Monday, July 22, 2024

Kellyanne Conway: Kamala lazy, doesn't talk good English.

"She does not speak well. She does not work hard."



GOP: "Dog whistles? What are those?"

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-22 08:53 AM

"She does not speak well. She does not work hard."


So then, a female Donald Trump?

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-07-22 10:10 AM

"Kellyanne: She does not speak well. She does not work hard. She should not be the standard-bearer for the party."

Ruth Ben-Ghiat
Pay attention to propaganda narratives that will consolidate in next days. Propagandists know you should build on existing prejudices when introducing a new hate object or theme. Here Conway invokes racist stereotypes already familiar to many in MAGA.

#3 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-22 10:30 AM

They don't even try to hide the racism anymore.

#4 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-22 12:19 PM

So then, a female Donald Trump?

The bloated pedo is already freaking out about having to debate her and demanding a change to --- noise to provide a purely slanted partisan debate.

#5 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-22 12:22 PM

Trumpers are scrambling... Harris not qualified, but Biden should resign?


Mixed messaging is the best they can come up with.

#6 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-22 12:23 PM

They don't even try to hide the racism anymore.

#4 | POSTED BY NIXON AT 2024-07-22 12:19 PM | REPLY


Have you heard her speak? She talk in circles and word salad. Pointing out the obvious is now racist if the person is black?

That is patently absurd.

Now Trump and Biden don't do any better... but that doesn't mean it still isn't a valid criticism

#7 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-22 01:24 PM

Racism??? [...] #7 | Posted by kwrx25

And characterizing the colored woman as lazy is...?

#8 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-22 01:35 PM


That dried up old ---- still yammering nonsense on Russian state TV?

#9 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-22 01:51 PM

They caint hep it, being racialists. So goober clueless and foolish they barely even know their racism is showing.

#10 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-22 02:11 PM

#8 Well, my mind went to the job she HASN'T performed as our Border Czar.

Apparently your mind went to "colored woman".

Seems I evaluated her performance, and you evaluated her based on identity politics...

but yeah, it's the other people that are the racist... not you.

#11 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-22 03:27 PM

From "Bad Day at Black Rock" (1955). The one-armed military veteran portrayed by Spencer Tracy asks the large bully played by Ernest Borgnine in the diner:

"Why don't you just tell me where to sit?"

#12 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-22 03:59 PM

Apparently your mind went to "colored woman". Seems I evaluated her performance, and you evaluated her based on identity politics... but yeah, it's the other people that are the racist... not you. #11 | Posted by kwrx25

"I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because police officers call me 'sir'."
- Stephen Colbert - kwrx25

#13 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-22 04:15 PM

Look at censored gonna white knight for Harris... it's so cute... the soft racism of low expectations

#14 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-22 04:38 PM

Look at censored gonna white knight for Harris... it's so cute... the soft racism of low expectations #14 | Posted by kwrx25

I just call them how I see them. But you've probably never heard of the GOP doing anything racist before.

Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N*****, n*****, n*****". By 1968, you can't say "n*****""that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me"because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this", is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N*****, n*****". So, any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner.
- Lee Atwater

#15 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-22 04:50 PM

You're going back over a half century there, got anything somewhat more relevant?

So your argument is basically "1954, Racism, so any critique of a presumed Presidential Candidate has to be racist if they are a minority"?

She has proven to be glaringly incompetent, how about looking at that as the source of the criticism.

#16 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-22 05:52 PM

She has proven to be glaringly incompetent, how about looking at that as the source of the criticism.

In what way(s)? Be specific.

#17 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-07-22 05:54 PM

You're going back over a half century there, got anything somewhat more relevant? [...] #16 | Posted by kwrx25

For you? No. Nothing that might convince someone like you that the China Virus, Mexicans sending rapists, good people on all sides, confederate flag championing GOP might still be a teensy bit racist and using dog whistles to rile up their racist base ...

#18 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-22 05:57 PM

"like me" ?

The person who hasn't voted for Trump once?

You might need to stop assuming that anyone who isn't 100% a democrat is automatically a far right supporter.

#19 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-22 07:10 PM

The person who hasn't voted for Trump once? You might need to stop assuming that anyone who isn't 100% a democrat is automatically a far right supporter. #19 | Posted by kwrx25

Didn't assume anything about your Trump support. Though I definitely made some assumptions regarding you turning a blind eye towards the GOP strategy of whipping up hatred of minorities (gays, blacks, trans, etc) to gin up their rube base.

"You pat him on the back and say congratulations and enjoy it and tell him not to serve fried chicken next year. Got it. Or collard greens or whatever the hell they serve." Fuzzy Zoeller on Tiger Woods at the 1997 Masters
No racism there either!

#20 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-22 07:22 PM

Kamala Harris having a 6 year old speech writer meme didn't happen out of nowhere.

She's objectively terrible. She doesn't do her homework and when that gets exposed she berates her staff fo4 he4cown failings. She somewhat recently had a mass exodus of staffers. She has no executive ability and doesn't appear capable of learning. Most of her time as VP she's managed to poll lower than Biden. Pointing all of this out isn't racism. It's telling the truth.

#21 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-22 08:12 PM

yeah, biden sucks, kamala suck and you're going to complain about her vp pick, too.

"objectively" is not the word you should be using here.

#22 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-22 08:16 PM

Am I wrong?

This is funny because it hits home:

#23 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-22 08:27 PM

"She's objectively terrible."

It looks like we have a new entry for Bellringer's Dictionary.

"She has no executive ability"

She was elected San Francisco DA, then elected California AG, then re-elected AG, then elected Senator, then elected Vice-President.

#24 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-22 08:27 PM

#24. Tulsi Gabbard destroyed her during a debate and she had no response.

#25 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-22 08:29 PM

so ? trump lost all 3 debates to hillary.

whats your "objective" point?

#26 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-22 08:30 PM

And Trump ran billion dollar businesses. W too they must mean they were excellent executives too right Danforth?

No one has ever risen above their ability, ever.

Is this clown car crew really going to try and say Harris has been an effective leader?

#27 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-22 11:18 PM

how many times has trump been bankrupt?

#28 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-22 11:18 PM

6 times.

#29 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-22 11:20 PM

"Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He'd Simply Invested in Index Funds" Article is from ten years ago, so now probably closer to $30 - $50 billion more than his current net worth of $3.9 billion.

A real financial genius, that Trump. Inherited $400 million from daddy and after 40 years ends up with 10% of the money than if he had done nothing with it all. Excellent executive skills.

#30 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-23 08:14 AM

how many times has trump been bankrupt?

He bankrupted a casino. A ------- CASINO.

It's a license to print money.

And he bankrupted it.

He was bailed out over and over by his daddy and when that money ran out, he was bailed out by Putin through Saudi Arabia, China and Duetsche Bank.

#31 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-23 09:18 AM

Is this clown car crew really going to try and say Harris has been an effective leader?


Hint: No need to compare her to Alexander the Great.

But she will obviously be a much more effective leader than the current competitor.

#32 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-23 01:03 PM

Anyone who thinks that Atwater's comment isn't relevant today isn't thinking right.

It's like Jerry Falwell in the early 1980s: First we take over the school boards, then the statehouses, then ...


and 2017+ : White Christian nationalists trying to take over society.

Don't tell me Falwell is irrelevant, too.

#33 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-07-23 01:15 PM

"It's like Jerry Falwell in the early 1980s: First we take over the school boards, then "

They tried that in Vista, and we recalled all of them.

#34 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-23 01:56 PM

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