM was political.
J6 was Constitutional.

There is no distinction between the 2 ------- when BLM used this as a pretext to declare independence from the US in Seattle and started killing people. The only meaningful distinction between the two event is that Jan 6 lasted only a few hours vs. weeks and the Jan 6 people didn't murder anyone - it was actually mostly peaceful.

#16 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 09:28 PM

@#16 ... If it was not a legitimate threat to actual achieve the aims you attribute to it ...

OK, now your current alias is introducing "ifs" in a lame attempt to counter my comment.

... There were tens of thousands of people there - what % of those people do you believe were willing to overthrow the US government? Surely not tens of thousands - so what is the number? ...

Tens of thousands? Is that a Trump crowd number?

That aside, your comment seems to ignore the organized groups that assaulted the Capitol that day.

Look at the Proud Boys who have been tried and convicted.

... There is no distinction between the 2 ------- when BLM used this as a pretext to declare independence from the US in Seattle and started killing people. The only meaningful distinction between the two event is that Jan 6 lasted only a few hours vs. weeks and the Jan 6 people didn't murder anyone - it was actually mostly peaceful. ...

Mostly peaceful?

One of many, oh so many...

Proud Boy who wielded ax handle and fueled' Jan. 6 riot sentenced (January 2024)

... A man wielding an ax handle while leading rioters and his group of Kansas City-area Proud Boys was sentenced Friday to 55 months in prison for adding what a judge said was "fuel to the fire" that drove a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

William Chrestman, 50, of Olathe, Kan., brought a two-foot-long wooden ax handle and told a Capitol Police officer, "If you shoot I'll f-----g take your a-s out," he admitted in plea papers. He also shouted to a crowd amassed in front of a police line, "Do you want your house back!? ... Take it!"

"I can't recall seeing a more direct encouragement to rioters that day to run through police and go to the building than that," U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly told Chrestman, who pleaded guilty in October to threatening a federal officer and obstructing Congress's confirmation of President Biden's 2020 election victory. Four people in the crowd died on Jan. 6 and a Capitol police officer died after collapsing one day after confronting the mob. At least 140 police officers were assaulted. ...

While leading... his group ...

Those tourists ...

Do try harder. Your comments do not appear to be helping the opinion your current alias proffers.

#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-04 09:48 PM

" First, there was no legitimate attempt to overthrow the US government on Jan 6"

How many illegitimate attempts were there? I count at least five.

#18 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-04 09:51 PM

""I can't recall seeing a more direct encouragement to rioters that day to run through police and go to the building than that," U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly told Chrestman

Did he miss Ray Epps? There is video after all.

#19 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 09:59 PM

"How many illegitimate attempts were there? I count at least five.

Outside of about 10 people, I don't see any attempts to overthrow the government. This number is dwarfed by the number of people that declared and chose to reside in and defend the CHAZ but you -------- don't care about that because it was never about an actual threat to democracy - it was also about trying to smear Trump. Unfortunately for you, the only things getting smeared is Biden's underwear at about 5pm every day.

#20 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 10:01 PM

" Outside of about 10 people, I don't see any attempts to overthrow the government."

Fake electors GA
Fake electors MI
Fake electors AZ
Fake electors WI
Intimidation of SoS from AZ
Intimidation of SoS from GA
Intimidation of poll workers
Over 100 voters in HoR willing to vote against certification WITHOUT A SHRED OF ACTUAL EVIDENCE

What kind of Republican Math are you using?!?

#21 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-04 10:09 PM

What kind of Republican Math are you using?!?

It's a subroutine on Vernon's Calculator.

#22 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-04 10:13 PM

"Over 100 voters in HoR willing to vote against certification WITHOUT A SHRED OF ACTUAL EVIDENCE
What kind of Republican Math are you using?!?

This is a 100% lie on your part. Even the ------- talking point is: yes, there was fraud - just not widespread enough to overturn the election.

This means:
1.) There was fraud making your statement above a lie
2.) 'Not enough' is a matter of opinion and not an actual fact

But, in a few months we will have another election and we will see if the Dems can hit 81M votes again. My guess is that they will not and the subsequent changes in ID requirements and mail in ballots will ensure they do not have that total again for a several decades if ever. The GOP has accepted that Joe Biden is president - but don't pretend as though there is no reason for them to doubt the actual election.

#23 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 10:43 PM

People ought to go back and read up on CHAZ/CHOP now that things have cooled down. The police were real s**ts, and the violence didn't come from the protesters but from the police and incited anti-protesters that rammed car into and shot protesters and even a child in multiple incidents.

What this ashhole at the "heritage" association (Lost Cause, anyone?) is promising is comply or they'll sick the police on far worse than anything we've already seen. And they'll use the military on anyone that doesn't comply.

And they'll do it in the name of "freedom" without even a smidgen of awareness of the irony (or the hypocrisy).

#24 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-04 10:46 PM

"People ought to go back and read up on CHAZ/CHOP now that things have cooled down. The police were real s**ts, and the violence didn't come from the protesters but from the police and incited anti-protesters that rammed car into and shot protesters and even a child in multiple incidents.

Are you insane or just lying?

Here is a summary of the CHAZ:

"Although the site was initially occupied by hundreds of peaceful protesters, this is the fourth shooting within the boundaries of Chop in the last 10 days.

In the first shooting, which happened in the early hours of 20 June, a 19-year-old man called Horace Lorenzo Anderson was killed and a 33-year-old man was injured.

A second shooting the next day left a 17-year-old boy injured, and another person was wounded in a third shooting two days later."

Here is another great article on your true domestic terrorists:

They were trying to convert the CHAZ into Chiraq and over this period they had the highest rates of gun violence and rape of any area in the entire world.

As to the teenagers gunned down by the CHAZ border guards - no, this was not the fault of police of 'counter protestors' as counter protestors did not even exist at this point. The first counter protests to the BLM summer of love was in Kenosha where Rittenhouse was forced to take out some human garbage.

#25 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-04 11:23 PM

I hope everyone realizes that this just goes to show how 'out there' these so-called upstanding conservative foundations are. They are just fancy sounding organizations filled with partisan zealots and nutjobs.

#26 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-04 11:24 PM

So Claudio, which of your neighbors are you going to murder first? Will you kill their children too or take them to be taught that their parents were evil and forced you to murder them, like Russia is currently doing in Ukraine? You people are really sick in the head.

You know that there are at least 70 million Americans that vote Democrat plus their families, and friends, so 100 million or so people you and yours are going to have to murder in order to realize the HS / Project 2025 agenda. That doesn't count the independents that will join with the people on the left when you start your little horror show.

There is a lot of work required to capture, kill, and dispose of that many people, their goods, children, pets, etc. Really heavy impact on the soul as well, you all might want to talk to the German people concerning the cost of murder on that scale.

These radical extremist groups seem to think that the people on the left will just allow themselves to be murdered or ruled because extremists talk mean to them. Also they don't seem to have any idea how badly killing a third to half of the total population of the US (i.e. workforce/consumers) would impact the economy, relations with civilized societies, and their own children. Imagine having to grow up with the knowledge that your parents/grandparents where mass murderers on a scale that dwarfs the Nazis and the Commies combined.

I for one will stand with the Left. Its a very Liberty or Death situation.

#27 | Posted by Killjoy at 2024-07-05 07:51 AM

#3 "Just a reminder that conservative policies are universally unpopular". But as they say, unpopular only with traitors to USA and its Constitution and culture. These leftists no longer pretend to be Americans.

#28 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-05 11:13 AM

Trumpy never heard of them and wishes them luck.

#29 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-05 01:50 PM

Very, very quickly the administrative state as we have come to know it will be deconstructed
GOOD disband the army of petty dictator bureaucrats

#30 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-05 04:26 PM

GOOD disband the army of petty dictator bureaucrats


Looking forward to Dictator Day are you?

lol. It's been a good run.

But you wanna turn it all over to a wannabe Dictator now.

To own the libs.

After you get done breaking it all have fun putting it all back together again.

Unless you plan on making professionals fix everything again.

Oops. You "disbanded" them.

#31 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-05 04:46 PM

Why should the left "Let it remain bloodless"?

Are Americans that weak? That afraid? I thought we were made of Sterner stuff than That!

Even Hitler dealt with the Communists resisting him with violence. Marinus van der Lubbe etc.

Here, everyone is too Busy. Doing Nothing.

Most people won't even miss losing their freedoms.

They have social media to comfort them.

Trump's a very Entertaining guy too.

His constant speeches will keep everyone amused while they try to ignore the pictures of him everywhere.

#32 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-05 06:02 PM

Time to drop a daisy cutter on the heritage foundation as they are domestic terrorists and the enemy of America,

#33 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-07-05 07:51 PM

Just a reminder that conservative policies are universally unpopular.

not with conservatives

#34 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-07-05 08:23 PM

Time for POTUS to take the training wheels off the new immunity given to him by SCOTUS. Send the US Marshals out to round up this POS and the rest of the "Project 2025" scum, as well as every GQP elected and appointed official, including at least Thomas and Alito, who aided the insurrection, and TELL Merrick Garland to charge them or fire him and replace him with somebody who will. He also MUST name the Heritage Foundation a terrorist organization, seize every dollar they have and investigate their donors.

#35 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-07-06 12:47 AM

The second American revolution started in 2008 when Obama won the presidency.

Republicans have a hell of a head start.

Democrats are still hoping love will heal the nation.

#36 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-06 01:12 AM

"Here, everyone is too Busy. Doing Nothing."

Maybe YOU get to do Nothing.

Most middle class Americans have to work for living and are living for the weekend.

Most middle class Americans are more concerned with paying their bills, feeding and clothing and educating and taking care of the health of their families than fighting in the "Revolution".

Hell in the actual American Revolution only ~13% of Americans actively participated.

#37 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 01:17 PM

Looking forward to Dictator Day are you?

Every day is dictator day since the admin state took over, only these bureautyrants never stand for election and have zero responsibility to US. Letter agencies now make and enforce their own laws please don't tell me you agree with this.

#38 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-06 04:18 PM

Now you remember the PNAC with the New Pearl Harbor followed by global hedgemony.

#39 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-06 05:48 PM

#37 You're retired.

Are you standing up or too busy?

If only 13% participated in the Revolution was the new American government legitimate?

Or just the loudest and most violent taking over?

Trump has a shot if that's true. He has 30% of the country behind him.

Better get some practice shooting. If you are going to stand opposed.

#40 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-06 06:15 PM

"This means [...] there was fraud making your statement above a lie"

Hey, dumfuq, I never claimed the folks at The Villages weren't committing voter fraud. There is ALWAYS the garden-variety fraud, where someone's spouse or MIL just passed away, and the absentee ballot shows up. Or for Republicans at The Villages, one vote at home, and one vote in Florida.

However, in states where the minimum loss was five figures, the concept of fraud at scale defeats itself. The larger the plan gets, the more it exposes itself as a weak-link operation. FFS, how many four-person crime sprees were solved by one of them posting videos on Facebook?

Fun fact: the usual reason cited for voting twice is I thought the other guys were doing it. Despite the fact the vast majority of fraudulent voters are Republicans.

Congratulations, you built that!

#41 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-06 10:32 PM

Drudge Retort Headlines

Public Perception of Scientists' Credibility Has Slipped (58 comments)

Trump's Far-Right Army is Threatening Bloodshed (52 comments)

Trump Disavows Project 2025 (27 comments)

Sinister Project 2025 Plan is Backfiring on Trump (27 comments)

Ballot Drop Boxes Could Return to Wisconsin (18 comments)

NYT Runs Anti-Voting Op-Ed (17 comments)

Project 2025 to Instituionalize Trumpism Using Orban Model (15 comments)

Reformist Elected President in Iran (12 comments)