
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, August 15, 2024

FTA: "Fresh data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed July's annual inflation rate hit 2.9 percent, dipping below 3 percent for the first time since March 2021, when price increases took off on the heels of the pandemic. A core measure that strips out volatile categories such as food and energy also saw the smallest 12-month increase since April 2021."



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This follows the news on the Producer Price Index on the 13th which showed a monthly increase of 0.1% for July, with an annual rise of 2.2%.
Wages also continued to rise at a rate faster than inflation.

#1 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:09 AM | Reply

More excellent news on the economy following other excellent news on the economy.

#2 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:18 AM | Reply


Wait let me repeat that...


Sleepy Joe steering the economy to a soft landing.

"If Kamabla wins, you will see the economy implode like never before."

Shut the fug up donnie, you're out of your element.

#3 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-14 09:28 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Anyone who bankrupts a casino should just STFU about economics.

#4 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-14 01:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Anyone who bankrupts a casino should just STFU about economics.

I expect to hear something very close to this come out of Kamala's mouth should Trump ever actually show up for a debate.

Don the Con actually thinks he can outtalk a lifelong prosecutor, smh.

People like Trump are the reason why LEO must give suspects a Miranda Warning because the very folks who think that they're smarter than interrogators and prosecutors - innocent or not - generally talk themselves into self-confessions and jury-issued guilty verdicts.

Hard not to see Trump falling into this trap due to his immense ego and lack of self control especially when confronted by an intelligent woman that sees right thru him.

#5 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-15 08:54 AM | Reply

On X you're seeing two reactions to this.

A. These numbers aren't real! They're fake! Trump had better numbers anyway!

B. If inflation is down why are the prices of things still high and not falling?

Righties are the dumbest among us.

#6 | Posted by jpw at 2024-08-15 09:22 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2


Xitter, not "x".

#7 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-08-15 10:55 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Schitter, no Xitter.

#8 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-15 03:38 PM | Reply

Are gas and groceries included in this number?

I read today that they aren't but haven't had an opportunity to verify.

#9 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-08-15 05:29 PM | Reply

#9 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-08-15 05:29 PM | Reply

From the ABC News link:

"Prices for some household staples are rising slower than overall inflation. Food prices increased 2.2% in July compared to a year ago, while energy prices inched upward 1.1%, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data showed."

So... you may want to start considering that other source of news may not be telling you the truth.

#10 | Posted by bartimus at 2024-08-15 06:03 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort