
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, August 15, 2024

A judge barred an indicted, election-denying lawyer from being involved in one of Dominion Voting Systems' 2020 election defamation cases after she publicly leaked the company's internal emails.



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"Federal Judge Moxila Upadhyaya said Tuesday in a searing 62-page ruling that she was removing Lambert from the case because of her "truly egregious misconduct," concluding that she "flagrantly and repeatedly disregarded court orders" by publicly disclosing "thousands, if not millions" of internal Dominion documents without any legal justification.

"Lambert's actions were intentional and clearly meant to inflict the harm that has resulted," Upadhyaya wrote, adding that "this Court cannot allow such intentional, dangerous, and relentless misconduct to continue."

Byrne and Lambert are part of a coterie of Trump supporters who tried to overturn the 2020 results and are still peddling debunked claims that Dominion software manipulated the outcome.

Separate from the Dominion litigation, Lambert is facing criminal charges in Michigan over her alleged role in a conspiracy to seize voting machines in 2020 in hopes of proving her voter fraud theories. (She pleaded not guilty.)"

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 12:58 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Why was she not found in contempt, jailed, fined, and a complaint sent to the state bar? Just removing her seams like weak sauce for flagrantly disobeying court orders.

#2 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-15 04:13 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Looks like we've got a new Russian bot election denying troll.

Everything in those posts is utter nonsense, but here's a tidbit:

"The Allied Security Operations Group Antrim Michigan Forensics Report draws conclusions from thin
evidence and descriptions of software Antrim County does not own, for versions of the software that
are not compatible with the version of the voting system Antrim County owns and would require
hardware Antrim County does not have."

#7 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-08-15 10:41 AM | Reply


You forgot Roswell.

#9 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-15 10:58 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1


Antrim County hand tally affirms certified election results

An audit conducted Thursday of the votes cast in the November presidential election in Antrim County, the heart of a conspiracy theory about Dominion Voting Systems, affirmed the outcome with a net gain of 12 votes for Republican President Donald Trump, out of 15,962 votes cast, officials said.

The hand tally of every vote cast for president in Antrim County in the November general election could put the conspiracies to rest after state and local election officials have spent more than a month explaining that the incorrect unofficial results reported by the county on election night stemmed from human error.

Guy, who is a Republican, said that after learning some candidates in local races were omitted from the ballot, she needed to update the ballot information stored on media drives attached to the tabulating machines. But she mistakenly made the changes only in some precincts, instead of all of them, leading to mismatched data when the unofficial countywide tallies were being compiled, and an inaccurate report of the unofficial results, Guy and Benson have said. The tabulators accurately read voters' ballots, they said.

A report concerning Antrim's tabulators, written by a former Texas Republican congressional candidate and manager at the Dallas-based Allied Security Operations Group, attempted to show otherwise.

Ryan Macias, the former head of voting system testing and certification at the Election Assistance Commission, said, "The majority of the findings are false and misleading due to the fact that the entities reviewing the system lack knowledge and expertise in election technology." The EAC certified the voting system used in Antrim County in September 2018. EAC certification, which is voluntary, establishes certain error thresholds for the computer code that runs the systems.

Macias said Ramsland mistook the tabulator's settings to detect ordinary problems with ballots, such as a voter incorrectly marking the ballot or voting for more than the allowed number of candidates, with errors with the tabulator.

"Calling these an error would be synonymous with stating that you reviewed a car's logs and for each instance the gas light turned on we will call it an error," Macias said.

#10 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-15 11:26 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Dominion used to be called Diebold. They changed their name Democrats won the 2020 election under weird circumstances and suddenly questioning electronic voting became a criminal offense.

#11 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-15 02:05 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Dotard filed 62 election related lawsuits and presented ZERO evidence of fraud. Those lawsuits, including the ones in front of judges appointed by Orange Adolph were quickly disposed of BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING TO THEM!

Recounts were done in close races, sometimes multiple recounts and audits,
THEY ALL PROVED THE ELECTION WAS FAIR AND ACCURATE. Even the MAGAt audit in Arizona, the one that examined for Chinese paper and other baseless conspiracies found MORE VOTES FOR BIDEN!

But none of that was good enough for Dotard his posse of morons and Reichwing media, as they continued to denigrate an American company that was proven to have accurately counted the votes. They damaged their name and brand. As such, Dominion is owed damages from Faux, Dotard, and his posse and enablers. The orange diaper sharter had 62 chances to provide ANY EVIDENCE OF FRAUD and they had NOTHING.

#12 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-15 06:48 PM | Reply

The Trump machine lives in a fantasy world of endless conspiratorial falsehoods. I can't wait to see them lose again.

#13 | Posted by cbob at 2024-08-15 08:21 PM | Reply

Looks like we've got a new Russian bot election denying troll.

Everything in those posts is utter nonsense, but here's a tidbit:
"The Allied Security Operations Group Antrim Michigan Forensics Report draws conclusions from thin
evidence and descriptions of software Antrim County does not own, for versions of the software that
are not compatible with the version of the voting system Antrim County owns and would require
hardware Antrim County does not have."


I was just going to ask who the new sock puppet was.
I don't think he is "new". Maybe FakeLawyer moved to St. Petersburg Russia?

#14 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-08-16 05:49 AM | Reply

Looks like we've got a new Russian bot election denying troll.

Everything in those posts is utter nonsense, but here's a tidbit:
"The Allied Security Operations Group Antrim Michigan Forensics Report draws conclusions from thin
evidence and descriptions of software Antrim County does not own, for versions of the software that
are not compatible with the version of the voting system Antrim County owns and would require
hardware Antrim County does not have."


I was just going to ask who the new sock puppet was.
I don't think he is "new". Maybe FakeLawyer moved to St. Petersburg Russia?

#15 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-08-16 05:50 AM | Reply

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