
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Democrats in the California State Legislature are proposing to pass the so-called "Opportunity for All Act" (CA Assembly Bill 2586) that will direct the University of California system - which is the largest agency of the state government - to begin hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded state jobs. Assembly Bill 2586 provides state government jobs at taxpayers' expense for illegal immigrants. Specifically, it mandates that illegal immigrants with no U.S. work authorization should be given access to apply for and take jobs provided through taxpayer-funded universities run by the state government. California Democrats have fast-tracked passage of AB 2586. It passed the Assembly by a 59-4 vote and now heads to the State Senate. Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California and a candidate for State Assembly, criticized the bill for incentivizing illegal immigration.


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"By passing a law to mandate that illegal immigrants be hired for taxpayer-funded jobs in state government, California Democrats are not only making our border crisis worse, they are openly violating federal employment laws that prohibit the hiring of illegal immigrants!" said DeMaio.


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It just gives them the opportunity to apply, doesn't mean they get a job, stupid
In addition, I suspect someone who is here illegally isn't filing forms stating their illegality

Just more comfort food for the party of perpetual victimhood

#1 | Posted by ChiefTutMoses at 2024-06-04 07:15 PM | Reply

CA Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants Jobs in State Government
Just want to make sure that Trump's wives have career options, is all.

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-04 07:53 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

I often wonder why republicans have to lie and/or obfuscate.

CA Assembly Bill 2586

(Sacramento) Today, Assembly Bill 2586, the Opportunity for All Act was approved by the Assembly Higher Education Committee. This groundbreaking bill, sponsored by Assemblymember David Alvarez (D-San Diego), will provide equal access to employment opportunities for all students, regardless of their immigration status, at the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and California Community Colleges (CCC) campuses.

"America has always promised that if you work hard, you will have the opportunity to succeed," said Assemblymember David Alvarez. "These students have fulfilled their obligation and are ready to be our future teachers, scientists, doctors, and public servants. This bill will provide them with the opportunity to work. Creating these pathways to secure employment is essential."

So, no this isn't gang member sneaking in and stealing State IRS jobs.

This is students, getting jobs in the cafeteria to help with tuition.

Republicans suck.

#3 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-06-04 08:12 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

"By passing a law to mandate that illegal immigrants be hired for taxpayer-funded jobs in state government, California Democrats are not only making our border crisis worse, they are openly violating federal employment laws that prohibit the hiring of illegal immigrants!" said DeMaio.

This is a LIE.

It provides OPPORTUNITIES to undocumented immigrants ENROLLED at the school to get jobs.

Think DACA Dreamers, who have not been given that status.

#4 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-06-04 08:18 PM | Reply


DACA is unconstitutional

#5 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-06-05 12:27 AM | Reply

DACA is unconstitutional



#6 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-06-05 12:29 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

The bloated manatee is frothing at the mouth.

#7 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-05 02:56 AM | Reply

59-4 sounds pretty bi-partisan.

#8 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-05 11:05 AM | Reply

DACA is unconstitutional


Got any case law on that?

Come on Lawyer Jeff, show us the proof. Why hasn't it been ruled Unconstitutional before?

#9 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-05 11:08 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

" DACA is unconstitutional


Got any case law on that?

Come on Lawyer Jeff, show us the proof. Why hasn't it been ruled Unconstitutional before?

#9 | POSTED BY SYCOPHANT AT 2024-06-05 11:08 AM | FLAG: "

It confers positive benefits to illegal aliens that are prohibited by statute.

#10 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-06-06 01:22 PM | Reply

At the special "immigrant rate".

#11 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-06-06 01:26 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Got any case law on that?
Come on Lawyer Jeff, show us the proof. Why hasn't it been ruled Unconstitutional before?

Had to search, but apparently it was...

On September 13, 2023, Judge Andrew Hanen of the Federal District Court in Houston, Texas, ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program is unconstitutional

#12 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-06 01:29 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

This is students, getting jobs in the cafeteria to help with tuition.
- truth

My complaint as a tax payer, and a daughter going to go to college.

Universities in CA are all impacted.

Citizens first priority.
Legal immigrants second.
Illegal immigrants last.

Is this unreasonable?

#13 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-06 01:34 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

Headline of the thread is a lie and desperate attempt at trolling.

But what else would be expected from the poster.

#14 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-06 01:41 PM | Reply

On September 13, 2023, Judge Andrew Hanen of the Federal District Court in Houston, Texas, ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program is unconstitutional


Yeah that anti immigration bigot ruled it unconstitutional. Que surprise.

#15 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-06-06 01:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

My complaint as a tax payer, and a daughter going to go to college.

You can always move to one of the other 49 states.

Bon voyage.

#16 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-06 01:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

On September 13, 2023, Judge Andrew Hanen of the Federal District Court in Houston, Texas, ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program is unconstitutional


AB 2586: Public postsecondary education: student employment.

This bill would prohibit a the University of California, California State University, or California Community Colleges from disqualifying a student from being hired for an employment position due to their failure to provide proof of federal work authorization, except where that proof is required by federal law or where that proof is required as a condition of a grant that funds the particular employment position for which the student has applied.

This bill would provide that, for its purposes, the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges is are required to treat a specified prohibition in federal law on hiring undocumented noncitizens as inapplicable because that provision does apply to any branch of state government.The bill would further provide that, to the extent student employment is considered a benefit for purposes of federal law, the bill constitutes authorization to provide that benefit for purposes of specified federal law.

You say you wanna play tit4tat?

We see the Texas and Florida treatment of immigrants as political footballs as they traffic them all across America for political purposes and we raise you by offering them jobs.

For humanitarian purposes.

Your bet Riggers!

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-06 02:17 PM | Reply

Citizens first priority.
Legal immigrants second.
Illegal immigrants last.

Is this unreasonable?


You are always "unreasonable".

So eager to promote misinformation and dissent.

If you could read it's right in the title of the bill. It's only for students.

AB 2586: Public postsecondary education: student employment.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-06 02:25 PM | Reply

" DACA is unconstitutional
Got any case law on that?
Come on Lawyer Jeff, show us the proof. Why hasn't it been ruled Unconstitutional before?
#9 | POSTED BY SYCOPHANT AT 2024-06-05 11:08 AM | FLAG: "
It confers positive benefits to illegal aliens that are prohibited by statute.

I asked for Case Law.

Where is it, Lawyer Jeff?

Also, if it is prohibited by other statutes, that's NOT UNCONSTIUTIONAL.

#19 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-06 02:36 PM | Reply

If you could read it's right in the title of the bill. It's only for students.
- Donner

It's obvious from the conversation I am talking about Students, the question is their immigration status.

Is it unreasonable to have this as a priority system?

1. Citizens
2. Documented immigrants.
3. Undocumented immigrants.

#20 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-06 10:20 PM | Reply

#19 I have given you case law.

#21 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-06 10:21 PM | Reply

California University system should have no documented immigrants and no undocumented immigrants.

And my daughter and I are documented immigrants, yet I feel there should be some priority for citizens otherwise what's the point.

It's systems are impacted, ie waiting lists everywhere.

The only school that isn't is the CalMaritime university.

#22 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-06 10:26 PM | Reply

Got any case law on that?
Come on Lawyer Jeff, show us the proof. Why hasn't it been ruled Unconstitutional before?
Had to search, but apparently it was...
On September 13, 2023, Judge Andrew Hanen of the Federal District Court in Houston, Texas, ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program is unconstitutional

That's not case law. That's a district court decision. Case law is appellate decisions.

Now let's see what happens at the Supreme Court because DACA has been around a long time.

#23 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-06 10:44 PM | Reply

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