Sunday, July 07, 2024

French Left Win Big; Right Comes in Third

After the National Rally came out on top in the June 30 elections, opposing parties joined together to try to block the National Rally advance and withdrew candidates in some constituencies in an effort to not split the anti-far-right vote.



After the National Rally came out on top in the June 30 elections, opposing parties joined together to try to block the National Rally advance and withdrew candidates in some constituencies in an effort to not split the anti-far-right vote.

Imagine that? In order to prevent the radical right from winning, the left and center worked together. What an weird concept! I'm sure that sort of thing only makes sense in French.

Jill Stein/Ralph Nader 2024!

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-07 03:13 PM


You're all over the place.

On some threads you want Biden to drop out on others you blame people for not swallowing their pride and voting for whoever the Democratic candidate is and on this one you want us all to vote for the Green Party.

You're in full panic mode.

#2 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-07 03:19 PM

Local coverage...

Live: Leftist NFP alliance leads both Macron and far right in parliamentary vote, projections show

... Initial projections from France's snap legislative elections on Sunday showed the New Popular Front -- a hastily cobbled-together leftist coalition -- leading both Macron's ruling party (in second place) and the right-wing National Rally (in third) but falling short of securing an absolute majority, according to Ipsos Talan polling. Follow our liveblog for the latest updates. ...

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-07 03:28 PM

The policies I represent are the policies of Trump & Putin."

~ Marine Le Pen ~

#4 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-07 03:35 PM

Steven *I Dissent* Senski ...

France: "We stopped the fascists!"
UK: "We stopped the fascists!"
USA: "Biden is old!"

#5 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-07 04:03 PM

France: "We stopped the fascists!"
UK: "We stopped the fascists!"
USA: "Biden is old!"
#5 | Posted by reinheitsgebot

Well we have Green voters who were so proud of throwing the election to Dubbya in 2000, that they went for a repeat in 2016 and helped elect Trump.

I'm sensing a possible threepeat for 2024.

#6 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-07 06:23 PM

Nice to see France not slip back into a WWII Vichy style authoritarian government.
N'oublie pas ton histoire!

May you always.

#7 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-07 06:40 PM

France had a choice debt, more debt and way more debt.

Way more debt it is.

Nice to see France not fall foward into a WWIII Biden style authoritarian government.


#8 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-07 06:47 PM

[...] N'oublie pas ton histoire! [...]
#7 | Posted by YAV

My French is a little rusty, but I think the correct response is:
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?!?

#9 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-07 06:51 PM

@#8 ... France had a choice debt, more debt and way more debt. ...

"Choice" implies more than one thing to choose from.

Your current alias forgot to mention the other option of that choice... far-right majority rule.

France made its choice.

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-07 07:31 PM

#9 - A little rusty?

#11 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-07 07:42 PM

Catturd and David Sacks are already crying foul.LOL

#12 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-07 08:00 PM

Nazi tears are better than Champagne.

#13 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-07 08:10 PM

Has Le Pen put in a call to the Cyber Ninjas yet?

#14 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-07 10:59 PM

If there were ACTUAL conservatives out there with ACTUAL conservative values and MODERATE about them believing in "Live and Let Live", I would say they may be good people to vote for.

Today? What is most funny to me is I have seen the ACTUAL political middle shift to being considered "left". Somewhere the moderates of the past could work together. Today I only see fascists on the right, maybe some are moderates but they don't pass the fealty test if they aren't spouting (self censored) so you wouldn't know. The false narrative that "the left" has been cast with is something else. I am against both extremes but the boogiemen on the FAR left aren't coming for you yet. They have little support even on the left. They won't come for you until the oligarchs make life a lot more untenable for a bigger majority because virtually nobody wants the far left period. The Right is where today's concern should be with their penchant toward totalitarianism and oligarchs. The brainwashing via propaganda and echo chambers that they create and are paying for is obvious to outsiders. And getting caught doing it but the brainwashed do not care.

Don't forget Liberal policies seen this country enter into it's biggest and longest period of unprecedented growth and prosperity. Despite being raised in a conservative household (not religious nuttery) I actually looked at the likes of The New Deal as some of the best legislation to have happened. I say it was doubly so now. It undid the damage of the Robber Barons and had extreme taxes on excess income and wealth grown off of merely being able to invest large amounts of money. These taxes did not impact the 99%. They did not lead us into massive debt - that was conservatism.

#15 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-07-08 09:18 AM

There is not major party on the left in America. We either have fascists or corporate Dems.

#16 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-08 11:17 AM

There is another lesson in here we might be missing.

The polls all leaned toward a right wing landslide.

Guess what? All the polls were wrong.


#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-08 11:23 AM

So, lets see,
England went Left Big Time.
France, the Left saved the day
and ended up winning, when they
were expected to lose handily.

America, where art thou America?

#18 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-08 11:24 AM

America, where art thou America?


I take thee at thy word. Call me but MAGA, and I'll be new baptized.

Henceforth I never will be America.

#19 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-08 11:37 AM

" There is another lesson in here we might be missing. The polls all leaned toward a right wing landslide. Guess what? All the polls were wrong. "

Same thing in the US. .

When women's rights were on the ballot, Red Kansas and Red Ohio stunned the polls. So did an Alabama race. And recently, OH06, which went +29 for Trump, only went red by single digits.

My theory is, since Putin knows Trump may lose, the right-wing loop in social media is being flooded with bogus Trump-Train polls, so his base will be even MORE pissed when they lose this November.

Also ... let's not forget how poll results are used.

The response never reflects the electorate 100% accurately, so pollsters adjust. But to what? To the turnout, leanings, and proclivities of the prior election.

But where are the P.O.d women in that analysis?

Answer: in Kansas. And Ohio. And Alabama. Not that they'll turn blue, but my bet is Dems overperfom almost everywhere...

... which (of course) will be claimed by Republicans as PROOF the Dems cheated!

#20 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-08 11:40 AM

Sad Vlad....

"Kremlin mopes over French election results

The Kremlin had earlier cheered Marine Le Pen's National Rally, with its foreign ministry writing in a social media post last week that French voters "are seeking a sovereign foreign policy that serves their national interests & a break from the dictate of Washington & Brussels," accompanied by a photo of the party's leader Marine Le Pen.

The National Rally has proposed deepening ties with Moscow, opposed sanctions on Russia in response to the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine and took out a 9 million loan from a Russian bank to help finance its campaign in 2014 " which it only finished paying back last year."

#21 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-08 05:47 PM

Jeremy Corbyn

France's extraordinary election results provide an urgent, valuable lesson.

Don't concede ground to those who sow division and fear.
Build a bold Left movement that offers an alternative of inclusion and hope.

That is how you defeat the far right.

#22 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-08 10:41 PM

#23 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-08 10:42 PM

Nazis need to die.

#24 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-09 09:51 PM

@#24 ... Nazis need to die ...

But then there is this...

Le Pen, Orban and the Patriots for Europe': Is the EU being undermined from within?

... Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party this week joined forces with the camp of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to form a powerful new far-right bloc in the EU parliament.

The group, Patriots for Europe, will be led by Jordan Bardella, Le Pen's 28-year-old protg. With 84 EU lawmakers it will be the parliament's third-largest political group. ...

#25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 09:57 PM

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-08 11:23 AM
The polls all leaned toward a right wing landslide. Guess what? All the polls were wrong. Again.

Not really. The pre-election polls were actually quite correct, before the creation of New Popular Front (NPF/NFP), an alliance of far-left parties, Greens and organized labor (radical-left La France Insoumise, Communist Party, Socialist Party, Ecologists, Generation.s, Place Publique, and other left-wing parties) into one party bloc on June 10 2024, just weeks before first round of elections, specifically to outvote the Le Pen's National Rally.

According to those pre-first-round polls, NR was going to (and did) get the most seats they've ever taken and possibly beat the fractured center-left but not enough for majority, which proved entirely correct. IOW, there was never a chance for NR to actually govern. Bur the fear of NR "winning" pushed voters to abandon center (for now) and move to extremes, particularly extreme left - also not nearly enough to govern. Like many recent elections, it was not a vote "for" the left to govern, it was a "Non" vote against the far-right.

This was the estimated poll before the second round, and it was spot on:

French Left Win Big; Right Comes in Third

Also not really what happened. NR did come in third, but NPF didn't "win big" - the bloc and two major parties each got less than a third of National Assembly seats, far less than the majority required (289 seats) and none of them has any chance of forming a majority coalition, though NR can form a larger plurality coalition with center-right Republicans... which is unlikely.

It's a mess, but that's how some parliamentary systems work... or don't. Belgium was without elected government for almost 22 months in 2020, which beat their own record of almost 20 months in 2011.

Oh, Les Miserables!

People are simply "flipping" governments because they are unhappy with weakening economies, deficits, loss of purchasing power and still-stubborn inflation (even though inflation rates everywhere came down recently, with both government and consumer debt are sky-high) and they are giving "other guys" and their promised "new/old solutions" a chance - "hope and change / change and hope" at least until the next elections, if "things don't work out" or the business cycle doesn't cooperate.

That's exactly what happened in UK, just 2 years after Labour was wiped out in a "ruling party" system. UK's unemployment rate is highest in 2 years, though inflation came down significantly. Labour won huge seats majority... but with the lowest percentage ever, and on the "platform" of a promise they can't possibly deliver:
Britain's Labour pulled off a thumping election victory with just 34% of the national vote
* Labour won just 34% of the national vote, while Tories secured nearly 24%
* Smaller parties including the centrist Liberal Democrats, right-wing Reform U.K. and the Greens took nearly 43% of the popular vote but gained just less than 18% of the seats

Not exactly a major turn there either, just "flipping" currently least popular party.

Fortunately, ours is a system of "checks and balances" that allows for shared "constrained" federal government, though in recent decades Presidents and executive branch have been taking (or given, by courts and Congress, deliberately or through vague legislations) more and more power - "Stroke of the pen - law of the land."

#26 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-07-10 05:14 AM


More on UK's parliamentary system and elections: - Biggest-ever gap between number of votes and MPs hits Reform and Greens - BBC, 2024 July 5

|------- The gap between the share of total votes won by the winning party in the 2024 general election and the share of Parliamentary seats won is the largest on record...

This disparity has prompted renewed calls for reform of the electoral system, with Richard Tice of Reform UK complaining ... that his party had received millions of votes but only five seats in Parliament.

He said: "That is blatantly not a properly functioning democratic system - that is a flawed system. The demands for change will grow and grow."

The Green Party's co-leader Adrian Ramsay said he wanted to see a "fairer system" to ensure that "every vote counts equally".

The Electoral Reform Society claimed it was "the most disproportional in British electoral history".

The UK's first-past-the-post system has a tendency to generate disproportionate results compared with systems in some other countries. ...

Reform's roughly four million votes translates into a 14% share of the total votes cast in the election, but only 1% of all the seats in the House of Commons.

By contrast, Labour won 34% of total votes cast, but about 64% of the 650 seats.

The Green Party also had a considerably larger vote share than seat share, with 7% of the total vote but, like Reform, about 1% of total seats, or four MPs. ...

On this measure Labour's result in 2024 - with the gap between the share of votes won and the share of seats won of around 30 percentage points - is the most disproportionate on record.

The second most disproportionate election result on this metric was 2001, when Tony Blair's Labour party won 41% of votes but 63% of total seats - a gap of 22 percentage points. ...

Labour grandee Lord Mandelson told the BBC on Friday morning that his party had put its campaigning resources into certain seats in order to maximise its chances of winning a large number of seats, rather than boosting its overall vote share.

A purely proportional system - where national vote share translated exactly into the number of seats - in 2024 would have given Labour about 221 seats and no majority. The Tories would have had 156 seats, Reform 91, the Liberal Democrats 78 and the Greens 45. ...

Other countries electoral systems don't directly translate into ours, and caution should be exercised not to overestimate the results of some "off" elections where the "local" quirks or certain circumstances play much bigger role, compared to "normal" years.

#27 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-07-10 06:56 AM

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