Monday, September 16, 2024

Alleged Trump Plotter Decried Hurdles by Ukrainian Government

When Ryan Routh spoke to Semafor on March 7, 2023, he was frustrated with the Ukrainian government for which he'd traveled around the world to support.




The Ukrainians, he complained, were being too rigid about admitting foreign soldiers of dubious qualifications, including a group of Afghan commandos who were facing skepticism and bureaucratic roadblocks in Kyiv.

"Ukraine is very often hard to work with. Many foreign soldiers leave after a week in Ukraine or must move from unit to unit to find a place they are respected and appreciated," he told Semafor. He'd been "yelled at" every time he suggested they tap Afghan commandos. "They're afraid that anybody and everybody is a Russian spy," he said with frustration.

Our conversations painted a picture of a man who had committed his life to the struggle for Ukraine " but whose own allies also viewed him with skepticism.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-09-16 11:54 AM

If he shot at Kamala the whole narrative would be different.

If he had killed Trump what would have happened to policy toward Ukraine?

What would have happened to support for Ukraine?

Ukraine has a kill list of public enemies they want taken out.

Was Trump on that list?

I hate the guy but he was President and he's one of Us.

Ukraine is increasingly showing a truly deranged mindset.

They're like the "Good" Terrorist activity in Syria.

Wingnuts being Used as pawns. Who will turn on their former benefactors if they lose enough.

Interesting Times ahead..

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 01:17 PM

Interesting Times ahead..



Dude, we are smack dab in the middle.

If it gets any more "interesting" there is going to be (another) body count window on CNN.

#3 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 01:22 PM

Say what you want about Putin. He's at least rational.

The Ukrainians have been badly used by the West. Led down a primrose path of possible NATO membership and unity with the EU. But somehow never GOOD ENOUGH.

They have been encouraged to break ties with Russia and become the point of the Spear of Western conflict with Russia. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died.

If they feel sufficiently betrayed they could act out like the former Al Nusra front and other "good" terrorists did when they joined ISIS.

Ukraine could become like Syria. In Europe. A source of Rightwing terrorists with a grudge seeking revenge for being used and abused by the West.

Think that's Impossible?

Think Again.

#4 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 02:48 PM

- If he had killed Trump what would have happened to policy toward Ukraine?

Trump would give his butt buddy Vlad the all clear to, 'do whatever they want to Nato'.

And pull US support for Ukraine... so, your kind of guy.

#5 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-16 02:57 PM

Supporting dictatorships hostile to America has it's consequences.

#6 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 03:03 PM

Not my kind of guy.

My kind of guy wouldn't have armed Ukraine before 2022. Obama is my kind of guy. He refused to arm Ukraine with lethal weapons. Obama did not encourage the war of the Ukrainians against their own people in the Eastern Oblasts. Obama pushed for the Minsk Accords, if that was in good faith or not I don't know.

Biden continues to arm the Ukrainians, which started under the Trump Administration. Trump is no friend of Russia. That's pure hype.

Biden has continued a lot of bad Trump policies. He left the US embassy in Jerusalem which helped lead to 10/7/23 indirectly. He hasn't been anything like helpful toward Palestine.

Biden isn't as different from Trump on foreign policy as many people think.

It's called a Uni-party for a reason.

Obama was less like Trump than Biden is. Obama tried to help the Palestinians.

He tried to check Israel from it's worst excesses. Biden has aided and abetted Israel in Genocide and ethnic cleansing.

My kind of Guy wouldn't have prevented an early negotiated peace settlement.

My kind of guy wouldn't have refused to negotiate with Russia about NATO expansion in the months leading up to war.

Trump is not my kind of guy, and Biden is not my kind of guy Either.

They're both -------- unimaginative old Losers.

Harris is really the only realistic way forward... But she Sucks too.

That's the way I see it.

#7 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 03:24 PM

You and Trump want Ukraine to give in to the invasion of their Sovereign Nation.

Like two peas in a pod.

#8 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-16 03:29 PM

I want Peace in Europe. Not hundreds of thousands of dead for a line on a map.

No Nuclear Upgrade in the US. Nuclear Disarmament.

I want no proxy Wars with nuclear powers.

I don't care if the eastern Quarter of Ukraine is annexed by Russia. That's already Happened anyway and NATO couldn't stop it. It could have been prevented by diplomatic means if the right person had been president instead of Biden or Trump.

Russia is not a paper tiger. They have more at stake in Ukraine than we do.

They aren't giving up. It's Existential for them. Plus at this point they're winning.

Biden created many these problems.

Trump did as well.

#9 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 03:38 PM

I don't care if the eastern Quarter of Ukraine is annexed by Russia.

You don't give a ---- if all of Ukraine is "annexed" by Russia.

#10 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-09-16 03:43 PM

Corky why do you even bother with the russians?

They're so stupid they probably can't even solve 4+7=

#11 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 03:44 PM

Why the hell should I?

Ukraine is not a core American interest. This whole thing could have been avoided if diplomatic means had actually been tried.

Obama as President Might have avoided this war. If he had been president at the time. Obama knew it was stupid to pour gasoline on a fire. He limited arms transfers to Ukraine, he supported the Minsk Accords.

The Ukrainians kept attacking the Donbass, killing their own people.

Russia wanted security talks about Ukraine and NATO in the months leading up to war.

Biden wouldn't even talk to them.

I think Obama would have. Would that have been enough to prevent War?

Who knows? But I think Obama would have at least tried.

Trump will trigger world war if elected. He's no Russian puppet.

He's a Delusional Fool.

#12 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 03:53 PM

Moneywar isn't stupid, he's a coward.

Vlad invaded a sovereign nation where the 'Nazis' were 2 percent of the vote, and the active Nazi militia was run by an KGB/FSB spy.... which supposedly makes it OK.

One supposes that if Vlad invades Alaska, where the US just put up a show of force because Vlad and Xi are playing military games near there... that Vlad would also have EP's support because, well, Russia got screwed in that land deal way back when.

Besides, most of the polar bears are Nazis!

#13 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-16 03:58 PM

Russia is not a paper tiger. They have more at stake in Ukraine than we do.

They aren't giving up. It's Existential for them. Plus at this point they're winning.

So much short sightedness so little time. It's more existential for Ukraine. If it's existential for Russia that is only Russia's fault for putting itself in that position. And losing 300,000 Russians in the process.

That you would grant Putin the ability to shred international order says a lot about you.

It's not just a European security issue, it is a global security issue.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty includes the agreement that nuclear powers will respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other countries and agree to support the peaceful use of nuclear energy for their prosperity.

China has supported Russia in its illegal invasion, and has benefited from Russia's increasing isolation.

But Chinese leadership don't want Putin to lose either.

Because of what that would mean about the strength of the international community in being able to push back against bullies like them when they decide to finally attack Taiwan.

And finally. It is just the right thing to do to come to the aid of your allies when attacked.

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 04:02 PM

- He's no Russian puppet.


"How Russian Money Helped Save Trump's Business
After his financial disasters two decades ago"

"Trump's ties to the Russian mafia go back 3 decades

Journalist Craig Unger talks Russia, Trump, and "one of the greatest intelligence operations in history."

Business projects of Donald Trump in Russia

"Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money

"We don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."

There's lots more articles out there...

So, are you really ignorant of Trump's decades long business ties with Russia, or are you just playing dumb?

#15 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-16 04:08 PM

#13 You are impervious to logic. Your mind is hermetically sealed on this issue.

The war exists. NATO isnt stopping the Slaughter. They're feeding it.

Why should any more people Die?

At what point do the sunk costs become too many? If it was American lives being lost in Ukraine that point would have been reached long ago.

But it's just Ukrainians bring killed and maimed and Ukraine getting pulverized for Western interests.

Russia isn't going away. They are winning. They wouldn't stop even if they weren't.

Ukraine is to them like Canada is to Us. If Canada got turned against us and became a hostile nation with advanced weapons pointed right at Us all the time we would invade and annex them too. No point trying to deny that.

But Russia is supposed to just tolerate a hostile Ukraine on their Western border. That's not going to happen. World War would be more likely.

I'm not pro Russia I'm just not stupid and delusional. This thing isn't going to work out.

It's going to Explode.

#16 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 04:11 PM

- tolerate a hostile Ukraine

What 'hostilities' exactly were Ukraine perpetuating against Russia so much so that Putin had to invade them?

They weren't even being allowed into Nato at the time, ffs. And the 'Nazis' were being controlled by a Russian spy.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-16 04:19 PM

We almost Nuked Cuba over Russian missiles being placed there.

I'm confident if Canada became a Russian ally and allowed advanced weapons systems to be installed on their soil we would attack them just like Russia did Ukraine. Hell, if Canada even elected a pro Russia government we would preemptively attack them to prevent any such developments.

We tried to kill Fidel Castro for 40 years. The Embargo is still in place. If Russia had refused to remove their missiles what would have happened then?

Russia is doing exactly what we would do in their place. There's No point in even denying that.

It's just too Obvious.

#18 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 04:30 PM

- It's not just a European security issue, it is a global security issue.

That seems to be something that is alien to MW's worldview.

It's like he's Charles Lindberg and the original America Firsters telling Americans that Germany invading Russia and Europe and Africa was, 'not our problem'.

Or Britian's Chamberlain hoping it would just all go away.

#19 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-16 04:32 PM

"Your mind is hermetically sealed on this issue."

My mind is made up. True.

And you have said nothing to convince me otherwise. True.

"Why should any more people Die?"

Ask Pooty. The man responsible for all those deaths on both sides. Not me.

"But it's just Ukrainians bring killed and maimed and Ukraine getting pulverized for Western interests."

Ukrainians are being killed by Russians for Russian interests.

"Ukraine is to them like Canada is to Us. "

If anything it's more like Mexico. Not hostile to us but not really able to help us much to solve the problems at the southern border.

The problems Mexico is having creating chaos on our border is not and would never be justification for us to create political problems for them or to invade them either.

#20 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 04:39 PM

Donner that's a machine owned by Russians.

Ask it to do basic math.

#21 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 04:42 PM

"Donner that's a machine owned by Russians."


No worries.

I have one too. It's my Good Guy AI. I use it against Bad Guy AIs.

Soon Everyone is gonna need one. Cheaper and more useful than an assault weapon. And you get more than one use out of it.

#22 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 04:55 PM

So why don't we just Nuke Russia Now? If World War is inevitable?

Hit first where they're not expecting it. Like the Japanese.

Why doesn't NATO start a full scale war with Russia? If it's inevitable anyway?

Your WW2 analogies only go so far. This isn't 1938. What's happening now isn't identical to the situation then.

Russia wanted a Buffer Zone. NATO kept crowding them. Russia got violent.

Anyone more than four years old could see it coming for twenty years.

But the West is arrogant and never sees their own failings. It's always about "freedom" and "aggression" never about justified fear and less justified paranoia about being aggressed upon.

Iraq, Vietnam,Cuba,Serbia, Libya, Palestine.. The West imposed it's will on many different places,or tried to.

Russia is an Imperialistic power. The West has a long history of the same thing.

There are no Good Guys. Just conflicting interests.

Diplomatic relationships are the Key to stopping this. That means treating Russia as an Equal.

Russia has a history Of NOT BEING TREATED AS AN EQUAL.

They are full of resentment and paranoia. They don't trust the West. At All.

I don't see a good outcome.

Maybe we should enact a Draft and prepare for War.

Cuz it's coming.

#23 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 04:55 PM

No really Donner they can't always do basic math.

#24 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 04:59 PM

Blah blah blah.

The Poor Russians! The world is treating them so unkind!

The Ukrainians were so mean to them! After constant Russian interference aggression and attacks in their country. How dare they!

If Russia wants a nuclear war there is actually nothing we could do stop it.

"Maybe we should enact a Draft and prepare for War."

If WWIII is inevitable ( nuclear war) what would be the point of that?

#25 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 05:03 PM

No really Donner they can't always do basic math.


Hmm. Interesting. I will test mine.

#26 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 05:04 PM

There are no Good Guys. Just conflicting interests.

Diplomatic relationships are the Key to stopping this. That means treating Russia as an Equal.

Russia has a history Of NOT BEING TREATED AS AN EQUAL.

Bad Guy garbage.

If Russia wanted to be tested "equally" they would stop lying stop making threats stop making unrealistic demands and give back territories that it illegally annexed and pay retribution for the lives and property it has destroyed.

#27 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 05:15 PM

"Tested" should be "treated".

#28 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 05:16 PM

Will the US do that in Iraq?

Will the Israeli's do it in Gaza?

When does Serbia get Kosovo back?

Where are the reparations for the Iraqi people?

Libya still needs assistance, where is it?

NATO is just as Imperialistic as Russia.

When will they make their sins right?

#29 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 05:20 PM

#20 No more like Canada. The Russian language is widely spoken in Ukraine like English is in Canada. We share a common British heritage like the Russians and Ukrainians are virtually one people. The Canadians are different like the Ukrainians are but not too different. Canada shares a long common border and is not completely independent of US influence.

US and Canada is more like Russia and Ukraine than US and Mexico are.

For many reasons.

#30 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 05:27 PM

Ukraine has responded that he's crazy he was crazy when he was in Ukraine he's crazy now and we're just as crazy if we listen to Russians or like trump.

#31 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 05:51 PM

20 No more like Canada.

The Russian language is widely spoken in Ukraine like English is in Canada.

Mexican is large spoken in border states. And English. Or is that Spanglish?

We share a common British heritage like the Russians and Ukrainians are virtually one people.

Ukraine and Russia speak different languages and Ukraine is actually older than Russia with a very different history.

Southern states share a common heritage with all our immigrants but especially Mexico.

The Canadians are different like the Ukrainians are but not too different.

Ukrainians have a different heritage and history and a distinct tradition of poetry and literature much different than Russians though they do share some history being so close geographically.

Canada shares a long common border and is not completely independent of US influence.

America and Mexico share a long border with a history of chaos and trouble and is very much influenced by America. America actually saved the peso and their economy from collapse in my lifetime.

You could say they owe us. Bigly. Except they paid us back. But even if they didn't it's still no justification to invade. Thats what diplomacy is for.

Russia was losing diplomatically so they decided to go hot. The responsibility for all the death and destruction because of that decision is now is all theirs.

#32 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 05:53 PM

California was part of Mexico, the US invaded Mexico in 1846 and annexed half of it. You would be in Mexico if they got their "Territorial Integrity" Respected under international law.

Canada and the US share more common cultural affinities than the US and Mexico do. We speak the same language, we have an undefended border, the longest such border in earth.

Mexico was invaded because greedy men wanted it... Plenty of Americans at the time were against that war. Henry David Thoreau went to Jail for protesting it.

Has the US apologized for taking and KEEPING half of Mexico including it's most valuable and resource rich areas?

When Will we Return the stolen lands to the Mexicans?

Why is Ukraine's "territorial integrity" more important than Mexico's was?

What gave President Polk the right to invade and annex half of Mexico?

Do You feel bad knowing that your home was stolen by War from Mexico?

If Mexico wants reparations are you willing to pay, knowing that you personally are living on stolen land?

Or is there a statute of limitations on War crimes and Conquest?

It's easy to Preach when you give yourself a Pass.

Nobody else is giving anyone a pass.


That's why Truman Nuked Japan.

I believe the US will use Nukes again. And Be the only ones who do.

We're Exceptional, we get a Pass... Our Sins are Excusable.. We Mean Well...

#33 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-16 06:18 PM

"Say what you want about Putin. He's at least rational."


#34 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-09-16 10:22 PM

Uzbekistan is Russia's Mexico. The Canada comparison is apt.

#35 | Posted by FasterDisaster at 2024-09-16 11:41 PM

AFatPoofter is a boring Russian whore, nothing more.

#36 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-17 03:24 AM

I know, Guy... I know..

You Tell it like it is Fella.... Sing it Out..

Sing it Loud,.. Sing it Strong.....

Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to Hear...

Just Sing... Sing a Song......


#37 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 03:46 AM

California was part of Mexico, the US invaded Mexico in 1846 and annexed half of it. You would be in Mexico if they got their "Territorial Integrity" Respected under international law.

The entire United States were stolen from native Americans that lived here before 1620.

#38 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-17 07:46 AM

Only because most of them were already dead from disease, or the whites would have been thrown back into the ocean immediately.

#39 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-17 09:01 AM

Then the white people wandered through these already built gardens, complete with a tiny trickle of people still around explaining how to use them, thinking it's a gift from god.

#40 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-17 09:02 AM

but if you go to Ukraine, they weren't all that picky. I have listened to some primary source interviews that didn't have any combat experience and minimal training, and they were put to use as ammo mules and stretcher bearers early in the conflict. If you don't plan to stay for the duration of the war and say it openly, they don't have much use for you, won't listen to you or give you anything, but they'll use your labor while you are there.

#41 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-17 09:04 AM

We're Exceptional, we get a Pass... Our Sins are Excusable.. We Mean Well...


There is something very wrong with you.

We are striving for a more perfect Union.

That doesn't mean we have one or have ever had one.

And it's a "might makes" right universe. We didn't invent it. We have only tried to make a stable democratic country full of diverse people within it. And we are humans. We will make mistakes along the way. The trick is learning from them and not repeating them.

Yes we were the first to use nukes (to try and end a world war that we did not start). And we have sworn to never be the first to use them again. And we never threaten to use them. And if you can't see the difference between us and Russia who declare as policy that they WILL use them then as I said to start.

There is something very wrong with you.

#42 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-17 10:41 AM

If that is true? Why does the US have a Nuclear First Use policy and Russia and China don't?

They will only use them if attacked. We reserve the right to use them First if "Necessary".

What the Hell does that mean?

That We will Nuke countries that Can't hit back in kind? In fact, it's likely that's how it will go when it happens.

It's Safer to Nuke non nuclear countries. They can't Hit back. Just like Japan.

On the ropes at the point of Surrender, and 250,000 Civilians vaporized to test Truman's New Toys and intimidate Russia.

Exceptional, Far Seeing, A light unto Nations.

Russia never Nuked anyone and they lost Twenty times as many as we did to the Nazis.

The US military wanted to use Nukes in both Korea and Vietnam.

It's a good thing cooler heads prevailed. They wouldn't have if the nuclear monopoly was intact. We would have Terrorized the world.

A world with the US as the only nuclear power would have been worse for humanity than the Cold War.

The Rosenburgs were Heroes in the sense that they helped break that monopoly.

No one country should have that kind of destructive power with no Check on it's use.

The Arms race was an improvement on that!

#43 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 12:12 PM

"Why does the US have a Nuclear First Use policy and Russia and China don't?"

Americas nuclear policy has evolved over time. The US currently has a "sole authority" policy, which means the president can order a nuclear strike at any time for any reason without checks from other branches of government.

However the US military may reject an order to launch nuclear weapons if it is perceived to violate laws of war.

Russia and China agree not to use nuclear weapons first. Against each other.

Otherwise Russia can use its nukes if it feels even slightly threatened. Even against a nonnuclear attacks. Pooty has threatened to use them several times now. The last time America threatened to use them against anyone was during the Korean War against China if they refused to negotiate.

It's Safer to Nuke non nuclear countries. They can't Hit back. Just like Japan.

What a buffoonish thing to say. At that time in history NO ONE COULD STRIKE BACK.

#44 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-17 12:30 PM

That's Why Truman used them. We had a monopoly on Nuclear Arms.

Why they chose to target Cities full of Civilians is not clear to me...

Why not hit military targets?

Because the Japanese were effectively defeated already?

Because killing hundreds of thousands of civilians was more likely to evoke Blind Terror?

Truman is truly an Evil figure. Nothing else he ever did compensates for the TERROR BOMBING of Two Cities without any real military objective except to create Terror and test new Toys.

The military leadership of the time was against the use of Atomic weapons on Japan.

They said was Extreme and Unnecessary.

Truman wanted to Scare the Bejesus out of the Russians.

Japan was already finished except for Mopping Up.

America has the Mark of Cain on it. More than any other country.

But we just Double Down on the Militarism. It's all We Know..

#45 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 12:46 PM

"Because the Japanese were effectively defeated already?"

"Japan was already finished except for Mopping Up."

What a load of revisionist bad guy garbage.

So much garbage. So little time!

Japan attacked us. We had the right to completely eliminate them. We chose not to. We just wanted them to surrender unconditionally without losing a million Americans convincing them to do so. And when they did surrender we stopped bombing them. And then we helped them recover.

Can you even imagine what the world would be like if Japan or Germany or even Russia had invented nuclear weapons first?

Both sides in that conflict were not the same. And our current nuclear policy reflects how we have to respond to real world conditions and other nuclear powers today.

Time to grow up little Poser.

#46 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-17 01:24 PM

Propaganda is your Daily Bread. Read more History.

Most American military leaders in 1945 were against using "that Terrible Thing" against the Japanese. Truman was almost alone in wanting to use it.

The Japanese were willing to Surrender but wanted the Emperor left alone.

That was their Only condition. 250,000 people were Nuked because the US couldn't let Japan have one small condition on their Humiliation. They Couldn't let them keep one shred of Dignity.

Then... after Killing a quarter million people... They left the Emperor alone anyway...

You can't make this ---- up.

It's literally Unbelievable.

If any other Country did this they would be considered like the Nazis, or worse.

America is Exceptional... We don't Do Evil...

By Definition... We Can't.

#47 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 01:42 PM

"Then... after Killing a quarter million people... They left the Emperor alone anyway..."

Debunking Propaganda is my Daily Bread.

Read more History? Try it yourself. You cherry pick history. Not read it.

Many more than a quarter million Americans would have died trying to take the Japanese islands conventionally.

And the emperor was not "left alone". But we did not prosecute or execute him either for killing tens of thousands of Americans or torturing them in pow camps.

Following World War II, the Emperor of Japan, Hirohito, was effectively stripped of all political power, becoming a ceremonial figurehead with no real authority under the new constitution imposed by the Allied forces, essentially leaving him with no power after the war; his role was reduced to a symbolic head of state.

And then we spent roughly $2.2 billion on Japan's reconstruction. ($18 billion in today's dollars). Because we are such a horrible people?

Like I said. There is something wrong with you.

#48 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-17 02:00 PM

That was their Only condition. 250,000 people were Nuked because the US couldn't let Japan have one small condition on their Humiliation.

#47 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 01:42 PM | Reply | Flag:

Oh no the poor butchers of Asia didn't get any conditions! How turrible.

#49 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-17 02:37 PM

If 250,000 AMERICANS got Nuked doing nothing but existing in their own homes.

You wouldn't be saying that.

How many Americans it would have cost to subdue Japan conventionally is not a legitimate reason to nuke Civilians.

War Crimes are not Excused because they potentially save the lives of combatants. It doesn't work that way.

Bombing Cities is always wrong, Especially when There are No military Targets being hit and civilians are being specifically targeted.

If Israel bombs a hospital or School because people are hiding there and they think it will shorten the war and save Israeli lives that doesn't make it NOT a war crime.

Now multiply that by 100,000.

Add in the fact that the whole point of using Nukes was to Terrorize the Japanese. Not attain any clear military objective.

Another example of how Wars Crimes are okey dokey if Americans commit Them but Monstrous Evil.if any other country tries it, except Israel.

As the world's only "Jewish State" they get a Pass too.

But only them... Everyone else Must Be Held Accountable.

#50 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 03:21 PM

uh huh.

New low, going to bat for the Rapists of Nanking lol.

#51 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-17 03:47 PM

The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't "Rape" Nanking any more than American citizens in Chicago bombed Hiroshima.

The people targeted were not combatants. That's a WAR CRIME.

If Japan Nuked Chicago to shorten the war would they be justified?

Even if it saved numerous Japanese lives? Even if it ended the war?

You just believe American actions are exempt from being Judged like anyone else's. That American crimes are never really Crimes but only necessary things that must be excused because of our inner purity of intentions. And the need to save Americans from harm.

Get the ---- outta here with that Noise..

It's BS and always was.

#52 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 04:03 PM

The people targeted were not combatants

#52 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 04:03 PM | Reply

As the resident fascist Russian cheerleader, you are the last person to go down this road.

#53 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-17 04:15 PM

#48 Only 18 billion dollars? That small potatoes. Ukraine gets more than twice that in one Tranche of aid for their War effort. And there have been several such expenditures.

What did we get for all that Jack? A lot of dead people on both sides, and Donbass and Crimea are still Russia.

Zelinsky bought a few new Manses, sniffed a lot of Coke.

Ukrainian Oligarchs got filthy Rich on the American Taxpayers.

Regular Ukrainians got to Die for their Nazi ideals.

#54 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-17 04:21 PM

What did we get for all that Jack? A lot of dead people on both sides, and Donbass and Crimea are still Russia.

#54 | Posted by Effeteposer

We got the world putting up a wall of unity against authoritarian aggression.

Those of us who aren't russian or chinese see that as a good thing.

#55 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-17 05:04 PM

Putin has created so many jobs in Texas, Arkansas, and California that it is staggering.

#56 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-18 02:48 PM

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