Sunday, October 06, 2024

Kamala Harris Saved Teamsters Pensions, Gets No Endorsement

In 2021, Democrats attached an expensive pension bailout to the American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion stimulus package they muscled through the Senate on a party-line vote ... The inclusion of an estimated $74 to $91 billion to shore up troubled multiemployer pension funds was a small legislative miracle for the Teamsters and other unions - and it never would have happened without Harris. She cast the deciding vote in a crucial step known as the motion to proceed, allowing the stimulus package to advance with zero Republican support.



Many O'Brien critics are angry that the union could look past the pension rescue, to say nothing of Trump's hostility to unions during his first term. The Teamsters' Central States pension fund was the biggest plan facing insolvency, with thousands of Teamsters facing benefit cuts so steep it would threaten their retirements.

"The Biden-Harris administration carried out their promise to solve the Teamsters' pension problems," Jim Hoffa, the union's former longtime president who preceded O'Brien, said in an interview. "That alone should be enough to cement a commitment from the IBT."

Local Teamsters councils covering a majority of the union's members across the U.S. have since come out for Harris, often citing the pension issue, among others.

O'Brien himself is a trustee of the New England Teamsters Pension Plan. That plan was on track to run out of funding by 2028, but now it will receive $5.7 billion in federal money due to Democrats' stimulus package, according to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the government-run entity that insures defined-benefit pensions. Without that funding, the plan's 72,000 recipients could have seen their benefit payments slashed by roughly 75%.

John Palmer, a member of the Teamsters' executive board, who plans to challenge O'Brien for the union's presidency in 2026, said he was one of three executive board members who voted to endorse Harris, while 14 voted to endorse no one. (Trump received no votes, he said.) O'Brien made the case that backing Harris would defy members' wishes, Palmer said, and he believes O'Brien's position influenced the thinking of other board members.

Palmer argued the non-endorsement would prove to be "very costly."

"We're not here to reflect members' polling," he said. "We're here to make sure facts are put forward to members so they can make an educated choice."

Biting the hand that feeds you and feeding the hand that slaps you in the face. Way to go Teamsters. I'm sure reinstalled President Trump and the anti-union GOP won't seek to pullback funding for your pensions. No way, right?

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-06 11:51 AM

Is it possible that labor union endorsements aren't what they once were?

"O'Brien himself is a trustee of the New England Teamsters Pension Plan. That plan was on track to run out of funding by 2028, but now it will receive $5.7 billion in federal money"

Nice job, O"Brien.

Nice to know my tax dollars going to bail out pensions that shouldn't have been underfunded in the first place.

#2 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-06 01:06 PM

"Biting the hand that feeds you and feeding the hand that slaps you in the face."

interesting metaphor, Tony. Not getting their endorsement might lead Harris to believe she's viewed as biting the hand rather than being the hand.

And the vote wasn't even close. Only 3 out of 17 voted to endorse Harris and the other 14 voted to endorse nobody.

Why was that? Why the unwillingness to support Harris? Why choose to endorse nobody?

#3 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-06 01:11 PM

How did she do that?? She was just the Vice President in 2021. She had no real power to move the needle.

#4 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-10-06 01:12 PM

Laura, you understand the VP can break a tie in the senate, right?

That's one area where the VP can "move the needle".

#5 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-06 01:18 PM

Teamsters=ungrateful assh***s! No surprise there. I'll bet more of them are anti-LGBTQ than almost any other voting group.

#6 | Posted by danni at 2024-10-06 04:47 PM

Not getting their endorsement might lead Harris to believe she's viewed as biting the hand rather than being the hand.

Not catching your juxtaposition Ebs. How is Harris biting the union's hand? She backed them with her deciding vote and made sure that they got their pension support. She isn't lashing out against the union because they didn't endorse her, she's remained quiet as I'm sure she will with the IAFF non-endorsement as well.

If it were up to the GOP, the Teamsters' pension wouldn't have received a dime of support from the government since ZERO voted to support the IRA. To me, Harris provided her hand and got it bitten, while the GOP slapped the union with theirs and is now touting the non-endorsement as a win for them - a net positive along with the release of internal polling showing significant support from the rank and file for Trump, another sleight towards Harris.

Only 3 out of 17 voted to endorse Harris and the other 14 voted to endorse nobody.

Why was that? Why the unwillingness to support Harris? Why choose to endorse nobody?

The 'why' is that the E-board doesn't want to enrage the vocal rank and file who support Trump even though he doesn't support them and wants to weaken unions in general and undermine overtime pay and regulations - many union members' lifeblood. That explains the 14 absentions. These are elected positions, and usually those elected don't want to sign their own future pink slips by crossing their voting members. The new international head spoke at the RNC and was told to pound sand by the DNC, nominally for having been seen as kissing Trump's ring so publicly.

As noted the non-endorsement is seen as a tacit endorsement of Trump by all sides, which is another reason so many of the largest and most influential locals singularly gave unqualified endorsements of Harris in response to the international's refusal to.

#7 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-06 06:47 PM

-How is Harris biting the union's hand?

I don't know but I suspect Union leadership can answer that which would explain why they don't like here

#8 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-06 07:53 PM

The child-raping scab jokes about firing striking workers.

#9 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-10-06 08:00 PM

"the vocal rank and file who support Trump even though he doesn't support them and wants to weaken unions in general and undermine overtime pay and regulations"

How come they don't see it that way?

#10 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-06 08:14 PM

How come they don't see it that way?

Why does anyone support Trump after watching his act for the last 9 years? Teamsters are no different. Many of them hate the same people Trump hates and blames the same people for their problems that Trump does and they believe he'll actually try to make their lives better instead of just his own and increase his wealth accumulation.

If anyone knew how to change these people's minds it would have been done by now.

#11 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-06 08:22 PM

"Teamsters are no different."

Then why do people pretend to give a ---- about this endorsement?

Man, democracy really sucks sometimes.

#12 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-06 08:25 PM

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